- published: 05 Dec 2011
- views: 14123
The German name of Austria, Österreich, derives from the Old High German word Ostarrîchi "eastern realm", recorded in the so-called Ostarrîchi Document of 996, applied to the Margraviate of Austria, a march, or borderland, of the Duchy of Bavaria created in 976. The name is directly comparable in motivation to Austrasia, the term for the "eastern lands" of Francia recorded from about the same time.
The Old High German name parallels the Middle Latin name Marchia Orientalis ("eastern borderland"), alternatively called Marchia austriaca. The shorter Latinized name Austria is first recorded in the 12th century. It has occasionally led to confusion, because, while it renders the Germanic word for "east" it is reminiscent of the native Latin term for "south", auster.
In the 12th century, the Margraviate was elevated to the status of duchy, in 1453 to archduchy and from 1804 claiming imperial status, all the time retaining both the name Österreich and the Latin name Austria.
Black metal is an extreme subgenre and subculture of heavy metal music. Common traits include fast tempos, shrieking (sometimes growling or both) vocal style,heavily distorted guitars played with tremolo picking, raw (lo-fi) recording, unconventional song structures, and an emphasis on atmosphere, though many other characteristics and techniques may be employed. Artists often appear in corpse paint and adopt pseudonyms.
During the 1980s, several thrash and death metal bands formed a prototype for black metal. This so-called first wave included bands such as Venom, Bathory, Mercyful Fate, Hellhammer and Celtic Frost. A second wave arose in the early 1990s, spearheaded by Norwegian bands such as Mayhem, Darkthrone, Burzum, Gorgoroth, Immortal and Emperor. The early Norwegian black metal scene developed the style of their forebears into a distinct genre. Norwegian-inspired black metal scenes emerged throughout Europe and North America, although some other scenes developed their own styles independently. Some prominent Swedish bands spawned during this second wave. Bands such as Marduk, Nifelheim and Dark Funeral are notable examples.
The Privilegium Minus is the denotation of a deed issued by Emperor Frederick Barbarossa on 17 September 1156. It included the elevation of the Bavarian frontier march of Austria (Ostarrîchi) to a duchy, which was given as an inheritable fief to the House of Babenberg.
The name is opposed to the 14th century Privilegium Maius, which was a forgery drawn up at the behest of the Habsburg duke Rudolf IV of Austria. The recipient of the Privilegium Minus was Frederick's paternal uncle, the Babenberg margrave Henry II Jasomirgott.
In addition to the elevation of his margraviate, the emperor determined that inheritance should also be possible through the female line of the ducal family. In the absence of children, the duke was allowed to designate a successor (libertas affectandi). However, this extraordinary privilege was bound to the persons of Henry Jasomirgott and his wife Theodora Komnene (dux Austrie patruus noster et uxor eius) for life, as both had no children and Henry's brothers Otto of Freising and Conrad of Passau had chosen ecclesiastical careers. The emperor reserved for himself the act of enfeoffment but would respect Henry's choice.
Flammensturm - Ostarrichi
Die Babenberger 1 - Land der Väter
Babenberger und Privilegium Minus - Von der Markgrafschaft zum Herzogtum Österreich
Saab J35Ö Draken Austrian Special (ostarrichi 996)
Geschichte Österreichs 1
Flammensturm - Ostarrichi [Black Metal]
Ostarrichi Draken in Zeltweg 2000
LCW Ostarrichi
Lyrics: Früh am Morgen, in des Morgentaus Glanz, Spiegelt sich des windes zarter Tanz. Spielend streift er wiesen und wälder , Seen, flüsse, täler und Felder. Alles was der Wind auf seiner Reise sieht, alles, an dem er vorüber zieht, All dies sind Bilder meines Landes All dies ist ein Teil des Widerstandes. Und hoch im Winde, im Sturme sie steht, am gipfel die schönste Fahne weht. Farben des Volkes, Rot-Weiß und Rot diesen folgen wir bis in den Tod. so oft wurdest du gezwungen zum Krieg, Mit festen Glauben, gekämpft bis zum Sieg. Oft hat der Tod dich durchritten, und tapfre Mannen an der Grenze gestritten. und umringt von der Berge Wacht, Warst Schauplatz von mancher Schlacht. wurdest oft betrogen von falscher Ehr, Am ende standen deine Kinder immer zur Wehr. ...
Die Babenberger waren ein österreichisches Markgrafen- und Herzogsgeschlecht fränkisch-bayerischer Herkunft. Der Name bezieht sich auf Bamberg im heutigen Oberfranken. Sie herrschten von 976 bis zu ihrem Aussterben 1246 -- vor dem Aufstieg des Hauses Habsburg -- als Markgrafen und Herzöge in Österreich.
Österreich im Mittelalter #1: Die Babenberger und das Privilegium Minus - Von der Markgrafschaft Ostarrichi zum Herzogtum Österreich Themen: - Die Entstehungsgeschichte der Markgrafschaft Ostarrichi bzw. der "Mark an der Donau" [00:38] - Das Privilegium Minus 1156: Erhebung zum Herzogtum, Vererbbarkeit des Landes und Titels, alleinige Gerichtsbarkeit, Einschränkung der Heeresfolge [04:12] - Höhepunkt und Ende der Babenberger: Heinrich II., Leopold V. und Friedrich II. [07:44]
A video for the ostarrichi 996 Draken from Austria music copywrite: Rainhard Fendrich I am from Austria and Hasegawas model kit
Geschichte Österreichs 1 - Von der Ostarrichi-Urkunde zur Kaiserkrone Teil 1 schildert die österreichische Geschichte von der Römerzeit, über die Zeit der Babenberger im Mittelalter bis hin zu den ersten Habsburgern.
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Ostarrichi Ostarrichi, auch Ostarrîchi, zeitgenössisch anfangs auch Marcha orientalis, später Marcha Austriae oder Osterland, als Mark Österreich oder Markgrafschaft Österreich, ab dem 19.Jahrhundert vereinzelt auch als Ostmark bezeichnet, war nominell Teil des Herzogtums Bayern von 976 bis zur Unabhängigkeit 1156 als Herzogtum Österreich. ------------Bild-Copyright-Informationen-------- Urheber Info: Otto III. Lizenz: Public domain ✪Video ist an blinde Nutzer gerichtet ✪Text verfügbar unter der Lizens CC-BY-SA ✪Bild Quelle im Video
Aimless drives through countless summer nights.
There’s nothing left to do. I’ll never get bored with you.
It’s so cold out tonight, but I don’t mind.
There must be somewhere we can go tonight.
Don’t you remember
those nights just driving through the suburbs,
singing songs we loved?
More now than ever,
I’m feeling like it’s been too long
and so I wrote a song hoping that you would sing along.
Late at night, don’t wanna let the sun rise.
There’s something wrong, this place is dead.
I’m tired of living inside my head. We never could slow down.
Won’t you forget about how much you hate this town tonight?
Don’t you remember? Or has it been too long?
Won’t you remember, just for tonight?
Sadly I know, some things are worse than being alone,
but this empty seat beside me never fails to remind me.
And I know some things are worse than being alone,
but I just wanted to know… won’t you come back home?
Sadly I know, some things are worse than being alone,
but this empty seat beside me never fails to remind me.
And I know some things are worse than being alone,