The Conspiracy of Cells of Fire escape plan trial will end this week (Greece)

Hearing of June 29th

On Wednesday the court heard the speech of the prosecutor I. Koutra. The speech went for almost the whole hearing which is approximately six hours. The bastard devoted himself to criticizing the approaches of anarchists and the actions of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire, defending the existence of the state, laws, judges and police officers and proclaiming that a world without judges or prisons is something ‘cute’ but impossible.

Regarding the charges that he is seeking to convict the CCF comrades with, the prosecutor suggested to the judges that they convict them for ‘directing’ a terrorist organization, attempted murder, the possession and supply of weapons and explosives, explosions that ‘risk human life’, vehicle theft and attempted escape.

The prosecutor also suggested that the comrade Angeliki Spyropoulou be convicted of belonging to a terrorist organization and possession and supply of explosives.

For Athena Tsakalou and Evi Statiri he suggested that the charge of participation in a ‘terrorist’ organization be discarded, which rules out for them a sentence of 10-20 years. For Christos Polydoros he also suggested that same charge be discarded however he suggested that the comrade be convicted for the strange accusation of ‘facilitating the membership of a terrorist organization’ under the idea that the comrade would have helped Angeliki join the CCF.

For the remaining accused he proposed to acquit five of them and convict the others, either as members of the organization or as instigators of the supply of weapons and explosives or for theft.

Hearings of June 30th and July 1st

On Thursday and Friday the defense lawyers presented their submissions. The comrade Christos Tsakalos made a statement on behalf of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire / Urban Guerrilla Cell in which he stated the following:

“As for me, as well as my brother Gerasimos Tsakalos, George Polydoros, Olga Economidou and also the comrade Angeliki Spryopoulou, who although she is not a member of the CCF still shares the same code of political values, we do not wish to make a speech to help our case. It would be contradictory at this most crucial moment of the trial for us to invoke the laws that we reject to demand a more favorable outcome. We remain always as opponents of authority. Our lawyers are only in charge of the technical aspects of this trial. We, as revolutionary anarchists, did what we had to do…”

Among the technical aspects of the trial, the lawyers referred to the emotional blackmail used against the CCF members by imprisoning their relatives and criminalizing their family ties.

The trial ended on Friday at 17:30 hours. On Friday, July 8th, the judges will announce the decisions regarding convictions and sentences against the accused.

For an international offensive of solidarity with the comrades!

via Mpalothia, translated into English by Insurrection News

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This entry was posted on Tuesday, July 5th, 2016 at 5:41 pm and is filed under Prison Struggle.