Posts Tagged ‘Greece’

Round-up: Some news from Greece

Wednesday, November 20th, 2019

News, photos and videos from Greece.

1. D.K. – Public denouncement for my abduction and detention by the anti-terrorist police on 9/11/2019



2. M.S. – Public account of the operation by the state terrorist agency

and my arrest – https://athens.indymedia.org/post/1601146/


3. Debrief from the solidarity actions with the insurrection in Chile



4. Co-ordination of anarchist/anti-authoritarian/autonomous squatted places and collectives inside the universities: Videos from the participation in two demos in solidarity with the squatted place of ASOEE

Video from the demo of 14/11/2019:

Video from the demo of 15/11/2019:


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Posted in Autonomy

Athens, Greece: Open call solidarity act to anarchist comrade Christoforos Kortesis

Wednesday, November 20th, 2019

Note of insuscettibile di ravvedimento: We publish two texts about the recent repressive attack against some anarchists in Greece, in particular about the situation of C. Kortesis.



On 12/7, the anarchists Christoforos Kortesis and Thimios A. attempted to remove some products of meaningless worth from the Leroy Merlin store of Peiraios street, in Athens. Through a complex manipulation on behalf of the OVIT security company and Leroy Merlin, and while they were both held hostages inside the store for 3 hours, an organized attempt took place to involve at the explicit incidence, the employee and a fighting trade unionist, Giannis A. The judicial authorities took advantage of the occasion to payback to X. Kortesis, the many years of consistent and persistent action in the anarchist movement. Keep in mind that the comrade is being held imprisoned since 16/7, followed by upgraded and constructed charges, under the terrorist law for robbery. The same charges are held also for Thimios A. while the employee Giannis A. is being accused for being an accomplice. Pavlos X. that came at the Leroy Merlin store, alongside with 3 more comrades in a solidarity act, is confronted with criminal concealing charges.

The systematic enlargement of the prosecution and the detention of the comrade X. Kortesis is due to his long-lasting political action in the anarchist movement, as well as to his previous conviction, under the accusation of participating in the organization Revolutionary Struggle (E.A.), held by a special political court inside the Koridallos prison. A repression tactic that takes on idiosyncratic features when it comes to fighting comrades, while at the same time law enforcement authorities are exerting all their rigor and legal arsenal on our fighting comrades, to state it exemplarily. At this specific occasion, the detention of X. Kortesis is signalling a very clear and threatening message not only to the dozens of anarchist comrades that have been persecuted, imprisoned or released under restrictions, but also to all those that intend to be present and solidary in the social and class struggles. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Thessaloniki, Greece: Responsibility claim for the arson of a diplomatic vehicle

Thursday, November 14th, 2019

IT/EN (October 31st, 2019)

Social peace in Chile is now a thing of the past. And tolerance and consensus for State and capitalist barbarism also belongs to the past. Submission to the modern version of the Pinochet dictatorship, represented by the Piniera government. Chile is burning with the insurrectional proletarian flame of the oppressed.

It all started on October 19 when a student protest against an increase in public transport ticket prices was met with violent repression from the police forces. From then on, everything took its course. Day by day millions of insurgents flood the streets, attack the police forces, burn and plunder the symbols of wealth and power. They are burning their past, marching on the insurgent horizons of tomorrow. 11 years after the uprising in the Greek territories, these rebels remind us of what we loved most: the refusal to return to normality.

Insurrection is no longer a dead word. It is the dying breath of order and safety within a society that has been choking from the misery and barbarism of capitalism. And the result of the persistent labour of all those who work so consistently and stubbornly to question and destabilize the regime’s social consensus. Against the first retreat of the regime which hastily went to negotiations, proposing new, more favourable measures, the rebels respond without repentance: Tomorrow starts a new day of class war. Let’s take everything! (more…)

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Posted in Direct Action

Updates on the battle to defend Exarchia: For freedom, self-organisation and solidarity (Greece)

Thursday, November 14th, 2019

The past few weeks have seen an intensification of the Nea Demokratia government’s efforts to subdue the Greek anarchist movement and crush initiatives that offer alternatives to prison society. In particular, the anarchist neighbourhood of Exarchia in Athens has been a focal point for its aggression. A rough chronology of this repression as well as actions of solidarity and resistance taken by comrades in Athens is listed below.

The current rumour is that the State wants to evict ‘all squats’ by 17th November. Another rumour puts the deadline at 6th December. Both are significant dates in the history of the Greek anarchist movement, which are marked by annual riots. What ‘all squats’ means is not entirely clear. What is clear from the past few weeks however, is that attacks have been made on squats both inside and outside Exarchia, and as well as in cities in other parts of the country.

Evictions of migrant housing squats

The State’s first focus for attack on occupied spaces has targetted the numerous squats that offered alternative housing to the dire state-run camps for migrants. These were self-managed spaces inhabited by migrants, anarchists and anti-authoritarians, often of considerable size. They were largely concentrated in Exarchia. (more…)

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Posted in Autonomy

Germany: Infoevent in Berlin about prisoner foundation Tameio

Tuesday, November 12th, 2019

We talk about the “political climate related to political prisoners in Greek prisons, the historical time-line of the solidarity fund, what we have done, what we are currently busy with and what our future steps will be”

Any income from the event will be given to the solidarity fund for the material support of prisoners and persecuted militants.

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Athens, Greece: Anti-terrorist operation leads to three comrades arrested and one wanted

Tuesday, November 12th, 2019


On November 9th, 2019, an anti-terrorist operation led to two arrests, charging them with robbery and involvement in a terrorist organization. At the same time, authorities are looking for another comrade in order to give him the same accusations, while arresting a close female comrade on lesser charges.


Message from anarchist comrade Vangelis Stathopoulos from the GADA central anti-terrorist headquarters:

Once again I find myself in GADA accused of acts that do not concern me and in fact it is because I have not stopped fighting against the state and power. The scenarios elaborated by the counter-terrorism do not bother me. I will continue to fight steadfast either outside or inside the prisons.

Vangelis Stathopoulos – GADA dungeon

[From actforfree.nostate.net].

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Posted in Social Control

Athens, Greece: Attacks and clashes with the riot cops, in solidarity with the revolt in Chile (October 30, 2019)

Tuesday, November 5th, 2019


For nearly two weeks the oppressed in Chile have seized the streets of the country, carrying out a variety of attacks on repressive units, government structures and businesses. The State’s response to their insurgency, though it has caused dozens of deaths and rape, thousands injured and arrested, cannot stop the fury of the insurgents.

Today, October 30, at 1:00 pm, as part of the International Week of Solidarity for the Chilean Insurrection, we broke the front windows of an Elta post office, a Piraeus bank and the “showcase” of forced prostitution of women, “Xoriatiko Bakery”. We blocked traffic with rubbish bins in flames as barricades in the two directions of Patision – filling the road with hundreds of fliers – seeking confrontation with the cops. The clash with the State-run garbage lasted for quite some time during which the mat riot cops made their appearance and became some of the fastest runners. Pink is one of our favourite colours. We also hope that the pigs like it as they will be forced to return to the police headquarters like pink prawns.

We used the ASOEE University as a base, just as the Chilean comrades have repeatedly chosen to launch their attacks on police forces. We see academic institutions not as academic asylums but as shelters for all kinds of oppressed, rebellious organisation and a base of aggression. The best way to express solidarity is to take aggressive action. We do not want to go into lengthy analysis upon analysis. Anyway we hear our comrades from afar get organized and attack. We won’t say any more. We let them and their fires talk to us.

For every insurgent soul, dozens of stones on the heads of the cops


[Text taken from actforfree.nostate.net].

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Posted in Direct Action

Debrief of the solidarity actions from the assembly in solidarity with the insurrection in Chile (Athens, Greece)

Tuesday, November 5th, 2019

Wednesday 30/10 we did an intervention to the central offices of METKA EGN to show solidarity in the insurrection in Chile. We choose to intervene in this company with a banner texts and flyers to give emphasis to the role that this Greek company has also in South America with a plan to impose a cruel neoliberal agenda and degrade the lives of the people in Chile with the investments in energy and exploitation of the land.

Thursday 31/10 we wanted to do a microphonic in Propylaia but because of the rain it was cancelled but we manage 40 comrades to make an intervention and open the bars of the subway so everybody can pass freely while we were sharing texts and flyers.

Friday 1/11 we did a gathering at the embassy of Chile and after a demo back to Exarchia.The pre gathering was in the subway station of Evaggelismos were we shared texts after a while 100 comrades moved with order to Vasilisis Sofia street to approach as close as we can to the embassy that was full of cops. We stand there for one hour and in the way back the riot police was following us and they were provocative trying to find reason to attack us.We manage to finish the demo in Exarchia shouting slogans in the way. In the demo participated also comrades from the popular front of Turkey that they had gathering in the embassy of Turkey.

From the 19th of October, the Chilean state has been overrun by thousands of insurrectionary peoples who have occupied the streets and squares of the country. The mass demonstrations, originally due to the raising of ticket prices for public transport, developed into a generalised insurrection which sweeps everything in its path. (more…)

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Posted in Autonomy

Update/Report about my arrest as a student / minor following the intervention at Athens radio station 9.84 (Greece)

Thursday, October 31st, 2019

I announce and report this incident regarding the violence and in general the mistreatment I have experienced as a student, as a reminder of the usual and repetitive behavior of the Greek police against any who struggle against the State. I speak as a fighter and at the same time as a student, and I address every student who opposes the state, fights against it, is imprisoned, or loses their school and neighborhood because they are a migrant. The mistreatment I received was directly related to the fact that the cops had the ability to separate me and keep me alone because of my age.

On Tuesday 1 October, together with a body of about 25 people, we made an intervention at the Gazi Municipal Radio Station “Athens 9.84”, and in consultation with them without any dispute, we played a text about the evictions of squats, and state repression including against migrants. After playing the text on the “air”, we went out and received an attack by many cops, which resulted in 8 prosecutions.

The cop who took me did the classic violent assault by the Greek police on me, handcuffed me, and carried me away with rude and sexist comments on my face. Inside the cop car, whilst handcuffed I was sexually harassed with quite vulgar sexist comments. One of the two put his hand back on my leg trying to touch me and me while the car was running incredibly fast so the risk of me trying to resist was high. (more…)

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Posted in Social Control

Call for Solidarity to the Insurrection in Chile – 30/10 till 1/11

Wednesday, October 30th, 2019

From the 19th of October the Chilean state has been overrun by thousands of insurrected individuals who have occupied the streets and squares of the country. The mass demonstrations, originally due to the raising of ticket prices for public transport, developed into a generalised insurrection which sweeps everything in its path.

The first acts of social disobedience with callings for mass forced entries into and sabotage towards public transport, with thousands of high school and university students breaking the protective gates and entering the metro lines, quickly facing state repression.

The images we see from Chile remind us of the insurrected metropolitan landscape of Athens, when clashes with police, expropriation and looting of department stores, the vandalism of state and capitalist targets, and the passion for the struggle which flooded our own roads was a reality which clashed with that imposed on us by capitalism.

At this moment, the insurrected of Chile face, on their streets, the whole “range” of state repression, because except for the rifles and tear gas of the police, on Friday night, President Piñera decided to impose a state of emergency on the city of Santiago, sending tanks to its streets and imposing a night-time curfew. It is the first time after the fall of the dictatorship of Pinochet in Chile that the army is taking to the streets to repress demonstrators, whereas, at the moment of writing, there are 7,000 arrested and at least 18 dead (some sources state more), 4 shot by cops, the others run over by military vehicles. (more…)

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Posted in Autonomy

Paris, France: Solidarity beyond borders – Greek diplomatic vehicle torched

Saturday, October 26th, 2019


On the night of October 21st [2019], a SUV car with a diplomatic plaque was burned, on rue Dumont d’Urville, behind the Greek embassy in Paris.

With this small action, we want to send a sign of solidarity to the anarchists in Greece, who fight against the State and Capital (legal and illegal) and to defend the occupied spaces.

For those who live and defend spaces of freedom.
For those who carry attacks against authority.

A thought also to the anarchists imprisoned there, in particular the two comrades imprisoned for a robbery in Thessaloniki or the members of the CCF [Conspiracy of Cells of Fire] still in jail.
Freedom for all!
Solidarity is the attack.


[Claim originally published in attaque.noblogs.org].

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Posted in Direct Action

Greece: Statement by Pola Roupa and Nikos Maziotis on the Planned Turkish Invasion of Rojava

Saturday, October 26th, 2019

US State gives green light for the Turkish military invasion of Northern Syria
October 7th, 2019

After a period of a hypocritical stance by the American state towards the Kurds of Northern Syria and the other rebellious peoples of the region whom they supported militarily as they gave their lives in battle against ISIS (Islamic State) and their armed forces of men and women liberated one city after another by expanding the revolutionary project of Democratic Confederalism, the US regime has shown its true face by giving the green light to the Turkish state for the military invasion of the region. It is the expected development of the “democratic” American state and the “democratic” West in general. (more…)

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Posted in Autonomy

Demo in Solidarity with Immigrants and Spaces of Struggle – Athens, Greece

Friday, October 11th, 2019

[November 2] Solidarity Demonstration for immigrants and spaces of struggle // Against the State and Capitalistic Development

On November 2nd, we are calling comrades from Greece and all over the world to show their solidarity, and to unite their voices through calls, demonstrations, and multiform actions.




The immigrant population is being debased and eliminated in all aspects of life. In order to flee war and/or poverty they are walking the paths of refugeeism on sea and land, to the squalid conditions of concentration camps, like Moria, where impoverishment and death are usually the only way forward for them. If they survive, there is a war with the cops in the neighbourhoods they live and work. Murders and beatings at the police departments, identifications and arrests that lead to long-term confinements, disappearances and deportations. At work, they get exploited without any limitation as they are the invisible part of the workforce. Their working undervaluation comes along with a total exclusion from educational, health, and other general infrastructures. (more…)

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Posted in No Borders

Full update on the intervention on “Athens 9,84” Municipal Radio (Athens, Greece)

Saturday, October 5th, 2019

On Tuesday, 1st of October, a counter-information intervention took place at the municipal radio “Athens 9,84”. The intervention was organised by the open assembly of squats, collectives, immigrants, internationalists, and solidarians with the participation of 30 comrades.

The comrades entered the studio after coming into agreement with the employees, and the intervention lasted half an hour. While on air, the intervention made a speech about the squats, immigrants, and the general oppressive and impoverished conditions that prevail. Next, a recorded message which ridicules the regime of terror they are imposing, was broadcasted. To set the record straight, we have to inform that during the intervention there was no conflict with the employees of the radio station.

Whoever listened to the intervention on air understood what was the mood, and we expect from the employees to weigh in against the fabrications of the Greek Police and the Mayor of Athens. As expected, the intervention was removed from the archive that gets uploaded on the radio’s website, in an attempt to conceal the political content of the intervention and its characteristics.

After the intervention, the comrades left in array towards Kerameikos tube station where they were attacked by police forces that scattered the body of the intervention through force and violence. Afterwards, 8 arrests took place in the nearby area. 7 female and 1 male comrades got apprehended, 2 students amongst them.

One of them got sexually harassed by a cop in the police vehicle. Consequently, the arrested got transferred in the Hellenic Police Attica Headquarters. There was a solidarity gathering until midnight. The riot police attacked the gathering with chemicals, and pushed the comrades back to the Ampelokipi tube station. The gathering continued across the HPAH, regardless. After many hours it was announced that 7 of the apprehended are facing the charges of domestic disturbance, whereas one of the students got released without any charges. The charges were pressed after the administration of the municipal radio, obviously with the orders of mayor Mpakogiannis, sued the comrades. It is important to note that during the solidarity gathering, persons from the establishment media and a parliamentary party were present, with whom neither the intervention nor the solidarity gathering had anything to do with them.

On Wednesday, 2nd of October, at 11am, the arrested went through the District Attorney, building 16, at the Evelpidon courthouse. We called for a solidarity gathering where approximately 30 comrades showed up. 6 of the comrades got a trial for 17/10, whereas the student comrade has a trial for 2020.

Solidarity will win, the censorship attempts towards the oppressed will not be successful, our struggles will destroy state oppression.

-the recorded message that was broadcasted on air:

The text that got read during the intervention

“Athens do you hear me? I am sorry to disturb your miserable daily life. I am sorry to steal some of the time you have already sold. I am sorry to make you think whatever you don’t want to confront. But today I have a voice and you will listen to me. I am the voice of the oppressed. I am the voice they will not allow to be heard.

I am the voice of humans who got eradicated from their neighbourhoods because of profiteering. I am the voice of the refugees that lost their friends and still don’t know why. I am the voice of burnt forests which got sacrificed on the altar of profit. I am the voice of all those who fought when everything seemed futile. I am the voice of future generations that will inherit dystopia. And you, who are listening to me, certainly understand me.

You understand what is oppression. You understand what it means to work only for survival. You understand what it means to leave your home because rent is greater than your wage. You understand what it means to kill your dreams slowly and painfully. But you will ask me why I am saying these things to you. You will say that this is the situation and well, what can we do about it. And I will reply. I will tell you that everything you experience is caused by humans. I will tell you that your depression has no reason to exist. I will tell you that together, we achieved a lot in the past. I will tell you that your life is precious to waste it like that. I will tell you to fight in order to make your life worthy. Thank you for listening, good luck.”

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Posted in Autonomy

Debriefing Text of the Open Assembly of Squats, Collectives, Internationalists, Migrants and Solidarians (Athens, Greece)

Thursday, October 3rd, 2019


This text is a debrief of the actions of the open assembly from its beginning right after the evacuation of four squats in Exarchia on 26/8 until the demo of 14/9, where four arrests took place.

The evictions of 26/8 were not left unanswered, as hundreds of comrades made a spontaneous demo from Exarchia to Psyrri. The next day, the assembly calls for a solidarity gathering at the courtrooms for the three arrested people of Gare, and, the afternoon, for a solidarity gathering for the detained migrants in Petrou Ralli.

On 29/8 we made a solidarity rally in front of Mpoumpoulinas migrant housing squat, while the next morning at 4am the squat began to be barricaded and solidarians started gathering outside, acting as a bulwark against a possible eviction. On Saturday, August 31st, the assembly supported the march around Exarchia with a bloc of its own. The next action was to break the blockade around the steki of anarchist immigrants with a support rally and hanging a banner. Next, in preparation for the march against state repression on 14/9 at Propylaia, four kinds of posters, calls and texts in five different languages were printed, and then posted and given out in neighborhoods, universities, schools and squats. Actions culminated with the informational intervention of a hundred comrades at the hip-hop festival in Technopoli, Gazi, on 6/9.

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Posted in Autonomy