Posts Tagged ‘Korydallos Prison’

A writing by CCF members for the US prison mobilization and anarchist prisoners in Italy (Greece)

Sunday, October 30th, 2016


“Worse than enslavement is getting used to it…”

Life in the modern civilized world comprises false representations, false patterns, and false formalities. Formalities that determine our upbringing within a family, our education, our professional career, our relationships, our emotions, our smiles or tears. Patterns that castrate the scope of our perception so that our thoughts are directed onto a moving walkway going only one direction. Representations that disguise the system’s functions and pathogenies so that we see life unfold only on stage, and never wonder what’s hidden backstage. So, the thousands of suicides of desperate debtors is just another statistic among the unpleasant consequences of the economic crisis, the impoverishment of the so-called third world is just an unfortunate fact, and its wounds will heal by charity organizations, the countless dead of modern crusades, the unfortunate victims of the absurdity of war, and the convict slaves in American prisons are simply antisocial elements that provide social services to Democracy.

Prison itself is exile from life; a non-place and non-time behind the screen of a decent society, to make the ugliness that bothers the eyes of reputable citizens unseeable. Prisons are a proof of the perverse intelligence of authoritarian minds. They’re built onto walls echoing the screaming and weeping of thousands of people who’ve learned to sleep with anguish and despair. Prison is the country of captivity, the country where one learns to kneel before the “Forbidden”, a landfill for the disposal of human waste, an industrial dump where the social machine’s hazardous waste ends up. For most people, however, for all those who never learned to doubt, to question, to look beyond the obvious, prison is a security wall necessary to protect their peaceful and quiet life. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

A statement in support of the US prison mobilization by CCF-FAI/FRI Urban Guerrilla Cell (Greece)

Sunday, October 30th, 2016

Soledad Brothers (from left to right): John Clutchette, George L. Jackson (September 23, 1941 — August 21, 1971) and Fleeta Drumgo

“Gentlemen, the Dragon Will Fly Out”
In Support of September 9th Mobilization in US Prisons

“Gentlemen, the dragon will fly out” is a saying attributed to prisoner George Jackson. On August 21st 1971, holding a pistol, he opened all the cells in an adjustment unit, taking jailers hostage. George Jackson was killed in his attempt to escape…

Since September 9th, prisoners in the United States have called for action against slavery.

A multitude of “invisible” slaves (there are about 2.5 million prisoners in the United States) are condemned to forced labor, or as jailers of their own selves (internal work in prisons, cleaning, repairs, technical operations), or as cheap meat in the service of corporate behemoths (Honda, McDonald’s, Wendy’s, Victoria’s Secret, Starbucks, and many others). Besides, the 13th amendment to the US constitution clearly states: “neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, EXCEPT as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted…” To put it simply, detainees are considered slaves as part of their punishment.

Prisons in America—and not just there–aren’t only bars, walls, surveillance cameras or lockdowns. They’re also an enormous lucrative business. Prisons are a dirty dealing for continuously supplied shackled labor force without name and without voice. They represent a modern slave trade, making billion-dollar profit, that not only supplies the companies-caretakers but also the industry of lawyers, judges, cops, corrections officers, private prisons. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Conspiracy of Cells of Fire – “For Alfredo and Anna – Until we meet” (Greece, Italy)

Tuesday, October 25th, 2016

In Italy, comrade Alfredo Cospito since October 3rd and comrade Anna Beniamino since October 10th, are on a hunger strike against the isolation imposed on them and on the anarchists imprisoned for the attacks of FAI (Operation “Scripta Manent”).

We know that the struggle against authority is unequal… Nevertheless we choose the war for freedom instead of the peace of fear.

Because we know that there are “free” people, who are more enslaved than prisoners, and living people that are more dead than most of our dead comrades who fell in the battle for freedom.

Because for every battle that we lose, a new one begins.

“Because if I don’t get burnt, if you don’t get burnt, how will the darkness turn to shining…”

For us solidarity is not simply a “touching” word, but a way of life, of becoming people with the dream as our measure.

We stand by our comrades Alfredo and Anna with all our hearts and minds, until our dreams meet…




CCF / FAI – Urban Guerrilla Cell

George Polydoros

Olga Economidou

Gerasimos Tsakalos

Christos Tsakalos

Korydallos prison

CCF Per Alfredo ed Anna fino al incontro

In Italia dal 3 ottobre il compagno Alfredo Cospito e dal 10 ottobre la compagna Anna Beniamino sono in sciopero di fame contro il regime d’isolamento imposto a loro ed agli anarchici incarcerati per attachi di FAI (operazione scripta manent).

Conosciamo che la battaglia contro il potere è ineguale….però scegliamo la guerra per la libertà che la pace di paura. Perché sappiamo che ci siano “liberi” più schiavi che i carcerati e vivi più morti che i nostri compagni caduti in battaglia per la libertà. Perché per ogni battaglia che perdiamo, una nuova comincia. “Perché se non mi brucio io, se non ti bruci tu, come il buio diventerà splendore…”

Per noi la solidarietà non è una parola “emozionante” ma una maniera di vivere ad essere umani dove la nostra misura sarà il sogno.

Stiamo a lato dei compagni Alfredo ed Anna con tutta la nostra cuore e nostro mente fino al incontro del sogno…


Polidoros Giorgio Iconomidu Olga Tsacalos Gerasimos Tsacalos Christos Dalle prigioni di Coridalos

Italy Anarchist comrades Alfredo Cospito and Anna Beniamino ended their hunger strike on 22nd October
On 22nd October, following the revocation of solitary confinement, Alfredo and Anna stopped their hunger strike, which they had begun on 3rd October and 10th October respectively.

via: Croceneranarchica, actforfree

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Communique from Anarchists from D Wing, Korydallos Prison, Athens, for the struggle in Syria (Greece)

Wednesday, October 5th, 2016

1st of October
A minimum response on the call-out for the day of Rage against the massacre at Aleppo.

Even if there are only ruins left at Aleppo, the bombings haven’t stopped. Even now, after 5 years of bombs and sieges, people still live in this city. Some because they didn’t manage to leave, some because they didn’t see a better future at Mediterranean’s seabed, some because they refused to abandon the revolution against the dictatorship of Assad, that started with the Arab Spring. At Aleppo’s ruins a guerilla warfare is taking place, that until now, Assad with Hezbollah, Iran and Russian military machine haven’t achieved to defeat.

If the things that happened with the repression of Spanish Revolution by Franco and the Nazis were the rehearsal of World War II, probably the war in Syria is an image of the post-industrial future on earth. A future, where the democratic excuses collapse and the absolute violence prevails. A world, that despite the gigantic military power of the tyrants, the most effective way to control the insurrection is still by division. A situation of despair, where people in order to defend themselves and survive, are organized in groups manipulated by generals, who only seek more power and who lead the revolting crowds away from the fight against the regime and into a fight for control of the war zones of their interests.

The result is a constant war, a profitable business for the capitalists, who sell weapons and armament to war zones, where trade and economy still exist.

The example of Syria’s punishment is a clear warning to everyone in the world, who even thinks about revolting.

In this chaotic total war, the reference point for us, are the few guerilla groups, organized outside the control the “moderate Muslims” of Al Nusra, or the “cosmics” of the FSA, who are both manipulated from the dominant powers of imperialistic competition, like USA, and both have the same target, a big piece from the power reallocation.

In a situation where people are cruelly attacked from one imperialist, and seek safety from the actions of its rival, we are affected by some revolutionaries, like the Leon Sedov Brigade, who stand against any imperialist and propose the solidarity and unity among the repressed of this world. We are inspired from the attempts of organization from the Revolutionary Coordination Committees against the dividing of the uprising, from the manipulant organizations.

Those rebels who try to self-organize in a battlefield with bombs and chemical weapons, who are still fighting despite the heavy losses, who prefer to die rather than surrender to the murderer Assad, who define and defend their freedom at all costs, they spread the message that in every condition struggle is possible, if there is the will to fight.

They spread a message that the powerful military machines of Al Assad, Iran, Lebanon, Isis, Russia and USA haven’t achieved to defeat them for more than 5 years.

That explains the cruelty of the attack to Aleppo, the capital of revolution. After smaller towns were besieged and lead to starvation, the same tactic was attempted at Aleppo. But there were dynamic demonstrations where banks were expropriated, actions outside the guidelines of the army parties, which control the masses. That’s why Aleppo is now being totally destroyed.

A major factor for the ongoing slaughter in Syria is the absolute absence of social resistance to this war, from the people of the imperialistic countries that invaded Syria.

European people, not only they do not react to the war, but the majority consent to the closure of the borders for refugees, who, if they survive from the death in the sea, are the only fighting, like the great example of Syrian refugees in Paris who went on hunger strike, demand the termination of the war.

We don’t have a clear picture of what happens in movements in the rest of the world, but we are going to talk for the Greek case. Because after all, the economic crisis and poverty here in Greece, except from radicalizing parts of the people, lead more to the pacification. On the one hand we have people who take care of the refugees, rescuing them with their boats, independently from political parties and non-governmental organizations, and on the other hand there were beatings, fascist attacks and actions against the refugees. No big anti-war demonstration though, as happened in the past, because now economy is the only concern. Using it’s left mask, Syriza combining fear management and harsh repression, lead social resistances, in general, to surrender. And now Greek state is placing refugees to concentration camps, obeying the demands of the European Union. Sadly, the solidarity to the refugees is limited to charity, without any reference to the revolution, that lead to war.

For the lefts, the “anti-american” feelings and the belief that “the enemy of my enemy is my friend” doesn’t allow them to stand against Assad, while the majority of the anarchists, lacking analysis, refer exclusively to Rojava.

At the same moment, refugees give their own fights like the uprising in Moria, where after destroying a large part of the infrastructure, they escaped, but rather than run, as usually happens, they gathered and demonstrated, resulting their arrest.

In our opinion, we seek the expansion of the solidarity to the refugees, in a more general context, that will regard the war in Syria as an example of an uprising and how capitalists dealt with it, in order to be able to exclude the proper conclusions from it.

It’s obvious, that the unity of the rebels doesn’t come from the big, centralized, hierarchical organizations, that end up fighting each other for the biggest share of power. The only hope is a horizontal organization, that doesn’t allow to any ambitious leader to sell the fight. The decentralized network of collectives that fight with their one will to a common direction, coordinating when possible, exchanging information, know-hows, arms and political ideas.

The views that see hierarchical organization as a necessary condition to achieve victory in a revolutionary war, were tried in the past and were lead to defeat or to the reproduction of the same social systems that they hypothetically fought.

The example of Syria, where small guerrilla groups and no centralized armies stand against the Russian military machine and the alliance of local armies, proves that what is missing is not the proper leadership, but a new mindset of organization. And that applies to every field of organization of revolutionary action, whether it is guerilla warfare, or the spread of revolutionary ideas, that do not persuade anyone because they are signed by the biggest federation, but are spread through initiative, close human contact, and co-action.

The massacre in Syria won’t stop, unless we do something to stop it.

Unless we face it as a part of the repression that we all have felt. If we don’t feel the tenacity of the rebels who don’t surrender. If we don’t realize that the distance from suffocating because of tear gas in demonstrations to the endless gas chamber of Syria is short. As long as we abstain from the streets, we give our permission to this bloodshed.

When captivity and death become universal condition, we are called to make insurrection and solidarity a universal condition.


Anarchists from D’ wing of Koridallos Prison (Greece)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Solidarity from imprisoned anarchist comrades in Korydallos Prison, Athens, to uprising prisoners in USA (Greece)

Wednesday, October 5th, 2016

Dear comrades,
This is a banner from Greek prisoners (Koridalos Athens) to be forwarded to American prisoners.

In solidarity
ABC- Solidarity Cell

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Posted in Prison Struggle

PDF: “Individuality and the anarchist group” by Conspiracy of Cells of Fire – Urban Guerrilla Cell (Greece)

Monday, September 12th, 2016

PDF: “Individuality and the anarchist group” by Conspiracy of Cells of Fire – Urban Guerrilla Cell.

Individuality and the anarchist group


This title from Black International, “Individuality and the anarchist group”, written by Gerasimos Tsakalos of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire – Urban Guerrilla Cell, is about a topic that concerns many of those who are an active part of the anarchist tension. Concerning not just the way comrades negotiate and conduct themselves within minimal organisational structures (clusters, networks, affinity groups) of informality and attack, and the effect of those forms on individuals, it also looks at the problems that can arise and some possible solutions. All this can add to a notional ‘to-be-completed’ mapping of some of the borderlands between the peripheries of the social and the clandestine for those traversing such terrains.

Written from the lived experience of an armed anarchist urban guerrilla who is imprisoned in the isolation dungeon of Korydallos prison in Athens, Greece, this is not a dreamy fantasy but a text which was developed in the furnace of practical theory and it’s consequences. The horizontal forms of organisation which are described here are ones that have been used and developed in practice, not from scriptures, but in the actual chaos of the everyday.

For a black international of anarchists of praxis.

September 2016

Individuality and the anarchist group

Instead of a Prologue

About the subject of “Individuality and the anarchist group”, one could say that it’s a timeless issue within the anarchist milieu… Is an anarchist individuality subjugated or liberated within a group? How does the individual encounter the collective? Can disagreements between comrades of the same collective be creative or do they inevitably lead to disputes, rivalries, intrigues, competitions and end up in rupture?

How are friendships and cliques able to bring about a cancellation of an anarchist group?

What is the relationship of an anarchist organization to the expulsions of members who participate? How can informal hierarchies and their members-followers survive in an anarchist project?

These are some of the issues that arise from the explosive relationship between individuals who try to coexist in anarchist groups.

The pamphlet “Individuality and the anarchist group” is an experimental testimony of political experiences from the interior of anarchist illegal infrastructures of revolutionary violence. The relationships that are formed in such cores are acrobatic at the sharp end because they are tested in extreme concentrated conditions and options. (more…)

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Posted in Library

Korydallos Prison: Text from anarchist prisoners from D wing in solidarity to the struggle of the prisoners in USA (Greece)

Saturday, September 10th, 2016

The 9/9/71 marked one of the most important dates for the struggle against prisons. The uprising in Attica would still be a major event, even without the subsequent massacre committed by the cops who acted in compliance with the mandates of the Law and Order doctrine, which has found various diversified applications in the western world until today.

Back then, the liberation movements (black liberation, anti-war movement, feminist movement etc.) that were active outside prisons influenced a substantial number of US prisoners, who chose to position the prison -as a space and institution- in the core of struggle for change in the status quo.

Prisons constitute a fundamental tool in the hands of the state and its pursuit to get rid of all those who are deemed superfluous or dangerous to the deathly hush it seeks to impose.

The more capitalism evolves and reaches its limits, swallowing down human beings, natural resources and entire ecosystems in its destructive course of action, the bigger profits it demands, resulting in millions of people being turned into slaves.

The Pan-American strike which is due on 9/9 means to convey a straightforward message: “We refuse to be slaves any longer”.

Forced labor in public or private, federal or state prisons turns nearly 2.500.000 prisoners in the US into slaves to international corporations.

“This is a call to end slavery in America. This call goes directly to the slaves themselves”, as we read in the prisoners’ announcement.

We know how hard it is to fight capitalism where it’s the most powerful, namely the US; and we also know that depriving it from part of its profits is the only way to inflict a severe damage.

That’s why the upcoming strike is of utmost importance.

That’s why we stand in solidarity and salute the subversive dignity of the prisoners in the US.



Some anarchist prisoners from Greece

Korydallos Prison Block D

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Posted in Prison Struggle

(Grecia) Dictan condenas contra Andreas Tsavdaridis, Spyros Mandilas y compas de CCF por acciones del “Proyecto Fénix” / Update on the conclusion of the ‘Phoenix Project’ trial

Thursday, August 4th, 2016


[Por Sin Banderas Ni Fronteras tomando información desde blog “Mpalothia]

El martes 26 de julio a las nueve de la mañana en una sala especial para juicios en la prisión femenina de Koridalos se desarrolló la sesión final del jucio por los ataques del “Proyecto Fénix” en Grecia. El juicio duró más de dos años y comenzó en junio de 2014.

Lxs acusadxs fueron lxs compañerxs Spyros Mandilas (quien ha negado los cargos pero ha defendido la violencia revolucionaria anarquista), Andreas Tsavdaridis (quien desde un comienzo asumió su responsabilidad en el envío de un paquete bomba contra un jefe de policía en 2013) y lxs 10 compañerxs de Conspiración de Células del Fuego, quienes ya estaban todxs en prisión cuando se realizaron los ataques.

En la sala de audiencias compañerxs solidarixs estuvieron presentes apoyando a lxs compañerxs acusadxs.

En concreto, lxs compañerxs estaban siendo acusadxs de:

1) Andreas Tsavdaridis:
I) Participación en Conspiración de Células del Fuego.
II) Atentado homicida contra el ex comandante de la agencia antiterrorista Dimitris Chorianopoulou con un paquete bomba.
III) Intento de explosión (por el paquete bomba)
IV) Posesión de explosivos (por el paquete bomba)

2) Spyros Mandilas:
I) Participación en Conspiración de Células del Fuego
II) Atentado homicida contra el ex comandante de la agencia antiterrorista Dimitris Chorianopoulou con un paquete bomba.
III) Intento de explosión (por el paquete bomba)
IV) Posesión de explosivos (por el paquete bomba)

3) Conspiración de Células del Fuego:
I) Incitación al asesinato en el atentado contra el ex comandante de la agencia antiterrorista Dimitris Chorianopoulou (paquete bomba)
II) Incitación en intento de explosión (por el mismo paquete bomba)
III) Instigación a la posesión de explosivos (por el mismo paquete bomba)
IV) Incitación a explosión (por la explosión del automóvil de la directora de la prisión de Korydallos, María Stefie, en junio de 2013)
V) Instigación a la posesión de explosivos (por la misma explosión anterior)
VI) Incitar a una explosión (explosión en automovil del carcelero Argyris Gkelmpoura en junio de 2013)
VII) Instigación a la posesión de explosivos (por la misma explosión anterior)
VIII) Apoyo a los ataques ya mencionados.

Finalmente, las condenas fueron las siguientes:

* Andreas Tsavdaridis: encontrado “culpable” por cuatro cargos y condenado a 32 años de cárcel de los cuales deberá cumplir 21 en prisión.

* Spyros Mandilas: encontrado “inocente” de todos los cargos, pero la corte se negó a devolrverle los dos computadores incautados por la policía durante el allanamiento a la Okupa Nadir.

* Conspiración de Células del Fuego: todxs lxs compañerxs de CCF fueron declaradxs “culpables” y condenados a un total de 74 años de cárcel, de los cuales 21 deben cumplir en prisión.

Nos negamos a que la represión tenga la última palabra en esta historia, por eso compartimos un recuento de las 18 acciones que desde el año 2013 se han desarrollado como parte del “Proyecto Fénix”:

1) Grecia (Atenas): 7 de junio de 2013. Voladura del automóvil personal de la directora de la prisión de Korydallos, reivindicado por Conspiración de Células del Fuego-FAI/FRI y “Pandillas de la Conciencia-FAI/FRI, Célula ‘Sole Baleno'”. http://alturl.com/9f4q4

2) Grecia (Atenas): 12 de junio de 2013. Voladura del automóvil personal de un carcelero de la prisión de Nauplia, reivindicado por “Conspiración Internacional por la Venganza”. http://alturl.com/acrkh

3) Indonesia (Yakarta) : 26 de junio de 2013. Incendio intencional en la 3ª planta del hotel Sheraton, reivindicado por “Unidad de la Cólera-Conspiración Internacional por la Venganza”. http://alturl.com/2hiud

4) Grecia (Tesalónica): 3 de julio de 2013. Envío de paquete explosivo
contra el ex comandante de la unidad antiterrorista, reivindicado por “Federación Anarquista Informal-Frente Revolucionario Internacional, Comando ‘Mauricio Morales'”. Por esta acción fueron detenidos los compañeros Spyros Mandilas y Andreas Tsavdaridis (quien asumió su responsabilidad en la acción). http://alturl.com/ikxdp

5) Indonesia (Balikpapan) : 24 de agosto de 2013. Incendio intencional de la Escuela de Policía “Libertad para Kernel Mandilis y Tsavdaridis “Conspiración Internacional por la Venganza-FAI/FRI, Célula ‘Libertad para Mandylas y Tsavdaridis'”. http://alturl.com/4mof9

6) Grecia (Atenas): 1 de septiembre de 2013. Envío de paquete explosivo contra el juez de apelación especial Dimitris Mokka, reivindicado por “Conspiración de Células del Fuego-Célula ‘Ryo'”. http://alturl.com/wihgm

7) Rusia (Bryansk) : 2 de octubre de 2013. Incendio contra aserradero de madera en los terrenos de un complejo hotelero y de caza. Reivindicado por “FLT-FAI, Comando ‘Nestor Makhno’. http://alturl.com/p2jwn

8) Chile (Santiago): 16 de noviembre de 2013. Ataque incendiario/explosivo en la 98° Junta Electoral en la comuna de La Reina. Reivindicado por desde “Célula ‘Larga vida a Ilya Romanov’- Afines a la Internacional Negra”. http://alturl.com/f7ipq

9) México (Toluca): de 18 de noviembre de 2013,artefacto explosivo en una iglesia y un banco en el distrito de San Sebastián. 21 de diciembre de 2013, artefacto explosivo-incendiario en banco cerca del aeropuerto. Ataques reivindicados por la “Facción Anti-civilización del Frente de Liberación de la Tierra”, junto a la Federación Anarquista Informal (FA-FLT / FAI). http://alturl.com/ef7ao

10) Indonesia (Malang): 9 de enero de 2014. Ataque contra cajero automático, reivindicado por la “Célula ‘Sebastián Oversluij Seguel’- Conspiración Internacional por la Venganza, Federación Anarquista Informal”. http://alturl.com/82fwq

11) Alemania (Berlin): 8 de april de 2014, incendio de vehículos de
autoridad municipal y de empresa de seguridad. 24 de abril de 2014, incendio de un vehículo de la embajada perteneciente a una diplomática griega. Reivindicado por “Célula Autónoma ‘Christos Kassimis'”. http://alturl.com/8h8wt

12) Indonesia: 16 de abril de 2014, incendio de dos oficinas del comité de elecciones generales, en Sulawesi. 19 de abril de 2014, incendio de una sucursal de la empresa nacional de electricidad en Madiun, en el este de Java. 23 de abril de 2014, colocación de artefacto incendiario en la Compañía Nacional de Electricidad en Semarang, en Java Central. 28 de abril de 2014, sabotaje de dos automóviles que estaban programados para el transporte de las papeletas de votación en la región del sudeste de Minahasa, en Manado, la capital provincial. 5 y 8 de mayo de 2014, ataque en tres plantas de energía en tres lugares diferentes. Acciones reivindicadas por la “Conspiración Internacional para la Venganza (CIV), Federación Anarquista Informal (FAI), Frente Revolucionario Internacional (FRI). http://alturl.com/8h8wt

13) Italia: 7 de mayo de 2014. Instalación de artefacto incendiario en una estación de gasolina y sabotaje a través de cortes en mangueras abastecedoras del combustible. Reivindicado por “Conspiración del Fuego Negro–FAI/FRI”. http://alturl.com/8h8wt

14) Inglaterra (Bristol): 10 de junio de 2014. Incendios contra la infraestructura de 7 antenas de célular, reivindicado por “Cables con corriente FAI/FLT”. http://alturl.com/8h8wt

15) República Checa (Olomouc): 26 de marzo. Ataque incendiario contra patrulla policial, reivindicado por “Célula Poesía de Fuego FAI/FRI”. http://alturl.com/6dm3g

16) Chile (Santiago): 07 de abril de 2015. Ataque con artefacto incendiario contra la empresa de explotación animal Ganadera Río Bueno, reivindicado por la “Célula Anarquista de Ataque Incendiario ‘Fuego y Conciencia’- Federación Anarquista Informal/Frente Revolucionario Internacional (FAI/FRI). http://alturl.com/4up67

17) Chile (Santiago): Enero 2016. Ataque con artefacto incendiario contra empresa de seguridad privada. Reivindicado por la “Célula Anarquista de Ataque Incendiario ‘Fuego y Conciencia’- Federación Anarquista Informal/Frente Revolucionario Internacional (FAI/FRI). http://alturl.com/5ecf9

18) Reino Unido (Bristol): 28 de junio de 2016. Ataque incendiario contra depósito de vehículos de la policía. Reivindicado como “Célula de Lluvia-FAI/FRI”. http://alturl.com/do2ip

Para más información sobre los objetivos que dan vida al “Proyecto Fénix”, ver el siguiente video: https://vimeo.com/125059680


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Posted in Social Control

Political statement of Panagiotis Argyrou for the trial for the escape attempt in 2015 (Greece)

Friday, July 22nd, 2016

Political statement of Panagiotis Argyrou for the trial for the escape attempt

Looking back…

We’re given our life only once, like a unique chance. It’s never going to exist again, at least in this autonomous form. And what do we do with it instead of living it? What do we do? We drag it from place to place, killing it…” (Hronis Missios)

The courts have a unit of their own to count life and freedom by; a unit that uses types and algorithms of the legal language to say what’s fair or unfair, right or wrong, normal or in decline. And in this process where lives and freedoms are being put in the balance of the law, you’re sometimes given the chance to look back; you feel guilty or you don’t. It’s an important moment because whatever you say might pour some more cement around you, it might increase the amount of those moments where the door opens up and closes, perhaps it makes your ear get used even more to the sound of the key turning into the door’s slot, enough to make you think you’ve always been hearing this sound, that there was no morning or evening you didn’t hear this sound at a certain pre-arranged time.

So here we are… For five and a half years I‘ve been hearing that key. Five and a half years that my eyes crash onto the walls. Five and a half years with two sentences (37 and 19 years) and another two coming. And now here in this trial one more. This will be the fifth trial in a row where I wait “to see what will happen to me” or for “my laughter to turn to crying“. And it is again the moment to put a mirror in front of the past and my choices and look back. So I look…


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Posted in Prison Struggle

CCF Escape Case: Statement of Athena Tsakalou to the court (Greece)

Tuesday, July 12th, 2016

Below is the statement of Athena Tsakalou (the mother of CCF anarchist prisoners Christos Tsakalos and Gerasimos Tsakalos) which was read out in Koridallos prison court by her defense lawyer in late June 2016, while the CCF escape case trial was still underway.

I haven’t chosen silence, even though it expresses me on many occasions because everyone interprets silence as it suits them. I’ve preferred to make this personal statement. And I call it personal because I don’t belong anywhere; I only belong to myself.

There comes a moment when you take a look back at the years in your life, and you realise you’ve left to live far fewer than the years you’ve already lived; that is, if everything goes well. And this is a strange but intense sensation, which makes me ask myself to be sincere. Not in the simple way we often think about it, but in an essential, deeper way.

I don’t like to say: where is this world going? It’s something that we – people at an older age – often do, but such a phrase conceals some sort of innocence that I refuse to accept. I prefer to ask myself: how do you yourself walk through this world?

And the truth is that all I want is to walk among people in a consolatory manner. It’s very important to be able to console people, especially your own people; to be able to tell them when they’re going through tough times: I’m standing by you; I’ll always stick with you. Nothing else. This is my only desire, and I’m glad whenever I’m able to do that.

So when Angeliki knocked on the door of my home, that’s exactly what I did. And it was a great pleasure for me that I was able to offer her refuge, even if only for a short while. The way the world is, the only place I want to live in is the place of defiance.

Assuming that, throughout the centuries, people have intended to live, if not a life of happiness, at least a joyful life, their history to date shows that they’ve failed. History books, either the official, inspected ones, or the secret ones that it’s hard to come by, show that people have failed. It may be that the conditions for survival or living standards got better – although ‘better’ is relative, as this is not the case in some parts of the earth – but the pain, the horror of wars, of hunger and oppression continue to rise.

Of course there’s a difference; a nightmarish difference. Nowadays, death is no longer caused just by hand-to-hand combat on the battlefields where, even from a distance determined by a firearm, you’re able to see the falling body and hear the cry of pain, and regardless of how much dehumanised you’ve become, this sight and sound leaves a peculiar imprint within you that, at some point, might make you not want war anymore. On today’s battlefields, we find ourselves in the era of smart bombs, and one is able to retain ‘their innocence’ by pressing a button which brings mass death; that’s the difference.

For some time now, more than 10,000 refugee children who were travelling unaccompanied have disappeared in Europe over the past 18–24 months. There are fears that many of them have fallen victim to exploitation by organised crime networks…

The world’s 62 richest people hold as much wealth as half the population on the planet…

The earth’s products are enough to feed its entire population, yet millions of people, millions of children die of hunger.

Some very few, like these 62 wealthiest people in the world, might say: ‘all this stuff about a joyful life is nothing but a trap set for the many to be lured into it, because the whole deal with the world is a game, a game of death. It’s not just the money that matters; besides, we have plenty of that; what really matters is the ability to use our power to play games with the entire world; all of a sudden, to drive thousands of people to death; to scare entire populations with wars, famine and diseases when we’re bored; because that’s also up to us, to cause diseases, thanks to scientists. In some sense, we’re a kind of gods; and gods are always almighty.’

And this is true, but it’s also true that there are no gods without believers. Gods cannot just live all by themselves; they want their faithful to walk quietly around their gardens, ready to execute their orders – all of their orders, even if it means killing one another. However, there are always those whose blood is resided by the first rebellion of Eve and Adam.

And it’s about time we said: after so much human blood watering the earth’s soil every day, after all this lament filling the earth’s air, if there’s no change of course for the human species, if the human mind isn’t crossed by a lightning at some point, so that we see everything differently… then indeed it’d be a brave decision if people eventually said: ‘for so many centuries, we’ve been unable to find joy; we might as well admit that as a species we aren’t capable of something like this; we might as well admit our failure and leave calmly; let us be the last of the humans; let us admit that only trees deserve life, continuity, eternity as they’re free of the instinct of war, of horror.’

Lately all I want to do is plant trees. And someone might ask me: but is this truly your deepest desire? No, I haven’t done well; I’m still determined by the ability to see as far as my eye can see, to keep my mind off things by taking pleasure in small joys; but when I open the eye of my mind to a worldwide wandering, a worldwide looking, and I see how small a share joy has in people’s lives, I say once more: if the dream doesn’t enter people’s lives, if there’s no change of course for the human species, only trees deserve continuity, life, eternity.

Athena Tsakalou

via contrainfo

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Political Statement of Aggeliki Spyropoulou on the trial regarding the CCF escape plan (Greece)

Tuesday, July 12th, 2016

“Justice was born when we lost control over our lives”
Bruno Filippi

My political status and conscience would never allow me to be standing here “apologizing” before a fixed trial-parody as played out recently in this court hall, hence the comments I am about to make will therefore relate to a purely political sphere rather than a procedural one. Political action neither begins nor ends under the Criminal Code, consequently in any case you, both as individuals and as an institution, are not able to judge it.

As anarchists, being against the state, we have to oppose the laws that underlie and justify its existence.
But what is the law?

Nothing more than a set of rules that define right and wrong, good and bad, moral and immoral. It is a “guide” of social behavior aiming to enforce the choice of allegiance and for the maintenance of power through the fear of sanctions for any deviation from the permissible, the legal…

It is “fair”, indeed, that the banks constitute themselves as global loan sharks, but it is “unfair” to blow them up in the air with a strong dose of explosives. In this case, they are renamed as “charities” and “your” justice metes out life-sentences …

It is “fair”, that the governments constantly bomb civilians within the framework of the so-called “humanitarian” war, but it is “unfair” to execute those liable for the deaths of thousands …

A game of words forming the collective imagination, elevating the doctrine of “law and order” to the utmost virtue, aiming solely to preserve the existing authoritarian system.

The dominant world which you protect and preserve promotes and imposes a structured life, the manifestations of which oppress, enslave and limit the capabilities of human existence.

The behaviors, thoughts, feelings, relationships, are transformed into mechanical processes that shape what is called normality or social norm. The lifestyle you suggest to me is summarised to a miserable repetition, specified and without any twists. A boring course of a pointless existence that just waits to be interrupted by death.

But I do not fit into your world. I can not stand this perfectly organized boredom.

All those moments at night, just before you fall asleep when you are smoking the last cigarette and you evaluate the day that passed… The smoke gets mixed with your thoughts and you end up at the last puff… Your day was not enough… The feeling of dissatisfaction is overwhelming and breathtaking … “I can not live like this …”, “I do not want to live like this.” You fall asleep while the same words keep coming in your head…

The new day is to bring you face to face with the reality and the time has come to make your choices… I have chosen to live rather than to survive… Instead of the safety of normality, I have chosen to begin a journey into the unknown where every single moment conceals its own surprises. Where the tension comes to replace the weakness.

The need that burns within me makes me refuse the uniformity that your legitimacy stipulates and led me to a continuous process of rebellion to escape from such narrow limits of the social-prison. During this journey, the time is reset. Our clocks stopped at the time of the attack. No more “triggers” are needed. We stopped taking into account the “must”. The costs, the consequences…

There is one goal; to maximize the threat, to create a dangerous internal enemy that will strike at the heart of your system. This journey is lonely and often you are confronted with your own self, with your own personal contradictions. This is a war that starts from within yourself and surges impetuously against every expression of your modern civilized world. In this war that as anarchists we have declared against you – and we have not refused it a minute; there are no neutral attitudes.

The comrades of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire, despite their long captivity, they did not retreat. They refused to bow down their heads and embrace the cross of remorse. They defended with all their powers and with dignity their anarchist substance. While, therefore, I am not a member of the Conspiracy, our common political conscience allies us. We share the same values, the same ideas and the same passion for freedom. The political bonds that link us could not but make me stand beside them with solidarity.

Solidarity is not just an emotionally charged word.

Solidarity carves insurrectionary directions and prevents forgetfulness from becoming the tombstone of the captured comrades. At this point is when guilt is born. What could be a more authentic and sincerest manifestation of solidarity to these comrades than to contribute morally and practically to the breaking of their captivity? I can only feel proud that I participated in the attempted escape of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire and no court is competent to judge my choice.

The prison, besides, is a stopping point for anyone who decides to arm his/her desires and refusals. At this point, the contradictions begin… We love freedom so much and we get stuck in the prison… We love life passionately and at the same time we flirt with death every single minute. If the prison is meant to “civilise” ourselves, you should know that the walls and the locks nourish us with anger and the desire for revenge grows… We can fail, but we can not bow down … This is not about the beginning and certainly not about the end of the story, but it is about the journey and this is where the whole beauty is found…

For these reasons, and for all the reasons in the world, I proudly and without a trace of remorse, undertake the responsibility for my practical political contribution to the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire escape plan. No matter how many times I would turn the clock back I would make the same choice again and again.

Aggeliki Spyropoulou
Women’s Prison of Korydallos

Imprisoned anarchist comrade Aggeliki Spyropoulou was sentenced to 28 years in prison for her involvement in the 2015 escape attempt of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire. The comrade will shortly be transferred to Thiva prison from Korydallos now that the trial is over.

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Koridallos prison, Athens: Summary of sentences in the CCF escape case trial (Greece)

Saturday, July 9th, 2016

On July 8th 2016, the Koridallos prison court – presided over by special judge Asimina Yfanti – convicted all members of the anarchist revolutionary organisation Conspiracy of Cells of Fire, who were accused of placing an explosive device at Koridallos tax office; sending a parcel bomb to the police station in Itea (in retaliation for the murder of inmate Ilir Kareli by prison guards); sending a letter bomb to the home of Dimitris Mokkas (special appellate judge against terrorism); planning an armed escape from Koridallos prison (dubbed “Gorgopotamos project”); and possession of firearms, explosives and anti-tank RPGs with the purpose of “disrupting the country’s social, economic and political life.” Furthermore, in relation to these charges, they were convicted of “direction of a terrorist organisation” and incitement (“moral instigation”) to four attempted homicides.

During the sentencing, there was a strong presence of comrades in solidarity with the anarchists and the dignified individuals co-accused in the CCF escape case trial. There was also heavy police presence (including an anti-riot squad).

CCF members:

The ten CCF anarchist prisoners Gerasimos Tsakalos, Christos Tsakalos, Giorgos Polidoros, Olga Ekonomidou, Theofilos Mavropoulos, Panagiotis Argirou, Giorgos Nikolopoulos, Michalis Nikolopoulos, Damiano Bolano, Haris Hadjimihelakis were sentenced to 115 years in prison each.

Comrade Angeliki Spyropoulou:

The anarchist prisoner Angeliki Spyropoulou was sentenced to 28 years in prison.

Relatives of CCF members:

Athena Tsakalou (the mother of CCF members Gerasimos Tsakalos and Christos Tsakalos) and Evi Statiri (the partner of Gerasimos Tsakalos) were found not guilty by a majority opinion (instead of a unanimous verdict).

However, Christos Polidoros (the brother of CCF member Giorgos Polidoros) was convicted of “membership in the terrorist organisation Conspiracy of Cells of Fire” and received a 6-year suspended sentence.

Other prison sentences & a couple of acquittals:

Christos Rodopoulos (nicknamed “Iasonas” by authorities), who has denied all charges, was sentenced to 75 years in prison.

Christodoulos Xiros (convicted 17N member) was sentenced to 65 years in prison.

Four other defendants were convicted of alleged membership in the organisation and sentenced to 27-28 years in prison each.

Fabio Dusko was sentenced to 8 years in prison.

Four other defendants were acquitted of membership in the organisation but received a 6-year suspended sentence.

Two other defendants were found guilty of misdemeanor offenses.

Two defendants were found not guilty.

– via contrainfo

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Imprisoned comrades of CCF sentenced to 115 years each for the attempted prison escape (Greece)

Friday, July 8th, 2016

08.07.16: Breaking news from Greece: 10 Conspiracy of Cells of Fire defendants sentenced to 115 years each for the attempted prison escape. Relatives / loved ones of the CCF comrades – Evi Statiri, Athena Tsakalou and Christos Polydoros have all been released, while the other 15 defendants received shorter sentences. More news as it becomes available.

Solidarity with the CCF comrades and their families and loved ones!

For an insurrectionary response of international solidarity to the vengeful ‘justice’ of the Greek state!

via InsurrectionNews

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The Conspiracy of Cells of Fire escape plan trial will end this week (Greece)

Tuesday, July 5th, 2016

Hearing of June 29th

On Wednesday the court heard the speech of the prosecutor I. Koutra. The speech went for almost the whole hearing which is approximately six hours. The bastard devoted himself to criticizing the approaches of anarchists and the actions of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire, defending the existence of the state, laws, judges and police officers and proclaiming that a world without judges or prisons is something ‘cute’ but impossible.

Regarding the charges that he is seeking to convict the CCF comrades with, the prosecutor suggested to the judges that they convict them for ‘directing’ a terrorist organization, attempted murder, the possession and supply of weapons and explosives, explosions that ‘risk human life’, vehicle theft and attempted escape.

The prosecutor also suggested that the comrade Angeliki Spyropoulou be convicted of belonging to a terrorist organization and possession and supply of explosives.

For Athena Tsakalou and Evi Statiri he suggested that the charge of participation in a ‘terrorist’ organization be discarded, which rules out for them a sentence of 10-20 years. For Christos Polydoros he also suggested that same charge be discarded however he suggested that the comrade be convicted for the strange accusation of ‘facilitating the membership of a terrorist organization’ under the idea that the comrade would have helped Angeliki join the CCF. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Updates from the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire escape plan trial (Greece)

Sunday, June 19th, 2016

June 6th and 7th hearings

The June 6th and 7th hearings were for the 250 attacks by the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire and the attempted escape of 2015. Witnesses for the defense were presented for some of the defendants.

For their part, the comrades Christos and Gerasimos Tsakalos, along with the comrades Giorgos Polydoros, Olga Economidou and Angeliki Spyropoulou attended the trial and refused to present witnesses for their defense as they have stated since day one that “for us the best ‘defense’ is the continuation of the action in the streets”.

Witnesses for the defense of the three relatives of the CCF comrades (Christos Polydoros, Evi Statiri and Athena Tsakalou) were also presented.

The statements of the witnesses focused on the criminalization of family relations and referred to cases that occurred during the dictatorship in Greece (1967-1974) in which rebels and insurgents were aided or given refuge to prevent being arrested by the Military Junta. (more…)

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