Posts Tagged ‘Christodoulos Xiros’

Koridallos prison, Athens: Summary of sentences in the CCF escape case trial (Greece)

Saturday, July 9th, 2016

On July 8th 2016, the Koridallos prison court – presided over by special judge Asimina Yfanti – convicted all members of the anarchist revolutionary organisation Conspiracy of Cells of Fire, who were accused of placing an explosive device at Koridallos tax office; sending a parcel bomb to the police station in Itea (in retaliation for the murder of inmate Ilir Kareli by prison guards); sending a letter bomb to the home of Dimitris Mokkas (special appellate judge against terrorism); planning an armed escape from Koridallos prison (dubbed “Gorgopotamos project”); and possession of firearms, explosives and anti-tank RPGs with the purpose of “disrupting the country’s social, economic and political life.” Furthermore, in relation to these charges, they were convicted of “direction of a terrorist organisation” and incitement (“moral instigation”) to four attempted homicides.

During the sentencing, there was a strong presence of comrades in solidarity with the anarchists and the dignified individuals co-accused in the CCF escape case trial. There was also heavy police presence (including an anti-riot squad).

CCF members:

The ten CCF anarchist prisoners Gerasimos Tsakalos, Christos Tsakalos, Giorgos Polidoros, Olga Ekonomidou, Theofilos Mavropoulos, Panagiotis Argirou, Giorgos Nikolopoulos, Michalis Nikolopoulos, Damiano Bolano, Haris Hadjimihelakis were sentenced to 115 years in prison each.

Comrade Angeliki Spyropoulou:

The anarchist prisoner Angeliki Spyropoulou was sentenced to 28 years in prison.

Relatives of CCF members:

Athena Tsakalou (the mother of CCF members Gerasimos Tsakalos and Christos Tsakalos) and Evi Statiri (the partner of Gerasimos Tsakalos) were found not guilty by a majority opinion (instead of a unanimous verdict).

However, Christos Polidoros (the brother of CCF member Giorgos Polidoros) was convicted of “membership in the terrorist organisation Conspiracy of Cells of Fire” and received a 6-year suspended sentence.

Other prison sentences & a couple of acquittals:

Christos Rodopoulos (nicknamed “Iasonas” by authorities), who has denied all charges, was sentenced to 75 years in prison.

Christodoulos Xiros (convicted 17N member) was sentenced to 65 years in prison.

Four other defendants were convicted of alleged membership in the organisation and sentenced to 27-28 years in prison each.

Fabio Dusko was sentenced to 8 years in prison.

Four other defendants were acquitted of membership in the organisation but received a 6-year suspended sentence.

Two other defendants were found guilty of misdemeanor offenses.

Two defendants were found not guilty.

– via contrainfo

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Posted in Prison Struggle

“Our Day Will Come” : In solidarity with Evi Statiri and CCF – Imprisoned Members Cell (Greece)

Thursday, October 8th, 2015

Our Day Will Come – Cover

Our Day Will Come

Attending to the solidarity call to Evi Statiri we share with you a book which speaks about what was triggered after the arrest of the fugitive Christos Xiros, the discovery of an escape plan to escape from Korydallos prison by Conspiracy of Cells of Fire, Imprisoned Members Cell; the subsequent manhunt against comrade Aggeliki Spyropoulo and her detention with relatives and friends of CCF comrades, and finally, the hunger strike for over 30 days in which they put their lives at risk.

It also has a prologue by CCF, imprisoned members cell.

We are interested that the experiences of CCF`s escape attempt and subsequent hunger strike could be transmitted as an expression of anarchic ability to build our offense in an autonomous way, as a part of our defense and dissemination of every indomitable and antagonist attitude against Power.

The most of the text were taken from the related anarchic webs.
Also, this book has a Spanish version, with translations made by us and other comrades.

Without another word, we share this book with you.

Sin Banderas Ni Fronteras, antiauthoritarian agitation group

Chile, 2015.

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Posted in Library

CCF Escape case: Christodoulos Xiros refuses to answer to the court, makes political statement (Greece)

Saturday, June 6th, 2015

5 June 2015, Athens – Christodoulos Xiros, ex-member of the Revolutionary Organisation 17 November, who is facing charges for participation in the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire escape attempt that was foiled in January by the Greek authorities, denied to answer any questions from the judicial apparatus and made a political statement.

In his brief political statement, Xiros expressed his views and called on the examining magistrate Eftihis Nikopoulos and everyone that he works for to apologize themselves.

Part of his statement read: “I have nothing to say to mechanisms that support the occupation forces and their local collaborators. You and those you serve should apologize to the people and history.”

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Posted in Prison Struggle

CCF Escape case: “DE PROFUNDIS” – a communiqué from the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire – Imprisoned Members Cell (Greece)

Monday, February 9th, 2015

Inter Arma received and translated:


We had no intention of contributing to the continuing of the public downfall and inner cannibalism that broadened with skillful architecturing by the police, journalists and the miserable interview given by Xiros[1]. But misery reigns…

i) Once a snitch… always a traitor

What is more infuriating than the snitch of 17th November[2] talking about morality… He who, in his preliminary statements in 2002 (they are published on internet) was whining and begging the cops to go easy on him, as a return for his cooperation with persecution authorities.

What is more challenging than the snitch being presented as the critic of the “movement”. He who, until this day, hasn’t even apologized to his former comrades for the life-long sentences he “offered” them with his unbiased confessions to the counter-terrorism agency (without them even so much as slapping him).

What is more contradictory than the ridiculous aspiring petty leader asking for the collective procedures and diversity to be respected. In his raving where he was impersonating the reincarnation of Karaiskakis[3], he was exhibiting an authority complex that was testing the nerves of the comrades, who were putting up with him and helping him to escape for an entire year, with huge patience and by risking their life and freedom from the cops. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

CCF Escape case: "Washing the mud away…" – Inter Arma’s announcement (Greece)

Saturday, January 31st, 2015

This announcement is a response to the published articles of various media cesspools of the regime, that involve Inter Arma in their reports concerning manuscripts that are among the police findings in the case of the prison escape attempted by the anarchist group Conspiracy of Cells of Fire but also to the sad but expected speculation from a part of the so-called anarchist “milieu”.

For over a month now, with the electoral festival as a background, counter-terrorism agency and its snitches in the media carry out a large scale communicative campaign in the context of the prison escape attempted by CCF and some criminal prisoners. Dozens of findings, theories, police updates, phone conversations and interviews have been released to the public. It’s not the first time that the snitches of the cops involve us in various ways in such situations. And while they usually use more of their imagination, like in the case of project Nemesis, when the were referring to us as part of the project, this time they are targeting us for the obvious, which is the communication with comrades that are imprisoned in the dungeons of Democracy. The reason why counter-terrorism agencies internationally move communicably and operationally against projects like Inter Arma, has been analyzed quite a few times. The counter-information projects of those anarchists that still consider anarchist struggle to be a battle against the regime, are an obvious target for the enemy. (more…)

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Posted in Social Control

Santiago: Revolutionary solidarity – Incendiary barricades for prisoners in Greece ($hile)

Friday, January 16th, 2015

Complicidad y solidaridad más allá de los idiomas, banderas y fronteras.

Con el comienzo del año y aprovechando las celebraciones, el gobierno griego dio comienzo a un proceso de traslado de prisionerxs hacia la Cárcel de tipo C de Domokos, con el claro objetivo de aislar a lxs prisionerxs en guerra e intentar amainar la lucha anárquica que cada día se intensifica en las calles y dentro de los siniestros muros de las prisiones.

El primer prisionero trasladado fue el compañero anarquista Nikos Maziotis miembro de Lucha Revolucionaria a lo que rápidamente de sumaron Dimitris Koufontinas, miembro de la organización 17 Noviembre, Kostas Gournas miembro de Lucha Revolucionaria, Yannis Naxakis y Grigoris Sarafoudis, condenados por atraco a mano armada y por supuesta participación en las CCF. (more…)

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Posted in Direct Action

Report about the case of the escape attempt of members of CCF (Greece)

Friday, January 16th, 2015

It was 3rd of January when after a wide operation of anti-terrorist police, the wanted comrade Ch.Xiros was arrested in the region of Anavissos. At the same time, there was detected a hideout in the same region. After a stake-out of this property cops discovered a large amount of ammunition and firearms (8 Kalashnikovs, 1 RPG, 3 rockets, hundreds of bullets, more than 150 kilos of explosives etc.), drawings regarding an escape plan of Conspiracy of Cells of Fire members and a fake ID of comrade Angeliki. (who was visiting members of CCF in prison). The very same night EKAM (special forces of anti-terrorist police) and officers of anti-terrorist police raided all the cells of CCF members in prison, and the comrades Christos Tsakalos and Gerasimos Tsakalos, as well as the comrades Spiros Mandilas and Andreas Tsavdaridis, were transferred to a solitary confinement wing in a dungeon under Korydallos prison where there are no other prisoners.

In the next days, the anti-terrorist police declares comrade Angeliki is a fugitive and starts an intense man-hunt for her arrest (after giving her photo in publicity through all TV channels), and they discover another safehouse in the region of Loutraki where they found dozens of ready-made bombs, a gun, and two stolen vehicles (1 jeep and 1 van).

The Minister of Public Order and the Chief of Police are making official statements announcing that police managed to prevent an escape plan of the members of Conspiracy of Cells of Fire. According to this announcement, some comrades would attack and blow up the outside wall of the prison wing that members of CCF were held in, with a mega-bomb of 150 kilos of explosives put in a trapped vehicle (stolen van) and with the Kalashnikovs and the RPG would strike armed guards at the guard-houses of the prison.

After that, they would escape with CCF members in stolen vans which they intended to change with other stolen vehicles during the route of escape with the safehouses as destinations.

The imprisoned members of CCF published two texts (It was worth a try, Communique of War) in which they express their solidarity with comrade Angeliki and they closed with the phrase “Nothing is over…. Everything continues.”

Freedom to the imprisoned members of Conspiracy of Cells of Fire
Solidarity with the fugitive comrade Angeliki

Comrades in solidarity

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Santiago: Desde Chile hasta España – Solidaridad insurrecta ($hile)

Thursday, January 15th, 2015

English translation via War on Society

Un Paleógrafo es un paleógrafo…pero es más que un trozo de papel cuando
viene enmarcado en una forma de ver y entender el combate desde la
multiformidad permanente.

Es un mínimo gesto de respuesta, un guiño cómplice a nuestrxs compañerxs
secuestradxs por el Estado Español, nuestras complicidades se extienden
mas allá de cualquier frontera.

La complicidad entre el Estado chileno y Español se hizo evidente en el
coqueteo publico entre sus organismos represivos, materializándose con el
encuentro entre sus autoridades con diversos viajes entre ambos
territorios durante los últimos meses.

La operación Pandora no es simplemente la re-edición ciega de un modelo
represivo, sino que además incluye un movimiento de avanzada, contemplando
la falsificación de la realidad al apuntar a los GAC como una célula de
acción directa (tal como aquí las casas okupas fueron señaladas como
fachadas de una “organización terrorista”). Pero además el salto represivo
esta dado en la fantasiosa trampa de acusar a lxs compañerxs de conformar
una “organización terrorista” que no ha cometido ningún ataque conocido.
Esto es la Democracia, el absurdo que se autoafirma para perpetuarse en el
poder. Como antiautoritarixs no tenemos nada que mendigar, solo declarar
nuestro desprecio.

Desde las diferentes latitudes y territorios aprendamos de la maniobra
represiva en España, entendiendo que la Guerra Social se vive a nivel
global. Los Estados se comparten información y estrategias. Nosotrxs no
solo contemplamos, sino que somos parte de la misma marea contra el poder.

No olvidamos a nuestrxs hermanxs Francisco y Mónica, nuestros corazones
han estado y estarán con ustedes.

Solidaridad y lucha con lxs compañerxs secuestradxs por la Operación
Pandora y con nuestrxs entrañables compañerxs de la Conspiración de
Células del Fuego y Christodoulos Xiros recientemente
encarcelado:¡Guerrillero una vez, Guerrillero Siempre!

Algunos Anarquistas
$tgo-Chile. Enero 2015.

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Posted in Prison Struggle

New arrests in the CCF escape case (Greece)

Wednesday, January 14th, 2015

Kalamata, southern Peloponnese: According to the reports of the corporate media, on Tuesday 13th January 2015, two men, a 37 year old Albanian, and a 54 year old Greek national were arrested in an armed car stop by the anti-terrorist police. The 37 year old Albanian is accused of renting the Anavyssos house that comrade Christodoulos Xiros was arrested near, and where a number of Kalashnikovs, pistols, explosives, documents and a rocket launcher were found. The Greek national is a retired former member of EKAM, the Greek anti-terrorist unit. According to the arrest warrant, the men are suspected of belonging to a terrorist group; committing acts of terror; building, procuring and possessing explosives and possessing illegal firearms. The two men went before the public prosecutor the next day and denied the charges.

International solidarity to Christodoulos Xiros, and all detained and wanted for the CCF escape case

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Posted in Social Control

Comrade Christodoulos Xiros is transferred to Domokos – International solidarity to the wanted in connection to the CCF escape case (Greece)

Sunday, January 11th, 2015

Friday 09/01/15 – Unrepentant comrade Christodoulos Xiros, of the R.O – 17 November, who was captured by anti-terrorist police after a stake-out of a property in Anavyssos, has been transferred from Korydallos prison, Athens, to Domokos. This prison has been converted into a new high security maximum isolation ‘Type C prison’ for the annihilation of the imprisoned urban guerrillas and the nonconforming prisoners. The comrade remains strong, as can be evidenced by his words and in the photos of his appearances in public before the prosecutor-rat who gave him his charges. Christodoulos refuses to cooperate in any way with the judicial authorities and maintains his armed revolutionary principles and irreducible stance against oppression and the capitalist system.

Amongst other charges, Christodoulos is accused of forming and leading an ‘unnamed terrorist organisation’, which had gathered explosives and firearms for an assault against Korydallos prison to free the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire / FAI-IRF – Imprisoned Members Cell. Since the last report published here, another safe-house has been announced found by anti-terrorist police in Loutraki where they seized 2 stolen vehicles, many kilos of explosive materials and other items. No comrades were inside when the hideout was raided. From data recovered by the pigs they believe the breakout of the comrades would have lead to a new wave of organised attacks against all institutions and structures of the Type C prisons and those responsible for them. Judges, politicians, prison guards and managers, industrialists and bankers… all those responsible for the misery of the existent.

The pigs are now looking for a third safe-house they believe to exist in an urban area, and are making an Explosive Ordinance Disposal (EOD) and forensic investigation of the Loutraki property whilst processing the results of the DNA and fingerprint evidence found in the first house in Anavyssos. The pigs declare that the Kalashnikovs and the pistols found in Anavyssos were ‘clean’ and had not been used in any of the recent armed actions in Athens, mentioning the armed attack which took place against the Israeli Embassy on 12 December 2014 by Popular Fighters Group and the armed attack on the German ambassador’s residence in 2013 that the same group took responsibility for. Also found on Mount Egaleo was a stolen vehicle that police claim was to be used in the Korydallos breakout as a getaway vehicle.

Also in connection to the case, Gerasimos Tsakalos, Christos Tsakalos (imprisoned members of the CCF), Andreas Tsavdaridis (Member of FAI) and anarchist Spyros Mandylas, who remain held hostage in Korydallos prison, have been removed from A-Wing, and put in the dungeon under the Women’s Wing, which was formally used to detain members of 17 November. It’s been reported that this was because of their closeness to comrade Angeliki who is clandestine. It is expected that the imprisoned comrades will soon be transferred to Domokos and the authorities are scared of reprisals or sudden retributions.

2 comrades are fugitives after having been named in the mainstream media as being intensely hunted in connection to the CCF escape plan, and naturally the mainstream media slime, guided by the anti-terrorist unit, are printing filthy propaganda through speculative tabloid hypothesis and leering about the case, feeding their hunger for sensationalist delirium at the election period. Alongside, the journalists compare the attempted escape to the terrorism spectacular conjured by a cell of Islamic-fascists at the Charlie Hebdo office in Paris. In this way, they smear the clear objectives of the new combatants and those who joined them from the last generation of armed struggle for freedom. This is what the media industry is for. To keep people distracted and smug in a drivel of banality, tits, terror, consumerism and fantasy.

Charlie Hebdo’s editor-in-chief Gerard Biard has told France Inter, “A newspaper is not a weapon of war”, but he could not be further from the truth. The Press has always been a weapon of war owned by incredibly powerful individuals, who with their editors and corporate allies form cartels who control and manipulate the flow of information and opinion in order to maintain a system of privilege over the masses of people and all those who fight against that corrupt and parasitic system. Without needing to repeat more or reference the content of such hysteria and at a time of widespread nationalistic-liberal delirium, spell-binding illusions are only of benefit to Power, which weeps crocodile tears for the victims of the massacre in Paris, and we remind that all journalists are not actually fighters for freedom or humour, many are the same disgusting pieces of shit that they have always been. We remember the deserved fate of lackeys to industry, like “Journalist” Sokratis Giolias. In many offices across Europe and beyond, a more fitting end couldn’t come to them.

The imprisoned comrades must get out of the prisons by any means and the Type C prisons and the regime which implements them must be attacked. Several generations of combatants cannot be left alone to become the trophies of Power. Solidarity means to keep things together, to keep things solid. Attacks keep the struggle solid. They prevent the fire being lost in the stagnation of modern life. Armed struggle is a valid choice in the revolutionary and insurrectional war against the existent. The criminals and the terrorists are those of the State and Capital, who have polluted the environment and ruined the earth, impoverished billions of people and who plan unparalleled domination and rule by the elite.

Nothing is over – Everything continues…

Solidarity to Christodoulos Xiros and all wanted comrades in connection to the case

War against the existent

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Unrepentant comrade Christodoulos Xiros is captured by police after stake-out (Greece)

Monday, January 5th, 2015

Breaking news from mainstream media slime reports that Christodoulos Xiros, escaped member of the Revolutionary Organisation – 17 November, has been captured by police on 3rd Jan after a stake-out of a safehouse in Anavyssos, near Athens.

The safehouse was found to contain numerous weapons: Kalashnikovs, pistols, RPG launcher with three warheads, many kilos of explosives, etc. The pigs also stated that inside the safe house there was extensive notes detailing a plan to assault Korydallos prison in Athens and free imprisoned comrades there.

Xiros was serving six life terms, plus 25 years, for his role in R.O – 17 November, which eliminated 23 targets, including Greek politicians, businessmen and British, American and Turkish intelligence and military officials, from 1975 to 2000. The group was one of the longest running and successful anti-capitalist groups in history.

Xiros is now charged with creating and being in charge of an unknown terrorist organization and with aggravated possession of weapons. Charges also included forgery, violation of detention rules, illegal firearm possession. The prosecutors also pressed charges of ‘harboring a criminal’ against three unknown individuals who appear to have rented the house to comrade Xiros.

Now, the pigs and their political masters have begun an anti-terror hysteria with the aid of the media, prior to the elections which will take place at the end of the month, at the same time that many imprisoned comrades are being transferred to the Greek ‘Stammheim‘, the Type C prison in Domokos, where they are attempting to annihilate the imprisoned urban guerrillas. The pigs are searching for other comrades who may have been working with Xiros and have released the image of a fake-ID card of a woman they are searching for in connection with the case. The pigs are also trying to collect DNA and fingerprint evidence from the safehouse in the hope it will lead them to other comrades in struggle.

Comrade Xiros was forced to appear before the public prosecutor earlier today. “I don’t talk to the detectives of the Troika*” said Xiros, while leaving the police headquarters of Athens to appear before the prosecutor. The comrade also said that the weapons found in the house had been secured by him and he is willing to take responsibility for them.

Xiros remained unrepentant and refused to co-operate, declaring to the prosecutor:

“Our country is under foreign occupation by the Troika and [German PM Angela] Merkel and I think it is my duty to resist. Those mechanisms supporting the occupation forces and their local collaborators, have no authority to ask me anything. Instead, as part of the mechanism, you are the ones who should apologize to the people and history.”

“There is no cooperation with the mechanisms that serve the occupation and government. The Revolution will continue despite the setback I face because it is a social need.” C. Xiros


* [International Monetary Fund – European Central Bank – European Commission]

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Posted in Social Control

Text by CCF-FAI/IRF – Imprisoned Members Cell about the proposal of Nikos Maziotis concerning the Solidarity Assembly/Texte de la CCF-FAI/IRF – Cellule des membres emprisonnés concernant la création d'un ensemble de solidarité et d'action avec les prisonniers politiques (Greece)

Monday, December 29th, 2014

Text from the comrades concerning the creation of an assembly of solidarity and action with the political prisoners.– english text

Texte des camarades concernant la création d’un ensemble de solidarité et d’action avec les prisonniers politiques.– texte français


i) C’ Type prisons – an act of war

C’ Type prisons wish to become the monument of the State’s victory against the urban guerrilla warfare. It is a bet for us, if we’re going to let a thousand tonnes of concrete, bars and locks beat the human will for freedom, a bet which is to be answered through action by the enemies of the regime and the friends of freedom.
For years now, politically, TV personalities of the system and salaried pen-holders of the police, have engaged in a mud fight against the urban guerrilla warfare, aid at depoliticizing it. “Osmosis of criminals and terrorists”, “cooperation between terrorists and organized crime”, “revolutionary pool” are the vanguard of the lie. Propaganda wishes to hide, covering with its mud, the self-evident constant revolt. A constant revolt of the ones who refuse to live as slaves and attack with arms against the leaders, the silence, the conservatism and the resignation of the majority of society.

Wishing to decouple the possible perspective of the violent insurrectionary action and to mutilate its diffusion, power uses lies and slander in order to present the armed urban guerrillas as insane criminals. And all this, at the same time when their bloodthirsty democracy makes thousands of people commit suicide and poisons every moment of our lives through the terrorism of poverty, repression, a police state, loneliness, exploitation, while it tricks the naive ones through the fake freedom of consumption, spectacle, mass entertainment, digital reality and the civilization of the mediocre. The highlight of the political propaganda against the urban guerrilla warfare was set up early in 2014, after the escape of Christodoulos Xiros on prison leave, who instead of coming back to prison voluntarily, chose the path of illegality and complicity with the new urban guerilla warfare. Headlines and reportage with catchy titles like “New Year’s terror-eve with the CCF”, “prisons are safe houses of terrorists” became the flagship of lies. What bothered power most, together with the escape of comrade Christodoulos Xiros, was that despite our arrests, we have never turned into dormant trophies in the hands of our wardens. For the unrepentant urban guerrillas, prison is not a palace of fear, it is a place of captivity that digs in and tempers more the willingness for rebellion and freedom. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Athens: School bus and vehicle owned by construction company torched by 'Eternal students at the University of Anarchist Insurrection/FAI – IRF'(Greece)

Thursday, December 11th, 2014

Edited version via InterArma:



“I stand here as your declared and unrepentant enemy, I do not beg for
your lenience, I do not seek to engage in dialogue with you and your
peers. My values are at war with yours, so that every phrase I come out
with against you is a razor scoring the masks of your hypocrisy and
making clear the position and the role of each of us. You redact
hundreds of pages of files and you constantly form new cases, in order
to bury us in the prisons of your democracy, for decades. You are
preparing to impose “special detention conditions” on us, which is the
only coup missing from the pantheon of “special treatment” (prison
transfers, trials, laws), which you create to fight us. The simple laws
of physics dictate, that reaction is the consequence of action. Outside
this courtroom on free lands, there are rebelious people, comrades for
me, terrorists for you, who don’t intend to tolerate our extermination,
without making you and your political supervisors bleed first. You can
take this as a threat if you like. I believe, that this is the cynical
reality. Each option has its own cost. I guess, that, as judges and
servants of the law, you would agree with me on this.”

(Nikos Romanos)

Fragment of the statement at the trial for the robbery in Velvento, Kozani

In the frenetic and ever changing social reality that surrounds us, even
the scientific consultants of the bellwethers of the capitalist system
fall out in their predictions. In addition to the individual
geostrategic choices of their peer competitors (Palestine, Syria,
Ukraine, Iran, etc.) and some flaws and contradictions of the system
that appear to be sharpened during the (because of this) exacerbated
condition of the ongoing structural crisis, that which crumples the
fragile humanitarian masks of statists and refutes, constantly, every
certainty about the future, every myth concerning the omnipotence of the
state and any idea about the futility of the liberation struggle, is the
imponderable factor of the insurgents of this world.

The ‘europeanisation’ of the Greek prison system, the aggravating penal
repression of social struggles, the escalation of counter-terrorism
policy dictated by interstate police conferences about Justice and
National Security, the bounty on the heads of revolutionaries and the
recent legal establishment and announcement of the construction of a
high security prison (type C) in Domokos, that aims primarily at
prisoners involved in cases of armed revolutionary action, are all
“signs of the times” and expressions of class domination of the vast
majority of formal and informal social institutions controlled by the
State and Capital. The global and multi-level, capitalist and cultural
restructuring attempted, with the economic crisis as pretext and means,
requires social “peace”, mass vassalage, individualization and above all
annihilation of “internal enemies”.

There are, however, times when the analyzes are redundant, rage and
hatred for the established order become a stream that threatens to drown
not only the usurpers of our lives but also every indolent, hypocritical
challenger and inactive, indignant humanist. There are no excuses! We
are constantly looking for ways to escape the grid of imposition of
domination and strive to reclaim moments of an – in advance – alienated
life, deregulating and seeking to dismantle the clocks of the social
machine, while maintaining an open bet of anarchist revolution and total
rupture with the regime.


The imprisoned anarchist urban guerrilla Nikos Romanos, friend of
Alexandros Grigoropoulos, who was present at his murder by the uniformed
worm Korkoneas, is one of the dozens of anarchist prisoners of war of
the Hellenic Republic, who in recent years have faced the inquisitors of
the judicial mafia and the special treatment reserved for political
enemies of the system, and who boldly defended the project and the
values of Anarchy, taking responsibility and having the costs of certain
choices stemmed from them, regardless of the jumble of prosecutions
against them and the harsh conditions of incarceration, that have
implications on their physical existence and freedom.

Since 1st February ’13 when he was arrested after a car chase following
the double expropriation of state money along with his comrades
G.Mihailidis, A-D.Bourzoukos and D.Politis in the city of Veria
and the
province of Kozani, comrade Romanos, a member of the Informal Anarchist
Federation, is now among those anarchist prisoners who found themselves,
and among other people “accused” for participating in armed
revolutionary groups, temporarily in Greek prisons for bank robberies,
which were chosen as a means of disengagement from the established,
time-consuming living solution of wage slavery and of the strengthening
of the urban guerrilla warfare.

From the juvenile prison of Avlona, he participated in the national
exams and he is now considered – by law – as a student at TEI of Athens
and he is entitled to prison leaves in order to attend the courses,
which the State refuses to grant him. (A similar example is the case of
political prisoner Hercules Kostaris, convicted for involvement in the
Revolutionary Organization 17 November, who has taken over 200 regular
and educational prison leaves in recent years, which were stopped on
the pretext of the runaway of Christodoulos Ksiros). Not having any
illusions about the institution of education as a tool of subjugation
and domestication of people in the hands of Domination and the role of
the university as a factory that produces docile slaves in the service
of the capitalist profitability and normality, our comrade, who is now
in Korydallos prison refusing to unravel the maypole of the
responsibilities of the prison council and the special interrogator
Nikopoulos, is on a hunger strike since November 10th demanding the
granting of his “right”, for a breath of freedom!

Factual solidarity and support in this difficult struggle have already
been expressed by the others “arrested for Velvedo case” also with a
hunger strike inside the walls. At the same time, a broad, diverse
solidarity movement has developed throughout the Greek territory, while
public propaganda moves and nocturnal “interventions” are made abroad.


Remembering the axiom of uncertainty in the natural world and rejecting
the classical, deterministic conception of the proletarian onslaught at
the sky, the centralized organization models of the Struggle and
optimistic estimates of a shallow, reformist, idealism of “maturation of
the objective conditions”, we are there where ideologies impact on the
brutal reality; where the existential rebellion is combined with
horizontal and autonomous class struggle with internationalist and
anti-state character, as it is manifested in each specific
circumstances, becomes an integral part of the social war and seeks to
place anarchist characteristics for the war against Authority and the
liberation of Man and Nature; there where our conventions and
contradictions in everyday life do not prevent us from seeing the
tactical utility and to recognize the partiality of “intermediate
struggles” and the necessity of organizing the anarchist struggle as a
whole, individually and collectively; where only those who were
imprisoned, tortured or killed for devoting themselves to the project of
social liberation, without bowing their heads, can perceive the nobility
of soul and motivation in all its glory; where the consolidation of fear
as a permanent emotional state does not find fertile ground and its
every germ is forcibly uprooted as a parasite that sucks the evergreen
tree of the Revolution; where, at present, the theory meets practice and
any trace of doubt regarding answer to the dilemma of the Selection of a
submissive life or a life in Battle is nullified in front of the rise of
anarchist conscience; we are at the point of no return …

We are inspired by the shooting stars and the fortitude of the people
who fought with the Beast. By night embracing us we swoop in hostile
grounds, creating oases of fire within the social desert. So, in the
morning of 1/12, we torched a school bus owned by St. Lawrence College
in Ag. Dimitrios. Also, we claim responsibility for the attack with gas
canisters, shortly after midnight on 6/12, against a car owned by the
construction company Aktor Facility Management (subsidiary of ELLAKTOR
group, known for its involvement in mining gold in Skouries, Halkidiki
and several cases of pillaging of the natural environment). The attacks
will continue.






For the widespread (anti) – social insurgence,

*Eternal students at the University of Anarchist Insurrection/FAI – IRF*

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Athens: Nihilists take responsibility for the grenade attack against SKAI Media Group (Greece)

Monday, July 28th, 2014

Inter Arma received and translated:



“Media are to democracy what tanks are to dictatorships”

We “Nihilists’ Cells” take responsibility for the grenade attack against the headquarters of SKAI pimp-channel, in the early hours of Saturday 12/07.

In the age of media empire a lot are being written just to say a few and hide the most. Journalists appear as the exclusive owners of the truth. Whatever doesn’t “play” on TV cameras, it simply doesn’t exist. It’s being deleted… silenced… hidden…

Just like the biggest hunger strike (4,500 prisoners) ever made in Greek prisons against the law for maximum security prisons. The tidings of the hunger strike was squeezed among advertisements for mobile cellphones, detergents, electrical appliances and the world cup’s carnivalesque rhythms, in order to be frittered, slaughtered and, finally, completely silenced.

The prisoners’ fight against being buried and forgotten living-dead inside hundreds of tons of concrete and banisters looks like it doesn’t match the TV narrative of life. Where the lie builds your ideological castles, there is room only for fear and for the stupefaction of the society of the spectacle. Images of people searching the garbage for some food, interchange with flashy fashion shows and charity events, while the news about the thousands of suicides of neo-desperate ex-bourgeois are being forgotten in the aftermath of lifestyle gossips in an endless TV bargain of social aphasia… And life goes on outside the TV screen in a black-and-white background. Mass way of thinking and emotions with users’ guides… this is the social factory of the media.

SKAI and its group of lackey and pimp journalists are carrying on the propaganda of conservatism and fear. Spinster witches (I. Mandrou), submissive counselors (A. Portosalte), agents (Papachelas), disgusting fawners (G. Aftias), newly minted pretentious cocky dastards (T. Chatzis), hysterical bankers (M. Papadimitriou), under the instructions of a smuggler (Alafouzos), praise and sanctify the authority’s orders, sending for the Inquisition to whoever dares question it.

We could say thousands of words about the salaried TV-attorneys. But no sheep was ever saved by bellowing. In the battle against the existent the one who speaks “well” wins not, but the one who turns his words into action does. That’s why we don’t like garnished speeches, complicated analyses, social rhetorics and pompous political terms, in order to “justify” our actions or to become likeable for the masses.

We are with the minority of those who are indifferent to the objective conditions and the intermediate levels of “social revolution” and we bring the immediate experience of the anarchist insurrection HERE and NOW…

From the razor’s edge where we look for the authentic experience of attack, we send our greeting and our complicity to the COMRADES of the C.C.F.-Imprisoned Members’ Cell and to Andreas and Spyros who are being held in Korydallos wing A, to comrade Olga of C.C.F. and to all those friends in prisons who do not kneel in front of the tyranny of the authority and the decay of time. Solidarity and Strength to the illegal sector of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire, to Comrades in Germany, Italy, Indonesia and England who reinforce “Project Phoenix”, to the international network of FAI/IRF and to the fugitive urban guerrilla Chr. Ksiros.


“Nihilists’ Cells”

PS (1). The presence of some random by-passers and the danger of injuring them forced us no to express the range of attack we had planned and limit ourselves to the throwing of that specific grenade… But next time we will not content ourselves with a simple intimidating symbolism…

PS (2). Every arrest of an urban guerrilla, like the arrest of N. Maziotis, is one more reason for the sharpening of the attacks. Strength and complicity with the comrades who take the political responsibility of choosing the armed struggle.

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Dark Nights #40 : 'Freedom and Solidarity to C.Xiros' – March 2014 (ACN)

Wednesday, March 12th, 2014

Download here : Dark Nights #40

1. Christodoulos Xiros is still free.
2. Letter from C. Xiros.
3. Letter from the CCF about C. Xiros.
4. Communism by Rodolfo Gonzalez Pacheco.
5. Letter from Christos Tsakalos of the CCF-FAI/IRF.
6. Update on the CCF trial (sessions 89-98).
7. CCF members attack prosecutor Vassilis Foukas.
8. Spain: Short interview by Contra Info with Claudio Lavazza.
9. Call for Solidarity Week – Mexico.
10. Interview with Individualists Tending toward the Wild (ITS).
11. 8th Communique by ITS.
12. Italy: Letter from Elisa di Bernardo (Operation Ardire).
13. France, Paris: Report from anti-police demo.
14. Malmö, Sweden : Fascist knife attack on International Women’s Day.
15. Greece: Letter by Kostas Sakkas.
16. Lastly, in brief…



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