Posts Tagged ‘Radio Fragmata’

On the solidarity week for anarchist prisoners – Radio Fragmata (Greece)

Wednesday, August 31st, 2016

It’s been years now that the various state agencies of repression order the conduct of investigation under the sole criterion the suspects’ political status. This is the status of the anarchist, mainly of the one who turns his/her ideas into actions, of the one that arms his/her desires and attacks state authority. So each investigation has to do with the possible prosecution of comrades according to the laws of their “democracy.”

Police prosecution that starts off with texts and extends to all possible actions is not new amongst the anarchist circles. On the contrary, there is a past record on relative prosecutions in countries such as Italy, Chile etc. where there is a strong comrade presence promoting direct action and intervention. The common goal of contemporary international police is the prevention of anarchist propaganda, anarchist action and the spreading of our ideas. For this reason, in many cases they don’t even hesitate to put aside the refined mask of “democracy” that supposedly allows “freedom of speech and ideas.” And thus, any illusion that anyone may still hold is withdrawn. Things are now clear: “anarchist action or speech is either illegal or nothing at all!” The new form of repression is currently being practiced upon many of our prisoners that find themselves under illegal restraint with accusations based on their political identity and having taken up the political responsibility for their actions as well as their organizations’. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Radiofragmata: International Call for Action about Squats (Greece)

Thursday, May 12th, 2016

The anarchist squats ought to be a thorn for the repression mechanisms, against every dominant expression of the existing system. All things considered, they ought to be thorns against the social norm, against the alienated everyday life of decay that the social norm itself produces.

Regarding the link of dynamics of the people who take action in squats and choose to clash with the above aspects of the dominant complex, we believe that a necessary tool is the coordination of individualities and groups which act within and around the squats, so as to able to form a living organism with direct offensive reflexes. The coordination and the interaction between squats mustn’t be determined by the attacks from the state and its mechanisms -official or unofficial- but to form a cell of essential political fermentation and a meeting place of our individual and collective negations and desires. (more…)

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Posted in Autonomy

Fuck the Nations, Squat the world – International campaign

Wednesday, May 11th, 2016

The undertaking of a squat, was, is, and should continue to be a powerful tool in the hands of the comrades surrounding it. This tool is evolving through the time-space continuum, and thus we feel it is necessary to present a couple of historical “points”. Squatting, as a stable infrastructure makes its first appearance in Greece, but also in many other countries in and beyond Europe, during the 70‟s.

Both in Europe in general, and in Greece in particular, a number of squats that took place over the years, were more than a place used for housing or to accommodate alternative means of entertainment. They were instead a living, breathing political cell which would occasionally take aggressive characteristics. In Barcelona we meet the squat “Can Masdeu” where occupants, in one year faced hard oppression. Merely eleven squatters stood against 100 cops ordered to evacuate the premises, refusing to hand over the squat without a fight. One of the most vigorous movements was also the one in Copenhagen.

During March of ’82 and while the squatting movement was growing bigger and bigger, the clash with the authorities grew proportionally as well. This very same year the first violent clash between cops and squatters took place. This act was the beginning of the end of the peaceful resistance against eviction. More squats in Copenhagen were to follow. During June 1986 the town council decided to evacuate the squat “Ryesgate 58” and the squatters began preparing their defenses. What happened next was the biggest clash between squatters and police forces that ever took place. (more…)

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Posted in Autonomy

Radio Fragmata: Radio spot for Solidarity to Gabriel and Juankar (Spain, Greece)

Wednesday, January 20th, 2016

MP3 Download: Solidarity to Gabriel and Juankar

Pirate radio spot for Solidarity to Gabriel and Juankar by Radio Fragmata.


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Posted in Prison Struggle