‘Social Control’ Archives

Act in solidarity with women resisting in Kurdistan

Sunday, October 30th, 2016

Freedom For All Resisting Women In The Name of

The attacks, detentions and arrests towards the people and their representatives as a part of the ongoing state violence in Kurdistan since July 2015 have reached its peak in the last 3 days. Gültan Kışanak, as the first Co-Mayor of Diyarbakır Metropolitan Municipality and resisted for two years against the tortures in Diyarbakir Prison during the military coup in 1980, was taken into custody on 25th October 2016; the municipality building was blockaded and raided by hundreds of police.

On 26th October 2016, the people who gathered in front of the municipality building to protect their will had been attacked with impunity via water cannons and teargas, and, many people were battered and detained.

During this attack, the women who resisted in front line are specifically targeted. As well as many of our women comrades have been detained, co-speaker of KJA, Ayla Akat Ata, has also been battered and detained, and, the advocate and family visit is prohibited for five days. (more…)

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Another area-ban for Hague anarchist (Netherlands)

Sunday, October 9th, 2016

Yesterday, an antifascist and anarchist from The Hague received another area-ban imposed upon them, five days after the expiration of the previous area-ban for several Hague anarchists.

This time, the area-ban applies to the center of The Hague and the Haagse Hout neighborhood during the coming Pegida demonstrations, and is accompanied by the requirement to report to the police station.

The police showed up yesterday at the house of an anarchist in The Hague to issue another area-ban. This time in the context of actions that were taken against the extreme-right wing group Pegida, which has announced that it will demonstrate every month in the Hague from now on. The area-ban is in force during the coming three Pegida demonstrations in The Hague and applies to The Hague city center and the Haagse Hout neighborhood. On three dates, October 9th, November 13th, and December 11th, the anarchist and antifascist may not come into this area and they must report to the police station twice a day. (more…)

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Operation Scripta Manent: 6 new arrests and 30 searches for attacks of the FAI/IRF (Italy)

Wednesday, September 7th, 2016

At dawn on September 6, an operation coordinated from Digos [political police] based in Torino led to the search of thirty homes in Piemonte, Liguria, Lazio, Umbria, Lombardia, Abruzzo, Campania, Sardinia and Emilia Romagna, as well as the arrest of six anarchist comrades on charges of subversive association with terrorist aims: Anna, Marco, Sandrone, Daniele, Danilol and Valentina, in addition to the notification in prison for Nicola and Alfredo.

The operation, called “Scripta Manent”, seeks to attribute to a single directing a series of actions in common the claim by the Informal Anarchist Federation, which reproduces the repressive strategies of some earlier as Op. Cervantes and Op. Ardire, and trying to superimpose a membership structure and top-down to expressions of anarchic conflict.

Specifically, the attacks included in this investigation include the explosive packages sent in May 2005 to the Director of the CPT [immigration detention centre] of Modena, the traffic wardens’ barracks in Turin – San Salvario and the superintendent of Lecce [claimed by FAI / Narodnaya Volya], the explosive device against the barracks of the RIS (Italian scientific department) of Parma [24 October 2005 – claimed by FAI / Artisan Cooperative Fire and Similar (occasionally spectacular)], the parcel bomb sent to Sergio Cofferati [2 November 2005 claimed by FAI / Artisan of Cooperative Fire and Similar (occasionally spectacular)], the arsonist device against the barracks of the Carabinieri’s cadets in Fossano [2 June 2006 claimed by FAI / RAT (Rivolta Anonymous and Tremenda)], the
letter bombs sent in Turin in July 2006 to Coema Edilità (company involved in the restructuring of CIE) , the Mayor Sergio Chiamparino and the director of Turin Chronicle [claimed by FAI / RAT (Rivolta Anonymous and Tremenda)], the bombs placed in the Crocetta Turin neighborhood [March 7, 2007 claimed by FAI / RAT]; in addition to other actions also injured Adinolfi [7 May 2012], for which two comrades have already been convicted and have publicly claimed the attack, returns to substantiate the crime of association. (more…)

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Flyposter against Operation Fenix (Czech Republic)

Friday, September 2nd, 2016

Here is the newly updated poster about the repressive operation called ‘Fenix’ striking anarchists in the Czech Republic. In this poster there is news about the
appeal/higher court against Igor Shevcov and the first two days of the court hearing against the “Fenix 5”. Besides that you can find information about the case, police tactics, tips on how to support the defendants and donate and many more.

Please print it in A2 format, so the letters don’t get too small. Spread it around your favorite radical places and streets.



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A few notes on media and repression (Netherlands)

Wednesday, August 31st, 2016

Via Actforfree:

In the course of awaiting the processes of several anarchists that are accused of having robbed banks in Aachen in 2013 and 2014, the prosecution office of Aachen, Germany, and their obedient voice, the media, use every chance available to advance their investigation. Whether it is on a juridical or a more subtle mediatic level, all these expressions are different tentacles of the same mechanism of repression.

As usual the mainstream media are eager to get a “good” story by all means necessary, pervertedly scrutinizing people’s lives regardless of any ethics. They therefore do not hesitate in aiding the prosecution in spreading their fantastical tales. We have read these without much surprise – this is what journalists do after all –, have watched the hysterical spectacle that is being created around the implicated. Not being surprised however does not mean that we do not feel the need to clarify a few things that may have become blurred in the midst of this incessant stream of written and televised vomit.

After having ejaculated several articles in which the accused were portrayed according to the image the prosecution is trying to spread, the media has now decided it is time to create their own story. A rumour came to us through the grapevine that a certain Dutch journalist has posted a request on Indymedia asking for information concerning one of the accused. (more…)

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The Area Ban against anarchists in a broader context of repression in The Hague (Netherlands)

Wednesday, August 17th, 2016

On August 3, several anarchists in The Hague, the Netherlands, and one from outside the city received a letter from Mayor Van Aartsen with the intention of imposing a two month area ban for the Schilderswijk, a working class and immigrant neighborhood in the center of the city. The mayor wants to use the so-called “Football Law,” which is now being used against political activists for the first time. In recent times, anarchists in The Hague have dealt with much repression, much of it directly from the mayor’s office.

50,000 euro damage claim for De Vloek eviction

On September 9, 2015, during the eviction of social center De Vloek which had been squatted for 13 years, ten people were arrested. Five of them remained in prison for two weeks after being accused of committing violence against the police. Several months after their release, the ten people who had been arrested received a letter from the mayor of The Hague with a 50,000 euro damage claim. Upon further investigation into the specifics of the amount of the claim, it was apparent that it was largely based on costs that had nothing to do with the eviction: the removal of containers full of rubble that was allegedly used to make barricades, guarding the terrain after the eviction (De Vloek was demolished directly after the eviction) and cleaning paint from paint bombs off of the street (the street wasn’t even cleaned, but repaved a few weeks after the eviction in accordance with scheduled maintenance).

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Algunas reflexiones rupturistas a partir del asesinato del compa Salvador Olmos (Mexico)

Sunday, August 14th, 2016

Escribimos esto después de leer el Comunicado del Bloque libertario de Huajuapan”, ante el asesinato a manos de la policía del compañero Salvador Olmos “Chava” ya que pensamos que ante la intensificación de la guerra y el avance de la represión en entornos anarquistas/libertarios se hace necesario clarificar nuestras posturas en aras a identificar las múltiples formas del enemigo, ya que muchas veces se ve reducida la crítica al papel “de las injusticias del gobierno” o simplemente a “pensar que el mal esta encarnado en una persona o político” y no que en realidad es todo el sistema en su conjunto gobernantes y gobernados quienes participan activamente en la manutención del orden social capitalista.

¡Que quede bien claro! las siguientes palabras no son para nada dirigidas a manchar la memoria del compañero Chava o empezar polémicas de dimes y diretes, ni andarnos peleando entre nosotros, esto es ante todo una reflexión de compañeros para compañeros y esperemos que sea tomada como lo que es. (more…)

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‘Disappearing From State Control’ by fugitive anarchist Lukáš Borl (Czech Republic)

Sunday, August 14th, 2016

Note from Insurrection News: What follows is a newly translated text that was written by anarchist comrade Lukáš Borl in September 2015, shortly after he made the decision to become a fugitive following serious police harassment and surveillance in the Czech Republic for suspected involvement with SRB / Network of Revolutionary Cells…

I´m an anarchist, a rebel and this means so much to me. Among others also that I´m threatened by those against which I fight. Besides other rebels it´s more complicated with us, anarchists. The threat is always here for us and it doesn’t matter what time or place we live in – in the position of fighters against all states the anarchists are always under the threat of repressions and violence. During monarchy, theocracy, fascist or bolshevik dictatorship, same as during the times of liberal democracy. All anarchists must live with knowing that everyday can appear the fist of the state repressions. (more…)

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Repression report by Radical Allotment Garden project (Poland)

Thursday, August 11th, 2016

… On May 23rd 2016 three anarchists from Warsaw were arrested and accused of terrorist activities. They face 6 months to 8 years of jail. The prosecution held them in custody for 3 months which may be automatically prolonged. All three are detained in isolation and denied the right to communicate with relatives. During the first week of detention none of them had access to a lawyer and there were signs of physical abuse on their bodies. more info on the arrest and details of support in various languages:



These arrests happened just as the government was taking steps too implement a NEW ANTI TERRORIST ACT. Significantly on 10th, 23rd and 30th May in various Polish cities a series of false bomb alarms took place, leading to evacuation of sites such as editorial offices of media and television, shopping centers, and banks. (more…)

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Mayor issues area bans for anarchists (Netherlands)

Sunday, August 7th, 2016

Today (3-8-2016) several anarchists in the city of The Hague, The Netherlands, but also in other cities, received police visits. The police delivered letters containing the intentions of mayor Jozias van Aartsen to prohibit anarchists from setting foot in the Schilderswijk neighbourhood in The Hague for the coming two months.

The letters stated that the anarchists were to blame for “structural nuisance”. This nuisance would consist of unannounced demonstrations, disturbing of the peace and the disturbing of demonstrations. The letters contain a list of allegations to which people are being associated to or for which they have been arrested. These allegations differ per person. They range from squatting, participation in spontaneous demonstrations, pasting posters and destroying a prison fence. What the anarchists have in common is that they are all active against institutionalised racism, ethnic profiling and the racist The Hague police force. All of them were also preemptively arrested on the 27th of June, after a demonstration commemorating Mitch Henriquez who was murdered by police last year. (more…)

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(Grecia) Dictan condenas contra Andreas Tsavdaridis, Spyros Mandilas y compas de CCF por acciones del “Proyecto Fénix” / Update on the conclusion of the ‘Phoenix Project’ trial

Thursday, August 4th, 2016


[Por Sin Banderas Ni Fronteras tomando información desde blog “Mpalothia]

El martes 26 de julio a las nueve de la mañana en una sala especial para juicios en la prisión femenina de Koridalos se desarrolló la sesión final del jucio por los ataques del “Proyecto Fénix” en Grecia. El juicio duró más de dos años y comenzó en junio de 2014.

Lxs acusadxs fueron lxs compañerxs Spyros Mandilas (quien ha negado los cargos pero ha defendido la violencia revolucionaria anarquista), Andreas Tsavdaridis (quien desde un comienzo asumió su responsabilidad en el envío de un paquete bomba contra un jefe de policía en 2013) y lxs 10 compañerxs de Conspiración de Células del Fuego, quienes ya estaban todxs en prisión cuando se realizaron los ataques.

En la sala de audiencias compañerxs solidarixs estuvieron presentes apoyando a lxs compañerxs acusadxs.

En concreto, lxs compañerxs estaban siendo acusadxs de:

1) Andreas Tsavdaridis:
I) Participación en Conspiración de Células del Fuego.
II) Atentado homicida contra el ex comandante de la agencia antiterrorista Dimitris Chorianopoulou con un paquete bomba.
III) Intento de explosión (por el paquete bomba)
IV) Posesión de explosivos (por el paquete bomba)

2) Spyros Mandilas:
I) Participación en Conspiración de Células del Fuego
II) Atentado homicida contra el ex comandante de la agencia antiterrorista Dimitris Chorianopoulou con un paquete bomba.
III) Intento de explosión (por el paquete bomba)
IV) Posesión de explosivos (por el paquete bomba)

3) Conspiración de Células del Fuego:
I) Incitación al asesinato en el atentado contra el ex comandante de la agencia antiterrorista Dimitris Chorianopoulou (paquete bomba)
II) Incitación en intento de explosión (por el mismo paquete bomba)
III) Instigación a la posesión de explosivos (por el mismo paquete bomba)
IV) Incitación a explosión (por la explosión del automóvil de la directora de la prisión de Korydallos, María Stefie, en junio de 2013)
V) Instigación a la posesión de explosivos (por la misma explosión anterior)
VI) Incitar a una explosión (explosión en automovil del carcelero Argyris Gkelmpoura en junio de 2013)
VII) Instigación a la posesión de explosivos (por la misma explosión anterior)
VIII) Apoyo a los ataques ya mencionados.

Finalmente, las condenas fueron las siguientes:

* Andreas Tsavdaridis: encontrado “culpable” por cuatro cargos y condenado a 32 años de cárcel de los cuales deberá cumplir 21 en prisión.

* Spyros Mandilas: encontrado “inocente” de todos los cargos, pero la corte se negó a devolrverle los dos computadores incautados por la policía durante el allanamiento a la Okupa Nadir.

* Conspiración de Células del Fuego: todxs lxs compañerxs de CCF fueron declaradxs “culpables” y condenados a un total de 74 años de cárcel, de los cuales 21 deben cumplir en prisión.

Nos negamos a que la represión tenga la última palabra en esta historia, por eso compartimos un recuento de las 18 acciones que desde el año 2013 se han desarrollado como parte del “Proyecto Fénix”:

1) Grecia (Atenas): 7 de junio de 2013. Voladura del automóvil personal de la directora de la prisión de Korydallos, reivindicado por Conspiración de Células del Fuego-FAI/FRI y “Pandillas de la Conciencia-FAI/FRI, Célula ‘Sole Baleno'”. http://alturl.com/9f4q4

2) Grecia (Atenas): 12 de junio de 2013. Voladura del automóvil personal de un carcelero de la prisión de Nauplia, reivindicado por “Conspiración Internacional por la Venganza”. http://alturl.com/acrkh

3) Indonesia (Yakarta) : 26 de junio de 2013. Incendio intencional en la 3ª planta del hotel Sheraton, reivindicado por “Unidad de la Cólera-Conspiración Internacional por la Venganza”. http://alturl.com/2hiud

4) Grecia (Tesalónica): 3 de julio de 2013. Envío de paquete explosivo
contra el ex comandante de la unidad antiterrorista, reivindicado por “Federación Anarquista Informal-Frente Revolucionario Internacional, Comando ‘Mauricio Morales'”. Por esta acción fueron detenidos los compañeros Spyros Mandilas y Andreas Tsavdaridis (quien asumió su responsabilidad en la acción). http://alturl.com/ikxdp

5) Indonesia (Balikpapan) : 24 de agosto de 2013. Incendio intencional de la Escuela de Policía “Libertad para Kernel Mandilis y Tsavdaridis “Conspiración Internacional por la Venganza-FAI/FRI, Célula ‘Libertad para Mandylas y Tsavdaridis'”. http://alturl.com/4mof9

6) Grecia (Atenas): 1 de septiembre de 2013. Envío de paquete explosivo contra el juez de apelación especial Dimitris Mokka, reivindicado por “Conspiración de Células del Fuego-Célula ‘Ryo'”. http://alturl.com/wihgm

7) Rusia (Bryansk) : 2 de octubre de 2013. Incendio contra aserradero de madera en los terrenos de un complejo hotelero y de caza. Reivindicado por “FLT-FAI, Comando ‘Nestor Makhno’. http://alturl.com/p2jwn

8) Chile (Santiago): 16 de noviembre de 2013. Ataque incendiario/explosivo en la 98° Junta Electoral en la comuna de La Reina. Reivindicado por desde “Célula ‘Larga vida a Ilya Romanov’- Afines a la Internacional Negra”. http://alturl.com/f7ipq

9) México (Toluca): de 18 de noviembre de 2013,artefacto explosivo en una iglesia y un banco en el distrito de San Sebastián. 21 de diciembre de 2013, artefacto explosivo-incendiario en banco cerca del aeropuerto. Ataques reivindicados por la “Facción Anti-civilización del Frente de Liberación de la Tierra”, junto a la Federación Anarquista Informal (FA-FLT / FAI). http://alturl.com/ef7ao

10) Indonesia (Malang): 9 de enero de 2014. Ataque contra cajero automático, reivindicado por la “Célula ‘Sebastián Oversluij Seguel’- Conspiración Internacional por la Venganza, Federación Anarquista Informal”. http://alturl.com/82fwq

11) Alemania (Berlin): 8 de april de 2014, incendio de vehículos de
autoridad municipal y de empresa de seguridad. 24 de abril de 2014, incendio de un vehículo de la embajada perteneciente a una diplomática griega. Reivindicado por “Célula Autónoma ‘Christos Kassimis'”. http://alturl.com/8h8wt

12) Indonesia: 16 de abril de 2014, incendio de dos oficinas del comité de elecciones generales, en Sulawesi. 19 de abril de 2014, incendio de una sucursal de la empresa nacional de electricidad en Madiun, en el este de Java. 23 de abril de 2014, colocación de artefacto incendiario en la Compañía Nacional de Electricidad en Semarang, en Java Central. 28 de abril de 2014, sabotaje de dos automóviles que estaban programados para el transporte de las papeletas de votación en la región del sudeste de Minahasa, en Manado, la capital provincial. 5 y 8 de mayo de 2014, ataque en tres plantas de energía en tres lugares diferentes. Acciones reivindicadas por la “Conspiración Internacional para la Venganza (CIV), Federación Anarquista Informal (FAI), Frente Revolucionario Internacional (FRI). http://alturl.com/8h8wt

13) Italia: 7 de mayo de 2014. Instalación de artefacto incendiario en una estación de gasolina y sabotaje a través de cortes en mangueras abastecedoras del combustible. Reivindicado por “Conspiración del Fuego Negro–FAI/FRI”. http://alturl.com/8h8wt

14) Inglaterra (Bristol): 10 de junio de 2014. Incendios contra la infraestructura de 7 antenas de célular, reivindicado por “Cables con corriente FAI/FLT”. http://alturl.com/8h8wt

15) República Checa (Olomouc): 26 de marzo. Ataque incendiario contra patrulla policial, reivindicado por “Célula Poesía de Fuego FAI/FRI”. http://alturl.com/6dm3g

16) Chile (Santiago): 07 de abril de 2015. Ataque con artefacto incendiario contra la empresa de explotación animal Ganadera Río Bueno, reivindicado por la “Célula Anarquista de Ataque Incendiario ‘Fuego y Conciencia’- Federación Anarquista Informal/Frente Revolucionario Internacional (FAI/FRI). http://alturl.com/4up67

17) Chile (Santiago): Enero 2016. Ataque con artefacto incendiario contra empresa de seguridad privada. Reivindicado por la “Célula Anarquista de Ataque Incendiario ‘Fuego y Conciencia’- Federación Anarquista Informal/Frente Revolucionario Internacional (FAI/FRI). http://alturl.com/5ecf9

18) Reino Unido (Bristol): 28 de junio de 2016. Ataque incendiario contra depósito de vehículos de la policía. Reivindicado como “Célula de Lluvia-FAI/FRI”. http://alturl.com/do2ip

Para más información sobre los objetivos que dan vida al “Proyecto Fénix”, ver el siguiente video: https://vimeo.com/125059680


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Biblioteca Kaos squat facing eviction – Call for resistance (Brazil)

Thursday, August 4th, 2016

Via Insurrection News, Sin Banderas – Ni Fronteras:

Biblioteca Kaos (Chaos Library) facing eviction on August 4th 2016
An invitation to resistance

Greetings comrades and friends.
Projects that are built from a position of confrontation and conflict travel through waters of constant change and innovation.
Since the beginning of Biblioteca Kaos, we knew that when you build an occupied space, you choose this possibility.

A few days ago, they arrived at our door with the order to evict the home where we live, and where we run the library, the natural pharmacy and many other activities where we meet and conspire together. The eviction is scheduled for August 4th, with a judicial order authorizing the police to make effective the reintegration of ownership.

This year, two other squats were evicted – Semente and Kuna, others were born, and others resisted the eviction attempts with various strategies. The context is becoming more and more oppressive for squatting, however it also means – as was stated by a comrade from Nadir squat, that squatting represents a threat to the dominant order. (more…)

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Defendants declaration for the raid on Turkish Airlines – Torino (Italy)

Thursday, August 4th, 2016

In Italy comrades have been touched by the repression, for a solidarity action with Rojava last year… Long live the intenational revolutionary solidarity.

Once again, on July 21, 2016 we’ve been waked at dawn by police. This time, under warrant of prosecutor Rinaudo as usual, they would compel us coming daily to police station twice a day, as precautionary measure, following an action on September 2015, when we visited the Turkish Airlines offices at Caselle (Torino) to denounce Erdogan’s terrorist politics and express support to those both in Turkey and Kurdistan who keep on resisting and fighting to.

Unbelievable but true, just while purges and massive arrests are overflowing and Erdogan states real destitution of Parliament and suspension of human rights Convention, in Italy – like in Europe – they pretend be shocked and try silencing those who since long have been denouncing the terror of the Turkish state, which isn’t any fresh news, rather. (more…)

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Political declaration of Spyros Mandylas in the trial for the 1st police raid on Nadir Squat, Thessaloniki (Greece)

Tuesday, July 12th, 2016

Political declaration of Spyros Mandylas

Trial for the 1st invasion of the cops in Nadir squat

P.J.= President Judge
S.M.= Spyros Mandylas

P.J.: Tell us about those that you are accused of. What do you have to declare?

S.M.: At first, before saying anything else, I want to mention that the girl Ks. K., who has been arrested with me, has nothing to do with the case. For my own choices it’s only me who will take the blame. I met Ks. on my way to Nadir and because the cops wanted to do the invasion when I would have been inside the squat, she was arrested with me. I highlight this, from the beginning, in order to consider it.

As for the accusations. I accept some of them and some not.

But before I start talking about these I would like to say something about Nadir squat. I claim the political responsibility for Nadir from 2004 until today. The political actions of Nadir all these years are many and different. We have done events, discussions, bars, we have organized protests, we were hosting the radio station of radio-revolt, we have done a variety of actions in the city and we have published some books. (more…)

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Scotland: Prison authorities confirm use of IMSI catchers (UK)

Tuesday, June 28th, 2016

The Scottish Prison Service has confirmed that it used IMSI catchers (aka “stingrays”) at two prisons in Scotland. This is the first confession of official stingray use by UK authorities, though they are almost certainly being used elsewhere in the country as well.

The SPS are using both mobile and static stingray devices at HMP Shotts in Lanarkshire and HMP Glenochil near Alloa. The SPS spent more than £1.2 million spying on both prisons. It appears that the SPS were trialing stingray tech at Shotts and Glenochil before potentially rolling it out to other prisons.

While stingrays can be used to snoop on conversations or otherwise gather intelligence, it appears that in this case the SPS were using IMSI catchers to stamp out mobile phone use at the prisons (it’s supposedly a crime to use a mobile phone in prison). IMSI catchers work by tricking nearby mobile devices to connect to them, rather than an official base station. The stingray can then be used to triangulate the user’s location, or to simply block the connection. (more…)

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