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Latest Blog Entries

  • My dream
    Sparked by a telephone conversation
    Time to vote for our next president! Time to choose just the right person to lead our world's most militarily advanced superpower. That's why presidential elections should be nonviolent and fulfilling on a deep personal level! O whom, shall I choo...
  • The Most Important Publication of 2016
    Nope - it's not Karl Ove Knausgaard's Some Rain Must Fall or Annie Proulx's epic novel Barkskins or even Zero K by the master, Don DeLillo. It's not Postcapitalism by Paul Mason or Thomas Mallon's biography of George W. Bush, altho...
  • Entebbe Revisited
    A new German book reexamines the infamous 1976 hijacking of an Air France plane to Entebbe, Uganda, and the alleged selection between Jewish and non-Jewish hostages.
  • David Bowie: Hunky Dory, Indeed
    From ages thirteen to eighteen, I exchanged my every spare dollar for petroleum products: gas for the car, to get us to Tower Records and, of course, long-playing records. In the summer of 1987, I was eighteen years old and, with the August issue ...
  • Don’t Mourn, Organize…and Vote
      Presidential elections are important. They are really important. If George Bush hadn’t been president, the US would not have bombed Iraq, ISIS would not exist. And yet around presidential election time, people get wrapped up in t...
  • Making beautiful things where everyone gains and no one profits
    My friend Annette Aylward is trying to make a living as a crafts person. She makes beautiful handmade linen towels. She believes in craft. She loves to make these things. To make a living making handmade things woven out of linen she needs to char...
    Darien, CT – Only days before he was to enter Yale Law School, Trey Von Der Brown, 22, was mowed down behind the wheel of his powder-blue 2016 Mini Cooper convertible in a hail of police bullets. 
  • Making Rights Work
    Making Rights Work: A Review of "The Human Rights Enterprise" A few years ago, when California was going through a major budget crisis and money for education was being cut back dramatically, many students protesting the cuts claimed t...
  • RIP Elie Wiesel 1928-2016
    “We must always take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented.” (Night) According to the Nobel Prize committee, who awarded him the Peace Prize in 1986, Elie Wiese...
  • Historiography and Armed Struggle
    In a speech delivered in Amsterdam, in June, former RAF member Ron Augustin discusses the historiography of the RAF.  In Ron's remarks one can discern the template for the historiography of First World left-wing guerilla groups in general. &n...;
  • Babylon on the Hudson
     I come from a family of New Yorkers. Three of my grandparents emigrated to the city from Poland and what is now Belarus and lived there most of their lives, the fourth was born there, and both of my parents were born and raised in Brookly...
  • Letters to Hillary...
    Dear Hillary Rodham Clinton,       I am voting for you to be our first woman president because Sisterhood is Powerful, and who doesn't love power? For a woman to be accepted as "one of the boys," she has to be t...
  • Gwangju 518 and the Future of Global Democracy
    This is the acceptance speech George gave for the 2016 Kim Dae Jung Scholar's Prize for Contributions to Peace, Democracy and Human Rights on the Korean Peninsula  
  • An End of Power?
    We are entering a period where the social structures and mechanisms that have channeled and controlled power for the past few hundred years are shifting radically. In The End of Power, Venezuelan politician and former director of the World Bank...

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