Posts Tagged ‘Ferrara’

Anarchist prisoner Alfredo Cospito smashes interview room glass in solidarity with the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire (Italy, Greece)

Wednesday, September 7th, 2016

On the 30th of August Alfredo damaged the glass partition windows of the interview room in the high surveillance section of Ferrara prison in solidarity with the prisoners of the CCF who were recently sentenced to more than a hundred years in prison for an attempted escape.

Today August 30 almost 4 years since my arrest I wanted to celebrate the anniversary with the destruction of the interview room window panels. This action is my contribution of revolutionary solidarity with my brothers and sister of the CCF-FAI-FRI who were condemned by yet another judicial process and sentenced to 110 years each for a failed escape attempt. The anarchist prisoner is not a flag, nor must we build a monument around them, sometimes they are a piece of our heart, sometimes not… nevertheless they continue to struggle, to live… not to be remembered, but wanting revenge, freedom, but ultimately they may also be alone because by nature they do not belong to any flock…

Long live FAI-FRI

Long live CCF

via Croce Nera Anarchica, translated by Insurrection News

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Letter of solidarity from Alfredo Cospito and Nicola Gai for the CCF on hunger strike (Greece)

Thursday, March 26th, 2015

From Anarchist Black Cross Italy: We received only today, March 25, according to the delayed outgoing correspondence from the section of the High Surveillance Unit of Ferrara prison, this letter of Alfredo and Nicola in solidarity with the comrades of the CCF, on hunger strike since March 2 in the Korydallos prison in Athens (some of them from yesterday transferred to the hospital).

Only today, March 16th, did we have confirmation of the hunger strike to the bitter end of our brothers and sisters of the CCF. The goal of this struggle is the release of some of their relatives arrested for retaliation and revenge for their escape attempt. Pending any news (our info dates back to March 6th) in the hope that they have already obtained the release of their loved ones, we decided to write a few words: We are with you in hearts, minds, and especially with arms. Long live CCF.

and Nicola

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Communiqué from the anarchist comrades locked up in the AS2 unit of the prison of Ferrara (Italy)

Monday, February 23rd, 2015

From anarchicipistoiesi.noblogs.org, crocenera.org, informa-azione.info
Translated by act for freedom now

After the news that circulated between 13th and 17th February, here is a communiqué signed by the prisoners of the AS2 unit of the prison of Ferrara. The prisoners decided not to be silent in the face of yet more abuse from the guards and to protest against the solitary confinement inflicted on a comrade in the unit. We believe it is necessary not to allow their words to remain dead letter; on the contrary it is important that they circulate as much as possible, among comrades outside as well as inside prison.

To the comrades outside, 14th February 2015

A few words to let you know what’s going on in the AS2 unit of the prison of Ferrara.
No will/intention to feed the ferocious appetite of victimization’s cultists or anti-prison experts in view of the latest prisoners’ lament.

On Friday Alfredo [Cospito] was subjected to the judgement of the prison little tribunal, following a report issued a few nights earlier for having insulted a guard who had turned to one of us, Graziano [Mazzarelli], in a disrespectful and provocative fashion. Graziano was guilty of asking the disgusting man to turn the volume down. For the record, all this happened after midnight. Besides causing him lose the 45 days of earlier release, the ‘sentence’ implied that Alfredo was immediately put in solitary confinement, or rather, as they say, excluded from all social activities (exercise yard, sociality, gym and football pitch). As soon as news spread in the unit, after a short discussion, we started making noise and banging at the bars. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Words from anarchist comrade Michele Fabiani, held in the High Surveillance Unit-AS2 of the prison of Ferrara (Italy)

Monday, February 16th, 2015

From informa-azione.info
Translated by Act for freedom now!

The poverty of Guarantism [defence of civil-liberties]

I haven’t written much over these six months because I don’t want to be a prisoner that bombards the web and specialized magazines with letters.

I wrote a short communique in which I explained how prison certainly wouldn’t mellow my revolutionary pride, I had refused any use of social services [offered me] and asked the many and multiform universe of people who are in solidarity with me not to fall into the trap of victimization.

I am writing again because I heard about some texts that have apparently circulated in the internet and in the paper Il Garantista, in which I am described as no less than a “pacifist”, “scared to death”, etc. First of all I want to point out that this attitude is insulting to me and my comrades who struggle every day without ever fearing the threat of repression. Second, it is totally pointless: the State spies on us incessantly, listens to our conversations, photographs us and films us as we clash with its servants in the streets. In other words, to think that some late form of disguise could spare me months in prison is mere utopia, and not very dignified. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Anarchist prisoner Alfredo Cospito held in isolation (Italy)

Sunday, February 15th, 2015

via contra-info

Isolation, disciplinary reports, and protests in the AS2 section of Ferrara prison:

On February 13th, having spoken to one of the imprisoned comrades in the high security section of Ferrara prison over the telephone, we learned that Alfredo Cospito was punished with isolation, following an altercation with a guard. The measure of punitive isolation (article 14-bis of the penitentiary regulation) was put in place two days ago, while another comrade in the AS2 section has received a disciplinary report for the same incident with the screw. The other prisoners protested against what happened, and intend to continue their protest until the isolation of Alfredo is suspended.

On February 14th, Alfredo was hurriedly moved to another section of Ferrara prison, where he has no contact with other prisoners —neither with those in the AS2 wing, nor with inmates in others sections. The other comrades held in the special wing have their sociability suspended and are banned from meeting each other.

Spanish | Greek

Write to the comrade:

Alfredo Cospito
CC di Ferrara
Via Arginone 327
44122 Ferrara

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Update about the anti-anarchist raids and investigation (Italy)

Thursday, April 7th, 2011


Update 6/4/11: 5 comrades are arrested in Bologna, 1 in Ferrara.

A new police and judiciary raid against anarchists in Italy has hit the city of Bologna, and in particular the comrades of ‘Fuoriluogo’. The charge is ‘organized crime with aims of subversion’ and refers to both public campaigns and attacks against banks, ENI (the Italian energy multinational involved in nuclear activities and in business with the Libyan regime), structures linked to the Bologna migrants detention centre and other centres of economic and political power. (more…)

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Posted in Social Control

Comacchio, Ferrara: TSO [compulsory psychiatric treatment] and Teargas (Italy)

Saturday, June 12th, 2010

This communiqué, written by anarchists from Ferrara (northern Italy), exposes an appalling episode that occurred in Comacchio, a town in the province of Ferrara. Apparently just a provincial story, but one that reminds us of the unacceptable conditions imposed by this murderous system, a story that concerns all of us.

Psychiatry makes recourse to more and more terrible means to take away the freedom of those whom it considers deviant according to its biased vision of ‘normality’.

On May 28 2010, in a lively town in the province of Ferrara, where a reactionary rightwing mayor has just been elected, a 34-year-old man was subjected to the hideous activity of psychiatric doctors and of their best mates in uniform (police and carabinieri-paramilitary police).

It all started when police were alerted that a man had entered a church and started swearing during the mass. Eventually the man went outside a bar, where he exhibited some martial arts postures. This is what the local press reported, as it depicted the man as ‘a public danger, someone to be scared of’. (more…)

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Posted in Cognitive Liberty

How long will we still accept without reacting? (Italy)

Monday, May 31st, 2010

Ferrara, Italy. On the nth beating by the cops

On February 24 2010 four immigrant kids are arrested in the centre of Ferrara [northern Italy] and taken to the carabinieri (paramilitary police) station of Via Del Campo. There the cops attack the kids furiously: it looks like the usual story of police brutality hidden behind the walls of a prison, the darkness of a neighbourhood in the night or, as in this case, the conspiracy of silence in a police station. (more…)

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Posted in No Borders