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What Is Anarchism?: An Introduction, 2nd Ed.— Out Now!


Anarchists believe that the point of society is to widen the choices of individuals. Anarchism is opposed to states, armies, slavery, the wages system, the landlord system, prisons, capitalism, bureaucracy, meritocracy, theocracy, revolutionary governments, patriarchy, matriarchy, monarchy, oligarchy, and every other kind of coercive institution. In other words, anarchism opposes government in all its forms.

Enlarged and updated for a modern audience, What Is Anarchism? has the making of a standard reference book. As an introduction to the development of anarchist thought, it will be useful not only to propagandists and proselytizers of anarchism but also to teachers and students of political theory, philosophy, sociology, history, and to all who want to uncover the basic core of anarchism.

Buy What Is Anarchism?: An Introduction, 2nd Ed.

Revolutionary Mothering Reviewed in Novel Niche

Revolutionary Mothering is a dreambook. Place it on your bedstand and when you awaken, scribble your not-quite-daylight visions in the margins so your dreams will be in good company. With its protean take on mothering, expect to pick up a new book each time you open it. And while we’re dreaming, I would have loved more voices from mothers who embody the truth that “mother” is “older and more futuristic than the word ‘woman,’” as Gumbs wrote.” —Almah LaVon,  Novel Niche

Read more: Novel Niche
Review: Black Girl Dangerous

Buy Revolutionary Mothering: Love on the Front Lines


"The whole point, from the beginning, was to build caring, just and inclusive community, reaching out to those in need.”

"The whole point, from the beginning, was to build caring, just and inclusive community, reaching out to those in need and building bridges between diverse communities. they organized punk rock concerts and educational events — some of them in such then-unconventional venues as churches and parks — which were all-ages and liquor-free, and all proceeds went to progressive groups who provided help and worked with seniors, the homeless, and other marginalized folks, regardless of their race, class, religion, sexual orientation, culture, nationality, and even language.

Proceeds also went towards fighting such varied issues as homelessness, hunger, racism, corporate globalization, sexism, homophobia, war, gentrification, and animal/earth liberation."—NightFlight


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Buy Positive Force: More Than a Witness: 30 Years of Punk Politics in Action

"Strike! is a most valuable and revolutionary-minded study of working class self-activity and self-organization..."


"...As I was completing this review, a colleague pointed out that the 1972 first edition of Strike! ended with a completely different chapter titled “From Mass Strike to New Society”. This version of “Chapter 9” ended with expositions of the 1917 Russian Revolution, the Italian Factory Occupations of 1920, and the Spanish Civil War of 1936-37. (This missing content from the 1997 and 2014 editions is something that other reviews I have read have failed to mention.) While Jeremy Brecher’s coverage of these revolutionary events wasn’t the most comprehensive, it is definitely still worth reading.

In conclusion, Brecher’s Strike! is a most valuable and revolutionary-minded study of working class self-activity and self-organization whose republication should be celebrated.  The book’s republication is especially timely during a period when young people and workers are questioning capitalism at a level not seen for over a generation..."—Dale Heckerman, The International Marxist-Humanist

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Buy Strike!: Revised and Expanded


A Wolf at the Gate
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A Wolf at the Gate
Author: Mark Van Steenwyk • Illustrator: Joel Hedstrom
This retelling of the legend of Saint Francis and the Wolf explores what it means to be a peacemaker in the midst of violence and how to restore our relationship with creation.

Anarchy and the Sex Question: Essays on Women and Emancipation, 1896–1926
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Anarchy and the Sex Question: Essays on Women and Emancipation, 1896–1926
Emma Goldman • Editor: Shawn P. Wilbur
“The Sex Question” emerged for Goldman in multiple contexts as varied as women’s suffrage, “free love,” birth control, the “New Woman,” homosexuality, marriage, love, and literature.

Anthropocene or Capitalocene? Nature, History, and the Crisis of Capitalism
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Anthropocene or Capitalocene? Nature, History, and the Crisis of Capitalism
Editor: Jason W. Moore
Anthropocene or Capitalocene? offers a series of provocative essays on nature and power, humanity, and capitalism.

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John King
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Ideas for Action: Relevant Theory for Radical Change, 2nd Ed.
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Elliott Liu
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Miracles Ain’t What They Used to Be
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Joe R. Lansdale
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Other Avenues Are Possible: Legacy of the People’s Food System of the San Francisco Bay Area
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Other Avenues Are Possible: Legacy of the People’s Food System of the San Francisco Bay Area
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Signal 05: A Journal of International Political Graphics & Culture
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Signal 05: A Journal of International Political Graphics & Culture
Editors: Josh MacPhee and Alec Dunn
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The Bonnot Gang: The Story of the French Illegalists, 2nd ed.
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The Bonnot Gang: The Story of the French Illegalists, 2nd ed.
Richard Parry
The Bonnot Gang were the most notorious French anarchists ever, and as bank expropriators the inventors of the motorized “getaway.” It is the story of how the anarchist taste for illegality developed into illegalism.

The Traffic Power Structure
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The Traffic Power Structure
The Traffic Power Structure argues for a different kind of traffic in a different kind of world.

Unfree Labour?: Struggles of Migrant and Immigrant Workers in Canada
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Unfree Labour?: Struggles of Migrant and Immigrant Workers in Canada
Editors: Aziz Choudry and Adrian A. Smith
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We the People: Stories from the Community Rights Movement in the United States
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We the People: Stories from the Community Rights Movement in the United States
Thomas Linzey and Anneke Campbell We the People offers portraits of communities across the U.S. that have faced threats from environmentally destructive corporate projects and responded by banning those projects at a local level.

What Is Anarchism?: An Introduction, 2nd Ed.
SKU: 9781629631462
What Is Anarchism?: An Introduction, 2nd Ed.
Donald Rooum
This book is an introduction to the development of anarchist thought, useful not only to propagandists and proselytizers of anarchism but also to teachers and students, and to all who want to uncover the basic core of anarchism.

What Is Anarchism?: An Introduction, 2nd Ed. (e-Book)
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What Is Anarchism?: An Introduction, 2nd Ed. (e-Book)
Donald Rooum
This book is an introduction to the development of anarchist thought, useful not only to propagandists and proselytizers of anarchism but also to teachers and students, and to all who want to uncover the basic core of anarchism.

White Trash
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White Trash
John King
Set against a background of pirate radio stations, pink Cadillacs, and freeway dreams, White Trash insists there is no such thing as white trash.

Wildcat Anarchist Comics
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Wildcat Anarchist Comics
Donald Rooum
Wildcat Anarchist Comics collects the long-running “Wildcat” cartoon series that has been published in Freedom newspaper since 1980.

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"Venceremos": Víctor Jara and the New Chilean Song Movement
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Featuring interviews from key figures and lyrical analysis, "Venceremos" gives insight into how the New Chilean Song Movement’s revolutionary anthems came to be.

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A Full Life: James Connolly the Irish Rebel
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Organizing Cools the Planet: Tools and Reflections to Navigate the Climate Crisis
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Organizing Cools the Planet: Tools and Reflections to Navigate the Climate Crisis
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Other Avenues Are Possible: Legacy of the People’s Food System of the San Francisco Bay Area
