Shit Talking Shirts at @Calle13Oficial Concert

(Colombian ex-president) Uribe is a Paramilitary

Last Saturday I went to see one of my favorite rap groups play live. The group is Calle 13 a foul mouthed, clever, political, dirty and world famous crew of Boricuas (meaning, people who come from the island of Boriken, indigenous word for the place now known as Puerto Rico.) Anywho, Calle 13‘s MC, René Pérez is a guy with no internal editor, and is known to run his mouth and speak his mind when shit pisses him off. I like that. He also uses t-shirts to express himself with messages about free education or calling Colombian ex-president a paramilitary for example. So a few years back Calle 13 won a shitload of Latin Grammies, actually more of those little statues than any other Hispanic musical group ever. René, wearing a t-shirt that read “Viva Puerto Rico Libre” used the acceptance speech to call the governor of Puerto Rico a son of a bitch for firing 25,000 public employees during a sweep of austerity measures. The mayor of San Juan, who belongs to the same party as the governor, retaliated by making it impossible for Calle 13 to perform in their home town. Calle 13 shot back calling the mayor a cokehead and challenged him to get a drug test in the track “Digo lo que pienso” (I say what I think). So long story short, fast forward to this year. Calle 13 announces they would perform in an undisclosed location to be announced closer to the date of the show. Elections go down and both the governor and mayor are voted out. Calle 13 holds a sold out “homecoming” gig and the people use it as a celebration, but also as platform to express their themselves. Below are some photos of the many t-shirts peeps were wearing at the show.

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This entry was posted on Monday, December 17, 2012 at 8:22 am and is poested under OTHER SHIT category.


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