Andrea Germanos, staff writer
U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) has weighed in on the most expensive statewide ballot measure voters will face November 8—Massachusetts' Question 2, which would lift the existing cap and allow for as many as...
Nika Knight, staff writer
Water protectors gather at the Sacred Stones Camp near Cannon Ball, North Dakota.
Water protectors battling the controversial Dakota Access Pipeline have been...
Nadia Prupis, staff writer
The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) this week issued a statement of interest...


If you're feeling bereft, take note: Bernie Sanders is still out there fighting the good fight, Tuesday blasting the avarice of Big Pharma so compellingly that he sent their stock prices plunging to a seven-month low. In a Tweetstorm accusing Eli Lilly of price-gouging diabetes patients with insulin prices up 700% over 20 years - and in his support of a California bill to set price ceilings - a still-pissed, plain-speaking, tireless Bernie insisted, "It's time to end their greed.”
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