
524 years of resistance

On October 12, 1492, Christopher Columbus landed on one of the Taino islands, now known as the Bahamas, effectively kick-starting a brutal wave of colonization and genocide of “the New World” that continues to this day. But indigenous peoples didn’t take it sitting down, and resistance to this invasion started...


Trap News: The Farce Awakens

History has shown us that voting on elections accomplishes next to nothing, and that real lasting revolutionary change is won through hard work, by real people self organizing, and not by elected politicians. Yet every four years, the spectacle of the Democrats VS Republicans entices millions and makes them forget...


subMedia smoothie

Download MP4 (HD 1.9gb) * OGV (235 mb) Torrent * Translate A smooth blend of juicy videos from’s riotous first decade of anarchist video making. Podcast: Download (1.9GB)Subscribe: iTunes | Android | RSSDownload MP4 (HD 1.9gb) * OGV (235 mb) Torrent * Translate A smooth blend of juicy videos...


Rebel Media in an age of crisis

TO DONATE VISIT SUBMEDIA.TV/donate We live in tumultuous times. Our world is wracked by a convergence of destabilizing and devastating wars, soaring levels of inequality, and mass waves of human displacement. Battered by increasingly erratic weather patterns, we are haunted by the terrifying spectre of ecological collapse. Ours is an...


A Decade of Subversion Free DVD Download

A Decade of Subversion is a loving collection of foul-mouthed anarchy from, creators of It’s the End of the World As We Know It and I Feel Fine, END:CIV, and Join the Resistance: Fall in Love! Buy or download your copy now and own a full decade of flaming...

syndicate subMedia

You can get subMedia’s content to other folks by re-posting our videos, or rebroadcasting on Public Access TV, Community or Pirate Radio. Embed codes for all subMedia videos on this site are accessed by clicking on to the top left of the player. Then simply copy and paste the code...


Most of the videos I play can be downloaded via an RSS feed called Molotov! I recommend Miro since it pretty much rocks. You can download Miro for Mac (here) for PeeCee (here) and for Linux  (here). If you don’t see your preferred RSS reader just copy the URL below...

Loose Change

Money rules the world, well for now, but we are working hard to change this. Until then, we need it to get our work done. Yeah I know, ironic. If you like what we do and have an extra couple of bucks, send it our way. If you have more...


Warrior Communique from #NODAPL

Late last night, lit by the fire of burning barricades, a warrior in the frontlines of #NoDAPL issued a call out for local actions in solidarity with their fight to...


#NODAPL, the time to act is now!

An urgent callout for support has been issued on several fronts of the fight to stop the Dakota Access Pipelines. If you have the means to go there, the time...


No Borders Part 2

The folks from Sur Negro release their much awaited second episode of “No Borders, Social Struggles across the world” with a look at the New York City Anarchist Bookfair and...


Defending the Water

A short documentary on the initiatives of the Unist’ot’en, Madii Lii and Lelu Island camps and their resistance to prevent the development of LNG and fracking infrastructure in their lands...


Le French Riots 2016

Our friends from “When Protesters Strike Back” bring us this kick ass riot porn mash-up, straight from the red hot streets of France, where, after weeks of relentless protests, the...


Olympic Resistance

On the eve of the Rio Olympics, we remember the historic grassroots indigenous led organization against the Winter Olympics is so called “Vancouver” In 2010 joined a coalition of...


Mount Polley Resistance Continues

Our Secwepemc friends are calling on accomplices to gather in their territory and stop the re-opening of the Mount Polley mine. Deets here -> Our Secwepemc friends are calling...


General Strike: defying France’s state of emergency.

via Ross Domoney As the worlds media attention is focused on football violence in France: yesterday (14/06/16) Paris witnessed some of it’s worst political violence in decades as protesters defied...


New Anarchist video project – No Borders

Engaging new international collaborative anarchist video series “No Borders” kicks off with an episode about social struggle in New York City. “The first season of this web series was realized...


Athens riots in response to police attack

Via Perseus999 On Sunday 8 May 2016, while the government of SYRIZA & ANEL inside the greek parliament were attacking what little has been left in the dignity of the...

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