In the 1990’s the Nuxalk Nation engaged in a campaign of direct action, to stop logging on their traditional lands, also known as the Great Bear Rainforest. Nuxalk Hereditary Chief Qwatsinas, was at the forefront of this struggle. To find out more about how the battle for the Great Bear...


Tweet Wars

For the past several years, Twitter-Bots have been reeking havoc on free speech in Mexico. The Stimulator talked to Revolution News‘ Erin Gallagher about the social media wars raging in the Mexican Twitter-sphere For the past several years, Twitter-Bots have been reeking havoc on free speech in Mexico. The Stimulator...


Remembering the Normalistas

Today marks one year since the disappearance of 43 students in Mexico. To honor their memory, we bring you an interview with Hilda Legideño, mother of one of the missing Normalista students. Also our dispatch about the post kidnapping revolt with Agencia Subversiones journalist Andalucia Knoll Today marks one year...


Fall 2015 Taco-Sourcing Campaign

CLICK HERE TO SUPPORT OUR TACO SOURCING CAMPAIGN! We live in crazy, fucked up times. Amidst the riots, repression, austerity and ecological collapse, independent media plays a crucial role in helping us to make sense of the chaos, and in crafting accessible analysis that can translate into informed action. This...


Erase the borders

This week we look at the dire fuckin situation of people escaping war and abusive governments for the relative safety of the global north. On the break Rebel Diaz and Dead Prez remake the classic “Which Side Are You On?”  Our featured interview is with Erin Gallagher a journalist with...


Native Women Shut Down Pipeline “Consultation”

Download * MP4 (92mb) * OGV (11mb) * Torrent * Translate Using TOR? Try our page Montreal — First Nations women and supporters sent a clear message to TransCanada this Wednesday evening that the Energy East pipeline is not welcome through First Nations lands. “What we want TransCanada to...


Indigenous land defenders block LNG terminal construction has obtained exclusive footage of indigenous land defenders, blocking energy company Petronas from building a liquified natural gas terminal on Lelu Island. Members of the 9 tribes of the coast Tsimshians say that Lelu Island and the banks surrounding it, are an essential habitat for migrating juvenile fish and...



Twenty years ago, brave indigenous land defenders in so called British Columbia, squared off with the Royal Colonial Mounted Police, in the Secwepemc territory of Ts’Peten, colonially known as Gustafsen Lake. Comic book artist and indigenous historian Gord Hill, recounts these events in five minutes. Download * HD (186mb) *...


What’s going on in Ecuador?

A video circulated heavily last month, that showed Achuar indigenous men beating the crap out of the Ecuadorian army and police. What most people missed was the nation-wide uprising that was happening around that time. So to talk more bout that insurrection we bring you an exclusive interview with Carlos...


How to Stop Climate Change

**UPDATE** Comrade from the Hambach Forest occupation arrested and in need of support This week we re-think our critique of the People’s Climate March, then we go to Germany where trouble makers have been regularly shutting down Europe’s largest source of CO2. Then on to Greece, to look at a...


The Revolution has come!

This week we bring you a special sedition on the anniversary of one of the most bad-ass and sophisticated revolutionary organizations in the United Snakes… The Black Panther Party. If you love our reports, consider making a donation We kick things off by setting the stage in AmeriKKKa during a...


Requiem for Syria

  In this latest report, we take an in-depth look at the Syrian Revolution, in an attempt to sift through all the fear-mongering and disinformation that prevents people from giving Syrians the revolutionary solidarity they deserve.  Along the way, we take a closer look at what can sometimes be anarchists’...


Burn Down the Plantation

In this sedition we bring you an exclusive interview with prison inmate Melvin Ray, secretly filmed inside Holman Prison in Alabama. Melvin is a member of the Free Alabama Movement, a national organization against mass Incarceration and prison slavery. They have teamed up with the IWW’s Incarcerated Workers Organizing Committee,...


Come Home to Roost

In this week’s sedition, we take a look at the so-called “War on Cops” in the United Snakes, simmering anti-cop sentiment in the UK and the fallout stemming from Turkey’s recent failed coup. If you love what we do, consider supporting us! On the musical break we’ve got Rocky Rivera...


A Brief History of the Modern Police

In light of fresh police murders of black men in the United Snakes, we bring you this interview with Kristian Williams, author of “Our Enemies in Blue.” This was originally published in 2009. Save In light of fresh police murders of black men in the United Snakes, we bring you...

Plague of Nationalism

The Plague of Nationalism

  This week we unpack the historic #Brexit vote in the UK, which has sparked a political crisis and generalized a populist anti-immigrant sentiment. If you love what we do, consider supporting us! For the musical break, we’ve got Caxton Press, with Broken Dreams. We then shift our attention to...

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