Posts Tagged ‘Christos Rodopoulos’

Updates from the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire escape plan trial (Greece)

Sunday, June 19th, 2016

June 6th and 7th hearings

The June 6th and 7th hearings were for the 250 attacks by the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire and the attempted escape of 2015. Witnesses for the defense were presented for some of the defendants.

For their part, the comrades Christos and Gerasimos Tsakalos, along with the comrades Giorgos Polydoros, Olga Economidou and Angeliki Spyropoulou attended the trial and refused to present witnesses for their defense as they have stated since day one that “for us the best ‘defense’ is the continuation of the action in the streets”.

Witnesses for the defense of the three relatives of the CCF comrades (Christos Polydoros, Evi Statiri and Athena Tsakalou) were also presented.

The statements of the witnesses focused on the criminalization of family relations and referred to cases that occurred during the dictatorship in Greece (1967-1974) in which rebels and insurgents were aided or given refuge to prevent being arrested by the Military Junta. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Statement of Christos Rodopoulos to the special appellate investigator (Greece)

Friday, March 6th, 2015

On Research Methodology

Life is a non-factual continuum for the understanding, of which, the use of quantification techniques – endearing especially in the modern technocratic “society” – fails both in terms of structure and intention.

One example of these techniques is the huge indictment you impose on me. A text which is abstruse, among other things, and when it is read by the will for life and freedom. By the will for union with the nature of life and its creations, but also with the freedom those are offering selflessly, to any creature that wishes to get closer with the reverence of the participant and the drive of the one seeking.

Perhaps you already started discerning – if you indeed, even in an instant, abdicate the role of the bearer of such a text – the gap existing between your investigative questions and my situation.

So, let’s not move on to them and seize this earned time, in order to hark, among others, a distant burr, deriving from this gap.


And of course not, this burr is not from the endless machines of Alexandras Avenue*. It is the silently thunderous pain the penal scalpel of quantification creates in the souls of the ones subsisting and inside the prison cells.

But here I am going to end this statement of mine, although abruptly, but hoping to a not further demarcation of anything flowing from it.

Christos Rodopoulos

Note: Christos Rodopoulos was detained in Domokos’ type C prison and faces charges concerning the attempted prison escape by CCF and his alleged participation in the group.

Translated by Inter Arma

*The central HQ of the Attica police is located here.

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Posted in Prison Struggle

CCF Escape case: Report about the inquisition – 6 March 2015 – Updated (Greece)

Friday, March 6th, 2015


As is known, the CCF imprisoned members are on hunger strike until death. Christos’ and Gerasimos’ mother and Gerasimos’ wife testified to the investigating judge on Tuesday, where they both denied the charge of being members of a “terrorist organization” (which is what they are charged with). The comrades’ mother only accepted the charge of “harboring a criminal”, and she was remanded by the counter-terror state. Gerasimos’ wife was also remanded the same day.

On March 4th, Christos Tsakalos wrote a political claim of his own, concerning the escape attempt, and Giorgos Polydoros published a text as well, as a personal friend of his brother was arrested (he was released along with the woman who was arrested on Saturday).

On March 5th, Aggeliki S. and the 39-year-old comrade Christos R. who was arrested in the neighbourhood of Galatsi on February 28th were demanded to testify. Aggeliki gave a statement saying she did not recognise the court and declared herself as anarchist. Aggeliki was then detained in Korydallos, and she had already began a hunger strike from the point of her arrest with the common aims of CCF. Christos R. also gave a statement, and was immediately remanded to Domokos Type C prison.

On March 6th, Christos Polydoros, brother of Giorgos, voluntarily went to the public prosecutor to speak against the repression of the family and friends of CCF, so the prosecutor vermin ordered his arrest. Currently, Christos Polydoros is being held by the anti-terrorist force in the Athens police headquarters [he is now released, 10 March].

Death to the police – Death to the state

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