29/04/2014 – Phocis: Parcel bomb sent to the police precinct of Itea (Greece)

Inter Arma received and translated:


i. Journey of Death: Malandrino Prisons – Itea’s Police Precinct

The Conspiracy of Cells of Fire claims responsibility for sending a book trapped with explosives to the police precinct of Itea.

Itea’s police precinct, which we chose to strike, is not just an enemy military base. It’s the place where prisoner Ilia Kareli was beaten and tortured, before he was delivered to his last executioners, at Nigrita prisons.

What happened in the penitentiary of the police precinct of Itea, was intentionally concealed. The prison guards of Nigrita prison insisted that they received the prisoner in very bad shape, before they paint their own hands with blood. But an executioner cannot incriminate another one. For this, irrefutable witness remains always the life itself and its miserable print at the basement of police detention facilities. There, in the concrete tombs, where human shadows are stacked upon one another for days, weeks, months…

People who are forgotten by daylight, as their sun is the yellow bulb on the ceiling, that never goes out. They are only remembered by the cells’ moldy walls, that are buried within the blood, despair and groans from the beatings of the uniformed pigs.

If these walls had a voice, the ugliness would be ashamed of itself. But you don’t narrate ugliness, you strike it. As a slogan in the streets says “Action replaces tears”. For this, we decided once again to act and hit the enemy in his face, in his own base.

ii. …Last stop Nigrita prisons…

In Nigrita prisons, in Serres, the “welcoming committee” of prison guards was waiting for its victim. A herd of hyenas ready to finish off the work of the previous tormentors. Cowardly and sadistic executioners picked their prey chained and for three-four hours taught him the correctional method and legal culture to his death. Of course, after Kareli’s assassination and the arrest of the prison guards, they started to snitch on each other and pretended to having regret.

We know that especially in the provincial closed prisons, several prison guards not only are they not ashamed of their job, but they behave like little tyrants instead, speaking derogatory to the prisoners and humiliating or even beating them. It seems that they act with the assurance of immunity, provided by the fact that they live away from the metropolis so they will probably think of themselves to be untouchable by the armed hand of the urban guerrillas. But this miserable tribe of shepherds and drunkards is quite wrong. The enemy always has a name and address, wherever he is hiding.

iii. International route: Stammheim – Guantanamo – Domokos

After the escape of urban guerilla Christodoulos Ksiros, the former commander – minister of Justice, and now puppet of Dendias, proceeded to announce the operation of a maximum security prison in Domokos.

Shortly after it, the proposal for a new bill regarding special detention conditions of type C was announced to be applied to most of closed prisons.

A guillotine-law for the political prisoners, the accused for the so called “organized crime” – 60% of prisoners is accused for “organized crime/criminal organization”- and the recalcitrant prisoners.

No one, of course, wondered how the whole bill does not even include a paragraph regarding construction-building changes that would confirm the title it’s been given, i.e. a bill for “maximum security prisons”. That occurs because maximum security prisons have been a reality for years in Greece.

All new closed type prisons of the last years are modern cement graves made of concrete and railings, built in the middle of nowhere. Even the sky is hidden by barbed mesh, while cameras watch every move of the prisoners.

The reality therefore belies the rhetoric of the authorities. This is not high-security prisons, but ones of utmost punishment. All the arrangements proposed by the subservient of Dendias have to do with the operation of a new prison inside the existing one, without the right to take a leave, without visiting, without communication with the outside world. This is a total deletion of prisoners meant to be disposed there. This is a deletion of senses and consciousness. This is an old trick of authority. A careful psychiatric/scientific version of retribution/revenge of democracy against those who dare to challenge it. The white cells of Stammheim, where the urban guerillas of RAF were murdered in West Germany, are ancestors of Domokos. Guantanamo is the embodiment of the American model. Loss of senses, communication, consciousness. A death sentence in replay.

Meanwhile, the “construction” of high security prisons prefigures the construction of a paramount prison society. Whatever is being experimentally implemented on prisoners today – the guinea pigs of scientists of law and order- will tomorrow be tested in the social machine. Since most of the economical illusions tend to recede increasingly because of the crisis, what will emerge is the zero tolerance and law and order doctrine. It is the passage from the ruins of the social state to the police one.

This moment, however, inside the Greek galleys of democracy, something seems to be moving…

The prisoners – although we do not like generalizations of collective subjects – have been participating in a large mobilization inside the walls, against the bill regarding the C type prisons: Abstinence of common meal, night mobilization, noun time protests etc. Via their mobilization, the prisoners refuse to accept the special conditions of isolation as a condition of life that the state prepares for them. In this struggle they are not alone…

iv. The call

Unfortunately, luck turned its back to us once again. While the package arrived at the heart of the police department’s snake nest [on April 29, 2014], a cop realized the true intentions of the ‘sender’. As a result, the EOD Section was called, in order to neutralize the bomb-book we sent them. This creates a negative legacy for the methodology and practice of parcel-bombs in Greece, as our aim is to be effective and not spend much time in symbolism. From now on, much will change. Soon we will return.

Tracing the paths of attack, we meet in practice with other fighters from completely different origins, who, with their own means, want to derail the route of maximum security prisons design. So, a salute to the fighters of the organization “Zero Tolerance” and consider our action as a small contribution to their own “revolutionary call” they promoted after the arson of Michelaki’s political office.

Of course, we wholeheartedly dedicate this gesture attack of us – which unfortunately remained incomplete – to our ten imprisoned brothers and sister of the prison cell: Panagiotis, Olga, Giorgos, Damianos, Gerasimos, Theofilos, Mihalis, Haris, Giorgos, Christos. We also dedicate it to the member of FAI A. Tsavdaridis and the anarchist comrade S. Mandilas, prosecuted for the “Phoenix Project”.

At the same time, we send our solidarity with all means to the wanted urban guerrilla Christodoulos Ksiros. Christodoulos practiced the phrase “ONCE A GUERILLA, ALWAYS A GUERILLA”… From clandestinity now an assault call. It does not really matter to us that sometimes the words do not match, and often sound so different. We do not belong to pseudo-ideologues drowning in words, without ever having been tested in practice.

The proposal of Ch. Ksiros reveals a crossroad – for those able to see it. An attack crossroad where people from different paths with separate experiences can meet. But we get to talking … From now on we will continue with expressing ourselves through action for the “call.” We also send our solidarity to the political prisoners who have taken responsibility for their participation in armed groups.

Finally, because our compass always remain ‘stuck’ to the orientation of the international conspiracy of the Informal Anarchist Federation , we could not forget to send our fraternal greetings to the two imprisoned comrades of FAI in Italy, Alfredo Cospito and Nicola Gai, who have taken the responsibility for the shots against senior member of a nuclear company. We also send our insurrectionary solidarity to Gianluca Iacovacci, who has taken responsibility for the FAI actions against targets of power and is held with the anarchist Adriano Antonacci, who is also accused of the same case. The two comrades are imprisoned in different Italian jails and a TV-trial will take place against them without being able to meet. That means that they will be up for through telecommunication while being hundreds of miles away from the court. Their hardest isolation is arranged this way.

At the same time, the official Italian movement is unconcerned with their case and has put them on the sidelines. These are familiar situations, as reformists everywhere, and in Greece, are of the same breed.

Alongside, this – incomplete – action of us is part of our participation in international call for solidarity to the imprisoned Italian comrades, which will take place from 16th to 22nd of May.

We also salute all the imprisoned anarchists of praxis worldwide: Monica Caballero, Francisco Solar, Gabriel Pombo Da Silva and Claudio Lavazza in Spain. Carlos, Amelie and Fallon in Mexico. Tamara Sol, Alfonso Alvial, Hermes Gonzalez and the charged with the «Security Case» [Caso Security] in Chile. Damien Camélio in France, Marco Camenisch in Switzerland and Ilya Romanov in Russia.

Honor to Sebastian Oversluij, who was killed during an armed robbery at a bank in Chile.



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This entry was posted on Saturday, May 3rd, 2014 at 12:39 pm and is filed under Direct Action.