Five Key Moments From The Most Bizarre Political Press Conference This Year

Yes, it involves Harry Potter and a tiger.

02/11/2016 5:37 PM AEDT | Updated 03/11/2016 9:36 AM AEDT
Fairfax Media
He's having us on, right?

One Nation Senator Rod Culleton addressed the media this afternoon in the most bizarre press conference of the year, all to defend himself over claims he was invalidly elected.

(If you're thinking we've forgotten about Disastyari's presser, we haven't.)

The election controversy has grown after Family First Senator Bob Day's departure after his election was brought into question by the Federal Government.

Culleton's Senate position has also come under the scrutiny of the Government, with uncertainty around the validity of his election. It all surrounds a previous incident which Culleton said involved a "good, old punch up" after he stole a key.

At the time, Culleton received a conviction in absentia, but it has since been annulled.

Anyway, the One Nation Senator's press conference has become the most bizarre piece of the entire puzzle and we guess we learned a bit more about the One Nation Senator himself, who previously has had little time under the spotlight.

Here's what he had to say about the incident and his Senate position being brought into question.

1. On Being A Politician

"When you're in politics, it's hard to take advice because you've got to be confident in that advice. I want a stamped document to say in a sense what I'm doing is not prejudicing myself or the Australian people."

2. On Which Area Of Law He Understands Best

"What we must look at is how out of control this little key really has gone. It cost huge amounts of money for me to get legal representation and I would have done it in a criminal area, but I'm not a criminal lawyer. Well I'm not a lawyer at all. I have a better understanding of civil."

3. On Harry Potter, And Why He'll Still Represent Himself In Court.

"What, I have to come up with another $100,000 to have everyone sit up there like Harry Potter. I'm not doing that. I'll go in there myself."


4. On Being A Politician, And Fixing Things

"Do I need all this? Perhaps not, but I'm here to fix it. And if I can fix it in the time that I'm there, then that's what I'll do."

5. On How The World Of Politics Is Really Just A Big Old Tiger

"There's a good old saying, when I came into this: 'you grab the tiger by the tail, you better hang on.' And I'm hanging on and this thing's scratching and I'm still hanging on."

And lastly, Culleton said his press conference was not held so he could be "cross-examined by the media."

It was just to get his story straight, with a few metaphors and similes.

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