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Adam Turner
Australian freelance technology journalist
Australian freelance technology journalist

Adam's posts

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Alex Kidman and Adam Turner are talking iPhone 7 Plus, Google Allo smart assistant and macOS Sierra with News Corp's national tech editor Jennifer Dudley-Nicholson on this week's Vertical Hold - brought to you by Alcatel mobile.

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Dec 4, 2014
Have you won the NBN lottery? Are smart lightbulbs a bright idea?

All this and more in the latest episode of Vertical Hold as Australian technology journalists Alex Kidman and Adam Turner channel-surf through the headlines in search of the big picture.

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Nov 6, 2014
Wearables v Smartwatches and the arrival of PlayStation TV: Vertical Hold - Episode 23, 2014

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Oct 23, 2014
Will HBO kill Foxtel? Should you install Yosemite? Check out Vertical Hold Episode 22, 2014 

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Oct 11, 2014
Lazy weekend? Alex Kidman and I are talking Apple Bendgate and the merits of Windows 10 on the latest Vertical Hold 

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Aug 20, 2014

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Jul 17, 2014
Are iPhone trade-ins a good deal? How about iTunes Extras? Check out Vertical Hold - Episode 15, 2014

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Jul 3, 2014
Should we pay to watch ABC iView? I argue yes,@alexkidman says no on Vertical Hold

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Jun 19, 2014
Will a three-strikes rule stop Aussie piracy? Vertical Hold - Episode 13, 2014

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May 22, 2014
The #NBN is Dead:@alexkidman and I go through its pockets for loose change on Vertical Hold
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