#Mayans speak about #2012 and their struggle for autonomy

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December 21, 2012 in Chiapas

A lot of people tried to capitalize on the end of the world meme, brought on by misinterpretations about the finality of the Mayan calendar. Well according to my calendar it’s December 22nd and I’m still alive. But on the 21st, the supposed day of the apocalypse, thousands of Mayans affiliated with the Zapatista army, descended in silence into San Cristobal in Chiapas to say “We are still here!” As many people new age hucksters and opportunists hijacked the voice of the Mayas, it’s high time we amplify their outrage. The film “2012 The Mayan Word” is powerful a 65 minutes of video of Mayans speaking in their own words about their culture and struggle for autonomy. Spanish with English subtitles.

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This entry was posted on Saturday, December 22, 2012 at 9:42 am and is poested under movies, OTHER SHIT category.


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