Posts Tagged ‘Mexico’

Fernando Bárcenas, Mexican Anarchist Prisoner, Calls for Solidarity with US Prison Strike (Mexico)

Wednesday, August 31st, 2016

Via Actforfree:

Open letter to compañerxs.

Note: The use of the word prison in this text refers to all artificial environments that domesticate us so as to insert us by force into the capitalist system of production; this is a contribution to deepen the reflection of all living beings in the hands of economic powers and the technological project…

Compas, I greet you with insurrectionary love, that these words of war may reach you; greeting as well the coming days of insurrection, as ideas bloom in the fields like flowers we should not stop tending. We do not know if there will be a victory, but what we do know is that they will not occupy our dreams and our lives…

The only truly free moment is when we fight for freedom, because we prefer to die rather than accept this way of life, and without realizing it we are already free, because nothing occupies our minds except the sole desire to set fire to reality…

But what hides behind this destructive war, behind the somber darkness of the human spirit? Is it not perhaps the reflection and poetic manifestation of beings taking back their lives and actively influencing the organization of the daily life? (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Algunas reflexiones rupturistas a partir del asesinato del compa Salvador Olmos (Mexico)

Sunday, August 14th, 2016

Escribimos esto después de leer el Comunicado del Bloque libertario de Huajuapan”, ante el asesinato a manos de la policía del compañero Salvador Olmos “Chava” ya que pensamos que ante la intensificación de la guerra y el avance de la represión en entornos anarquistas/libertarios se hace necesario clarificar nuestras posturas en aras a identificar las múltiples formas del enemigo, ya que muchas veces se ve reducida la crítica al papel “de las injusticias del gobierno” o simplemente a “pensar que el mal esta encarnado en una persona o político” y no que en realidad es todo el sistema en su conjunto gobernantes y gobernados quienes participan activamente en la manutención del orden social capitalista.

¡Que quede bien claro! las siguientes palabras no son para nada dirigidas a manchar la memoria del compañero Chava o empezar polémicas de dimes y diretes, ni andarnos peleando entre nosotros, esto es ante todo una reflexión de compañeros para compañeros y esperemos que sea tomada como lo que es. (more…)

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Posted in Social Control

23/30 de Agosto; Semana Internacional de Solidaridad con presxs Anarquistas

Sunday, August 14th, 2016

23/30 de Agosto; Semana Internacional de Solidaridad con presxs Anarquistas

La semana internacional de solidaridad es un llamado a solidarizar con lxs presxs anarquistas secuestrados por los estados en tantos lugares del mundo y que no se doblegan ante el cautiverio impuesto.

Que se iluminen las tranquilas noches y que la solidaridad con nuestrxs hermanxs se haga praxis atacando, saboteando, destruyendo o incendiando todo aquello que nos controla, que nos adoctrina, que nos amansa y que nos hace súbditxs o que pretende que seamos merxs espectadores de un presente de miseria.

Porque ante el encierro de lxs rebeldes no cabe la resignación sino el deseo inquebrantable de ver este mundo arder.

Fuego a las cárceles y a lxs carcelerxs.
Muerte al estado y viva la anarquía.

CNA Mexico

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Tijuana: Saludos Insurrectos de Individuales Anarquistas Insurrectxs Coordinadxs / FAI-FRI (Mexico)

Tuesday, August 9th, 2016

Tijuana, México

Durante los últimos meses hemos realizado algunas acciones

Alguna madrugada del mes de abril, realizamos pintas en el parque
industrial del Florido

Saboteamos cuatro cajeros automáticos del banco

Estas acciones no forman parte de un plan de lucha o son resolutivos de
algún congreso, estas acciones nacen de nuestros deseos y placeres de
atacar a los símbolos del capital

En alguna madrugada del mes de junio se colocaron lienzos en algunas
partes de la ciudad, el primer lienzo fue con motivos de un pequeño
gesto de solidaridad con lxs compas afines que propagan la guerra social
en Oaxaca, el segundo lienzo con motivos de propaganda de ideas:
“nuestra venganza sera una insurrección anarquista” y se hicieron pintas
contra la autoridad.

En alguna madrugada del mes de julio se colocaron dos lienzos, el
primero con motivos de tejer complicidad y solidaridad con lxs compas
afines y en lucha contra el fascismo y a autoridad policíaca en estados
unidos, en a que en los últimos meses lxs policías han estado asesinando
a personas de descendencia africana o cualquier otar que no sea la
personificación del individuo nacionalista estadounidense. El segundo
lienzo se colgó con motivo de un mensaje de insumisión contra la
autoridad policíaca que decía , ”balas, bombas, puñales y fuego contra a
. (more…)

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Posted in Direct Action

Communique for the sabotage of 13 Telmex Booths in Ciudad Nezahualcoyotl (Mexico)

Sunday, June 19th, 2016





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Posted in Direct Action

Incendiary attack against a Banamex bank in Oaxaca by Informal Anarchic Individualities (Mexico)

Monday, May 30th, 2016

On the morning of May 23rd in complicity with the full moon we decided to attack, in a city taken by police and military, we joined the night which makes us invisible and provides anonymity and secrecy. We torched a Banamex branch by placing tires in front of it and watering them with gasoline. So we illuminated the darkness and struck a blow, it’s a fleeting moment, but it’s a moment we enjoy and that for a few seconds makes us feel a little freer, releasing the fire that slowly eats away at the awful branch and it’s ATMs. We decided to videotape it so that everyone can see that some actions are easy to carry out, to encourage all comrades to take action wherever they are.

It is undeniable, we are everywhere. We see banks and those responsible for them as direct generators of poverty and social inequality. Banks are the temples where the “God” of money comes and goes, where misery is managed, where that “God” is placed above any form of life. (more…)

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Posted in Direct Action

Tijuana: Inauguracion del CSO Mauricio Morales (Mexico)

Thursday, May 26th, 2016

Se llevo acabo este 21 y 22 de mayo la inauguración del cso Mauricio
Morales en la ciudad de Tijuana, a donde asistieron compañerxs afines
así habiendo un encuentro de ideas-acciones. En la okupa se llevo acabo
la presentación de la misma, accionando nuestra memoria combativa a
nuestro compañero caído en consecuente a sus ideas El Punky Mauri y
seguimos demostrando que la ofensiva no te olvida.

Así como una exposición fotográfica A la mierda sus naciones Okupemos el
mundo, en el que se mostró el proceso de construcción del espacio
liberado, así mismo se proyecto el documental Caso Montaje Bombas en el
que concluido se dio lectura a los textos de lxs compañerxs de
Conspiración Células del Fuego FAI FRI, en el que proponen la campaña A
la mierda sus naciones Okupemos el mundo, así mismo damos como respuesta
accionaria la okupación que hemos hecho, dando lugar al encuentro de
afinidades, así mismo se debatió el reciente texto de lxs comapañerxs
del Estado chileno, Chile: Espacios para la propagación del conflicto. (more…)

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Posted in Autonomy

14/5 – Solidaridad Anticarcelaria (Mexico)

Wednesday, May 11th, 2016

Solidaridad Anticarcelaria

Sábado 14 de Mayo 2016
11:00 Hrs.

*Charla sobre situación de presxs en estado Griego
*Enlace telefónico con compañeros presos en Korydallos Grecia
*Charla Anticarcelaria
*Charla con familiares de Fernando Barcenas
*Presentación de publicación anticarcelaria “El Anticarcelero”
*Corto informativo sobre compañerxs represaliados en Bélgica

*Comida vegana
*Repostería vegana
*Material anarquista
*Música en vivo
*Rifa solidaria

En Biblioteca Social Reconstruir
Calle Godard #20, Colonia Guadalupe Victoria, Metro “La Raza”

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Explosive attack against CORTV Oaxaca by ‘Informal Anarchic Individualities’ (Mexico)

Tuesday, April 26th, 2016

Received and translated by Insurrectionnews on 25.04.16:

In the early hours of April 23 we placed a homemade explosive device on the premises of CORTV Oaxaca, a media / manipulation channel working in the service of the state.

Given the wave of repression against anti-authoritarians that is especially focused on the anarchist movement, we undertook this action as a call to spread the attack against those who we consider our enemies.

We recognize the different faces of those who condemn us to a life of misery and oppression, and their collaborators.

This time it was the media of mass communication, who are noted as instruments of power for social alienation and as an indispensable part of the repressive framework of different sustained operations in recent times against the anarchist movement fulfilling the role of criminalizing our compañeros and their struggle.

Our objective is to break the social peace, exacerbate the conflict and sharpen and expand the revolt.

We stand in solidarity with our imprisoned compas and the fallen of this war sending them fraternal greetings, wishing them to feel the fire and the action.

For Fernando Barcenas, Monica Caballero, Francisco Solar and all anarchist and anti-authoritarian prisoners.


Informal Anarchic Individualities


La madrugada del pasado 23 de Abril fue colocado un explosivo casero en las instalaciones del canal CORTV Oaxaca, medio de comunicación/manipulación al servicio del Estado.

Ante la ola de represión especialmente enfocada contra el movimiento antiautoritario y/o anarquista, emprendemos esta acción, que a su vez deseamos sea un llamamiento hacia la propagación del ataque contra quienes consideramos nuestrxs enemigxs.

Rconocemos los distintos rostros de quienes nos condenan a una vida de miseria y opresión, y de sus colaboradores.

Esta vez fueron los medios de comunicación de masas, a quienes señalamos como instrumentos del poder para la enagenación social y como parte indispensable del entramado represivo de las diferentes operaciones sufrida en los últimos tiempos por el movimiento anarquista cumpliendo el papel de criminalizar y señalar a nuestrxs compañerxs luchadorxs.

Nuestro obbetivo es romper la paz social, agudizar el conflicto y provocar y expandir la revuelta.

Nos solidarizamos con lxs compas presxs y caidxs de esta guerra enviandolxs un fraternal saludo, deseando sientan el fuego y la acción.

Por Fernando Bárcenas, Mónica Caballero, Francisco Solar y todxs lxs presxs anarquistas y antiautoritarixs.


Individualidades anárquicas informales.

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Posted in Direct Action

Bail set for anarchist comrade Yorch, but the farce continues (Mexico)

Thursday, March 10th, 2016

The Federal Public Ministry could not prove their claim that the comrade is drug dealer, so the judge had to change the charge of crimes against health in selling arrangement to simple possession of narcotics, crime considered not serious so a bail was set.

This morning the bail required for release of comrade Yorch was paid. Now it’s about time to leave the maximum security prison of Hermosillo. The process continuous, although now he will face it outside the prison.

Surely this shows clearly the gross farce that the State intends to create by arresting Yorch and although it seems that they failed to build it they continue in their efforts hand to hand with the mass media: today newspapers announced that the PGR will appeal this decision and maybe our comrade will not be released

We are not surprised. We know that the campaign against the anarchist movement will continue and we know that one of the goals of this campaign is to evict the Okupa Che squat.

In response we can only continue to extend the solidarity!

Anarchist Black Cross Mexico

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Posted in Social Control

Algunas palabras sobre posicionamientos y demas… de parte uno del blog ‘Por la Anarquia’ (Chile, Argentina, Mexico)

Thursday, March 3rd, 2016

En rigor de la verdad, en principio este texto iba a ser una respuesta al “debate amoral” planteado hace ya algún tiempo. Y ciertamente la idea nos desagradaba. Pues siempre hemos preferido vías de comunicación mas intimas, sabiendo por supuesto que no están exentas a la execrable mirada del enemigo, pero para nada nos seducía la idea de convertirnos en la nueva novela cibernética, y viendo que la cosa se iba desarrollando en ese sentido, preferimos guardar silencio, sin permitir que nadie nos imponga sus tiempos ni sus ritmos. Así, durante los últimos meses, fuimos compartiendo (tanto yo como otros compas) y debatiendo con compañeros, de blogs, de revistas, con alguno de los mismos grupúsculos eco extremistas o con alguno de sus medios de difusión, o con compañeros sin ningún proyecto publico que demostrar, tanto de esta como de otra región, tanto via mail como en persona.

Hoy, quisiera compartir algo que se acerca mas a un posicionamiento que como individuo tengo a la hora no solo de administrar este blog, si no en lo cotidiano. (more…)

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Posted in Cognitive Liberty

Update about comrade Yorsh, kidnapped and framed as a drug-dealer (Mexico)

Thursday, March 3rd, 2016

From ABC Mexico:

On the night of Wednesday, February 24, Jorge Emilio Muñoz Esquivel, George or “Yorsh” was arrested outside the university campus in Mexico City. Then he was accused of drug dealing by the Attorney General of the Republic (PGR). The official version was repeated ad nauseam by all government media (starting with La Jornada and ending the UNAM’s own dean’s office). When Jorge briefly left university campus that night to accompany some friends who were leaving, he was not carrying anything: no backpack, probably no sweater or jacket, because he planned to return quickly. The so-called “load” of drugs the PGR charged him with, either never existed or was planted on him on the way to their offices after being kidnapped.

Jorge is not a university student. He is neither an academic nor administrative employee of the UNAM. He has no “account number”, receives no scholarship or paycheck every payday.

He does not belong to any professors’ association nor is he an enrolled researcher with any level of the National System of Researchers (SNI). He does not got to any classroom, cubicle or institute. He doesn’t check a timecard, nor does he have a union. He does not pay any fees to the Office of University Heritage or to the Board of Trustees for the use of a vending stand. He is not the beneficiary of any university, local or federal government program, nor is he backed by any official NGOs. (more…)

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Posted in Social Control

Second communique of ITS – 2016 (Mexico)

Sunday, February 14th, 2016

Crescent Moon of February

“Individualists Tending Toward the Wild” (ITS) claims responsibility for the following:

January 28th, 2016
-A timer-activated explosive device against the “National Water Commission” (Conagua) located on Avenida Insurgentes Sur, Delegación Tlalpan, Mexico City.
This device led to police mobilization.

-Homemade explosive detonated at the “Secretariat of Agriculture, Livestock, Rural Development, Fishing, and Nutrition” (Sagarpa) on Avenida Presidente Juárez de Tlalnepantla de Baz, Mexico State.
The explosive was left in front of the Secretariat in the city center of Tlalnepantla, around 9 o’clock in the evening. The device exploded successfully leaving two people wounded. The blast and shrapnel damaged several nearby cars and generated substantial police and military

February 3rd, 2016
-We detonated an explosive package in front of the conglomerate of the apartments known as “Tec Siuts” where students of the Tec of Monterrey inhabit, located on the highway Lago de Guadalupe in Atizapán, Mexico State.
– A homemade explosive device was detonated at one of the entrances of the Tec of Monterrey in similar manner on the Lago de Guadalupe highway in the same municipality.
With these two acts we remind those associated with that academic institution that we continue the War against all who promote and develop Scientific and Technological Progress, and who hide behind the walls of that abhorrent university (as well as others).

February 8th, 2016
-A fuze-activated package-bomb composed of dynamite was abandoned at the central offices of the Sagarpa in the Tabachines neighborhood in the municipality of Zapopan, Jalisco. The package was destined for the head of that federal institution.

-Another fuze-activated package bomb composed this time of a hard cardboard tube filled with gunpowder was abandoned at the “National Science and Technology Council” (Conacyt), destined for the head of that institution, in the Vallarta San Jorge neighborhood in Guadalajara, Jalisco.
Even though both explosives did not reach their respective targets (according to the press), and failed to wound or kill them, they caused great police and military mobilization in both municipalities. The press stated the following concerning this matter: “a police explosives
specialist commented that even if the devices did not contain a large amount of explosives, they could have caused fatal harm to those who were within a close radius of their explosion.”

Let it be known that ITS is also in Jalisco. This was only a test, and we continue to be committed to terrorizing, wounding, mutilating, and even killing those cynical people who, while hiding behind an institution that claims to be “concerned” about nature, are nevertheless directly responsible
for its devastation and domestication.
This isn’t over. The War continues!
Axkan Kema, Tehuatl, Nehuatl!!

Individualists Tending Toward the Wild:
-Feral-Criminal Band (Jalisco)
-Clandestine Group “Fury of the Lynx” (Mexico City)
-Ouroboros Silvestre (Mexico State)

Postscript for federal security forces:
Are you nervous because the groups that attack and commit terrorism against civilization are multiplying?
Are you nervous that the abhorrent and sickening visit of the Pope is just around the corner, because we are still out on the street, and you haven’t caught us yet?
You have lots of reasons to be nervous.


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Posted in Direct Action

First Communique of the Individualists Tending Toward the Wild – 2016 (Mexico)

Friday, January 29th, 2016

From Tierra Maldita:

We love tranquility, we let the mouse play; when the forests whisper, we are unafraid”


Individualists Tending Toward the Wild (ITS, before “Individualities”), is
the continuation of the eco-terrorist Project begun in the year 2011. After
the death of “Wild Reaction” in 2015, we have decided to continue this


To refresh the memories of those who may have forgotten:

We continue this declared war against the Technological System, and against
those who aim to improve and sustain it. We attack those who physically and
emotionally insist on destroying and altering the wild and untamed places
that are left.

Our acts aim to terrorize, wound, mutilate, and kill these intended
targets. We use threats, explosives, and firearms to accomplish our
immediate objectives.

Those who work toward the destruction of Wild Nature deserve punishment, so
that their acts will not continue with impunity. ITS is not a peaceful
organization that petitions governments to “punish those responsible”,
collecting signatures, and playing the absurd legal-juridical game. We
aren’t an NGO. We don’t need intermediaries to clarify things. For those
who threaten Nature there are no courts; and even if there were, we will
still take the law into our own hands as our fierce ancestors did. As we
are not interested in being a “vanguard” or being in the front lines of
this war, we attack accepting the final consequences.

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Posted in Eco Struggle

Attack against the Alliance for Transgenics by Eco-Extremist Circle of Terrorism & Sabotage (Mexico)

Sunday, December 20th, 2015

Alianza Pro Transgenicos (Alliance for Transgenics) was the victim of two recent bombing attempts. One bomb exploded from a package delivered to one of the alliance’s offices, wounding the organization’s Vice President, engineer Mario Berlanga, and an associate. The other package bomb delivered a day later was not
opened and handed over to Mexican authorities, which are investigating.
No one was seriously injured.

Translated from Por la Anarquia:

Biotechnology, genetic engineering, bioinformatics, economic botany,
agronomy, among other sciences, develop improvements in the research,
production and implementation of technological innovations, supposedly
friendly for the environment; “minimizing the damage” caused to nature,
“reducing pollution” and proposing processes with “less environmental
The final purpose of these sciences, using all methods and
techniques at their disposal, is to artificialize natural biological

Genetically modifying organisms to improve crop quality, in terms of the
land, agriculture being an important part of soil devastation,
destroying wilderness for macro level cultivation, preventing the
slightest sign of regeneration of the natural environment, ensuring good
harvests for at least as long as the lands health lasts. (more…)

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Posted in Direct Action