Posts Tagged ‘Analysis’

Communique from Anarchists from D Wing, Korydallos Prison, Athens, for the struggle in Syria (Greece)

Wednesday, October 5th, 2016

1st of October
A minimum response on the call-out for the day of Rage against the massacre at Aleppo.

Even if there are only ruins left at Aleppo, the bombings haven’t stopped. Even now, after 5 years of bombs and sieges, people still live in this city. Some because they didn’t manage to leave, some because they didn’t see a better future at Mediterranean’s seabed, some because they refused to abandon the revolution against the dictatorship of Assad, that started with the Arab Spring. At Aleppo’s ruins a guerilla warfare is taking place, that until now, Assad with Hezbollah, Iran and Russian military machine haven’t achieved to defeat.

If the things that happened with the repression of Spanish Revolution by Franco and the Nazis were the rehearsal of World War II, probably the war in Syria is an image of the post-industrial future on earth. A future, where the democratic excuses collapse and the absolute violence prevails. A world, that despite the gigantic military power of the tyrants, the most effective way to control the insurrection is still by division. A situation of despair, where people in order to defend themselves and survive, are organized in groups manipulated by generals, who only seek more power and who lead the revolting crowds away from the fight against the regime and into a fight for control of the war zones of their interests.

The result is a constant war, a profitable business for the capitalists, who sell weapons and armament to war zones, where trade and economy still exist.

The example of Syria’s punishment is a clear warning to everyone in the world, who even thinks about revolting.

In this chaotic total war, the reference point for us, are the few guerilla groups, organized outside the control the “moderate Muslims” of Al Nusra, or the “cosmics” of the FSA, who are both manipulated from the dominant powers of imperialistic competition, like USA, and both have the same target, a big piece from the power reallocation.

In a situation where people are cruelly attacked from one imperialist, and seek safety from the actions of its rival, we are affected by some revolutionaries, like the Leon Sedov Brigade, who stand against any imperialist and propose the solidarity and unity among the repressed of this world. We are inspired from the attempts of organization from the Revolutionary Coordination Committees against the dividing of the uprising, from the manipulant organizations.

Those rebels who try to self-organize in a battlefield with bombs and chemical weapons, who are still fighting despite the heavy losses, who prefer to die rather than surrender to the murderer Assad, who define and defend their freedom at all costs, they spread the message that in every condition struggle is possible, if there is the will to fight.

They spread a message that the powerful military machines of Al Assad, Iran, Lebanon, Isis, Russia and USA haven’t achieved to defeat them for more than 5 years.

That explains the cruelty of the attack to Aleppo, the capital of revolution. After smaller towns were besieged and lead to starvation, the same tactic was attempted at Aleppo. But there were dynamic demonstrations where banks were expropriated, actions outside the guidelines of the army parties, which control the masses. That’s why Aleppo is now being totally destroyed.

A major factor for the ongoing slaughter in Syria is the absolute absence of social resistance to this war, from the people of the imperialistic countries that invaded Syria.

European people, not only they do not react to the war, but the majority consent to the closure of the borders for refugees, who, if they survive from the death in the sea, are the only fighting, like the great example of Syrian refugees in Paris who went on hunger strike, demand the termination of the war.

We don’t have a clear picture of what happens in movements in the rest of the world, but we are going to talk for the Greek case. Because after all, the economic crisis and poverty here in Greece, except from radicalizing parts of the people, lead more to the pacification. On the one hand we have people who take care of the refugees, rescuing them with their boats, independently from political parties and non-governmental organizations, and on the other hand there were beatings, fascist attacks and actions against the refugees. No big anti-war demonstration though, as happened in the past, because now economy is the only concern. Using it’s left mask, Syriza combining fear management and harsh repression, lead social resistances, in general, to surrender. And now Greek state is placing refugees to concentration camps, obeying the demands of the European Union. Sadly, the solidarity to the refugees is limited to charity, without any reference to the revolution, that lead to war.

For the lefts, the “anti-american” feelings and the belief that “the enemy of my enemy is my friend” doesn’t allow them to stand against Assad, while the majority of the anarchists, lacking analysis, refer exclusively to Rojava.

At the same moment, refugees give their own fights like the uprising in Moria, where after destroying a large part of the infrastructure, they escaped, but rather than run, as usually happens, they gathered and demonstrated, resulting their arrest.

In our opinion, we seek the expansion of the solidarity to the refugees, in a more general context, that will regard the war in Syria as an example of an uprising and how capitalists dealt with it, in order to be able to exclude the proper conclusions from it.

It’s obvious, that the unity of the rebels doesn’t come from the big, centralized, hierarchical organizations, that end up fighting each other for the biggest share of power. The only hope is a horizontal organization, that doesn’t allow to any ambitious leader to sell the fight. The decentralized network of collectives that fight with their one will to a common direction, coordinating when possible, exchanging information, know-hows, arms and political ideas.

The views that see hierarchical organization as a necessary condition to achieve victory in a revolutionary war, were tried in the past and were lead to defeat or to the reproduction of the same social systems that they hypothetically fought.

The example of Syria, where small guerrilla groups and no centralized armies stand against the Russian military machine and the alliance of local armies, proves that what is missing is not the proper leadership, but a new mindset of organization. And that applies to every field of organization of revolutionary action, whether it is guerilla warfare, or the spread of revolutionary ideas, that do not persuade anyone because they are signed by the biggest federation, but are spread through initiative, close human contact, and co-action.

The massacre in Syria won’t stop, unless we do something to stop it.

Unless we face it as a part of the repression that we all have felt. If we don’t feel the tenacity of the rebels who don’t surrender. If we don’t realize that the distance from suffocating because of tear gas in demonstrations to the endless gas chamber of Syria is short. As long as we abstain from the streets, we give our permission to this bloodshed.

When captivity and death become universal condition, we are called to make insurrection and solidarity a universal condition.


Anarchists from D’ wing of Koridallos Prison (Greece)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

PDF: “Individuality and the anarchist group” by Conspiracy of Cells of Fire – Urban Guerrilla Cell (Greece)

Monday, September 12th, 2016

PDF: “Individuality and the anarchist group” by Conspiracy of Cells of Fire – Urban Guerrilla Cell.

Individuality and the anarchist group


This title from Black International, “Individuality and the anarchist group”, written by Gerasimos Tsakalos of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire – Urban Guerrilla Cell, is about a topic that concerns many of those who are an active part of the anarchist tension. Concerning not just the way comrades negotiate and conduct themselves within minimal organisational structures (clusters, networks, affinity groups) of informality and attack, and the effect of those forms on individuals, it also looks at the problems that can arise and some possible solutions. All this can add to a notional ‘to-be-completed’ mapping of some of the borderlands between the peripheries of the social and the clandestine for those traversing such terrains.

Written from the lived experience of an armed anarchist urban guerrilla who is imprisoned in the isolation dungeon of Korydallos prison in Athens, Greece, this is not a dreamy fantasy but a text which was developed in the furnace of practical theory and it’s consequences. The horizontal forms of organisation which are described here are ones that have been used and developed in practice, not from scriptures, but in the actual chaos of the everyday.

For a black international of anarchists of praxis.

September 2016

Individuality and the anarchist group

Instead of a Prologue

About the subject of “Individuality and the anarchist group”, one could say that it’s a timeless issue within the anarchist milieu… Is an anarchist individuality subjugated or liberated within a group? How does the individual encounter the collective? Can disagreements between comrades of the same collective be creative or do they inevitably lead to disputes, rivalries, intrigues, competitions and end up in rupture?

How are friendships and cliques able to bring about a cancellation of an anarchist group?

What is the relationship of an anarchist organization to the expulsions of members who participate? How can informal hierarchies and their members-followers survive in an anarchist project?

These are some of the issues that arise from the explosive relationship between individuals who try to coexist in anarchist groups.

The pamphlet “Individuality and the anarchist group” is an experimental testimony of political experiences from the interior of anarchist illegal infrastructures of revolutionary violence. The relationships that are formed in such cores are acrobatic at the sharp end because they are tested in extreme concentrated conditions and options. (more…)

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Posted in Library

Algunas reflexiones rupturistas a partir del asesinato del compa Salvador Olmos (Mexico)

Sunday, August 14th, 2016

Escribimos esto después de leer el Comunicado del Bloque libertario de Huajuapan”, ante el asesinato a manos de la policía del compañero Salvador Olmos “Chava” ya que pensamos que ante la intensificación de la guerra y el avance de la represión en entornos anarquistas/libertarios se hace necesario clarificar nuestras posturas en aras a identificar las múltiples formas del enemigo, ya que muchas veces se ve reducida la crítica al papel “de las injusticias del gobierno” o simplemente a “pensar que el mal esta encarnado en una persona o político” y no que en realidad es todo el sistema en su conjunto gobernantes y gobernados quienes participan activamente en la manutención del orden social capitalista.

¡Que quede bien claro! las siguientes palabras no son para nada dirigidas a manchar la memoria del compañero Chava o empezar polémicas de dimes y diretes, ni andarnos peleando entre nosotros, esto es ante todo una reflexión de compañeros para compañeros y esperemos que sea tomada como lo que es. (more…)

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Posted in Social Control

“So far, so good” – Racial identity politics, Islam, Anarchism and the Left

Sunday, August 7th, 2016

So far, so good ?*
Wednesday, July 13, 2016

“10 years ago, in the same kind of meeting as today, if you’d said « white » [1], people would have broken the furniture. Today, thanks to the Indigenous of the Republic, thanks to Houria [2] one can say « the whites ».” – Eric Hazan [3]

Unfortunately we are still unable to prove wrong what Eric Hazan has said above. He is the publisher, classified as extreme left, of the latest explicitly anti-semitic pamphlet by Houria Bouteldja, Whites, Jews and us, whose enormously repulsive character has not caused as many reactions as it would deserve. The categories and vocabulary of the ideology of racialisation, which for some time has been taken up in political organizations and milieus that range from the extreme left to the libertarians, are now becoming the norm and are establishing their hegemony. This vocabulary is being imposed insidiously, without being either discussed or argued. Moreover, many people are unable to politically support these untenable positions, except through affirming tautological assertions and false evidence. A semantic shift is already, for the most part, being operated : the terms “race”, “white”, “non-white”, “racialized,” “racialization”, “decolonial” have overnight become analytical categories considered relevant, necessary, and are even promoted as tools with a perspective for emancipation, whereas we see this as a catastrophic failure. (more…)

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Posted in Cognitive Liberty

Berlin: Black July – Text and actions against the social peace (Germany)

Thursday, August 4th, 2016

While the situation in the rebellious Northern Part of Friedrichshain is calming down for the moment and we find time to build Rigaer 94 back up again, the social war around us is continuing with its normal intensity. We received news about the state attacks on people and squats in Thessaloniki. Here and there we are fighting against the social democracy and confront the social war with polymorphous struggle. Whether in the black july or in our daily local conflicts, we are involved in a common fight that gains power in its mutuality.

In this very moment, the greek state seems to be striking out with a general attack against autonomous structures. In Thessaloniki and in other cities, self-organized structures of migrants are especially becoming more and more endangered. While fullfilling its function as a manager of migration-streams, the state attacks those who try to move, self-determined, through a world of exploitation and oppression and who won‘t bow to it‘s authority.

Three occupied houses in Thessaloniki were affected and over a hundred people arrested. One person was killed during the eviction [Correction received: one day after the three evictions, a young migrant woman died due to medical negligence at one of the state’s detention facilities in Thessaloniki.]. In Athens, squats which are being used by migrants are also threatened with eviction. The goal is to create an atmosphere of fear, while oppressing those who are self-organising and attacking the authority of the state. (more…)

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Posted in Autonomy

Anarchist report about prison hierarchy and conditions by comrade Mikalay Dziadok (Belarus)

Thursday, July 21st, 2016

Belarusian prison – Untouchables in the prison hierarchy

The topic of prison caste system is often raised in the media in recent times, it is often discussed in connection with the political prisoners. However, almost all who write on the subject, know about it at best from the stories of former inmates or use common social stereotypes. As a result, there are often a lot of blunders and false representation.

The aim of this article is to illuminate some aspects of this complex and multifaceted phenomenon the informal hierarchy in Belarus prisons.

27 years old, an activist of the anarchist movement. He was born in the town of Bragin, Gomel region. He graduated from the Belarusian State University College of Law, worked as a judicial custodian in the court of Tsentralny district of Minsk and legal adviser in a private company. In 2009 he entered the European Humanities University (Vilnius) specializing in Political Science and European Studies. On September 201, he was detained in Minsk on suspicion of the attack on the embassy of Russia. He was convicted of participation in a protest actions near the General Staff, the House of Trade Unions and the casino “Shangri-La” in the “case of anarchists“, he received 4.5 years prison sentence. Three months before his release he was sentenced to another year of imprisonment under Art. 411 of the Criminal Code (willful disobedience to prison administration). Released on August 22, 2015 by presidential decree “On presidential pardon” (he did not write a petition for clemency, although it was repeatedly offered). Now he is a first year student at the European Humanities University, specializing in world politics and economics.

There are scientific works on this subject. And, of course, I do not aspire to consider the phenomenon in all its diversity in one article. The question will be mainly about one prison caste, the existence of which characterizes the system as a whole, and the knowledge of which is critically important for any falling prisoner in Belarus, especially for a political prisoner. The so-called “petukhi” (“roosters”) ( also “downcast”, “bugger”, “cockscomb”, etc.).

So, from this text, you will learn:

– How did the “downcast” appear in prison;

– How do people become one;

– What are conditions of these people in jail and prison;

– What functions are performed by these people in prison;

– Why is the existence of this caste vital for the administration of penitentiary facilities.

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Posted in Prison Struggle

“Ethnic” anarchists in Belarus: Debunking the Myths

Thursday, June 23rd, 2016

Groups that combine anti-authoritarian and nationalist ideas are nothing new. Though they are new for Belarus, where anarchists have always been anti-nationalist and viewed themselves as part of a global movement for freedom. These groups would not deserve your attention if they weren’t trying to disguise themselves as anarchists and make connections to the left-wing and anarchist movement in the West in order to get access to different resources: financial, informational etc.

What follows is a list of facts proving that one cannot be an anarchist believing that patriotism is a vital feature in the anti-state struggle. This text is an attempt to warn our comrades from possible contacts with these groups and give information about what they really are.

For now there are two groups in Belarus that call themselves ethnic anarchists – Poshug (“Flash”) and Khaurus (“Fellowship, Cahoot”). Judging by their pages in social networks (http://vk.com/psh_soc, http://vk.com/union8x9) both groups appeared in 2013.

Looks like Poshug’s adherents have their roots in a patriotic (sic!) wing of antifascist football hooligans of ‘Partyzan’, former MTZ-RIPO (http://vk.com/nasasprava). The background determined what they were fighting for – veganism, straight edge, animal liberation, ecology, anti-imperialism. (more…)

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Posted in Anti-Fascist

Bristol, Britain’s Flagship ‘Smart City’ (UK)

Thursday, June 9th, 2016

“We’re creating an environment where in a year or two, not five, the whole world will look at Bristol for the future of smart cities.”
– Dimitra Simeonidou, High Performance Networks Lab, Bristol University

The city of Bristol, south west U.K., has begun a multi-million pound experiment to create the ‘smart-city’ of the future, which would cement Bristol as a global leader in the telecommunications world. The wider area of Avon (mainly the ‘post-industrial’ estates of Bristol and Bath) already hosts the largest digital technology sector in the British Isles outside of London, and receives funding from the government as such.

City authorities and allied technological entrepreneurs are working to kit out Bristol with a city-wide ‘digital fabric’ of the very latest in sensor and connectivity technology, to make it the world’s first open ‘programmable city’. A high-speed fibre-optic network (making use of disused cable ducting owned by the council) is being combined with a new ‘city operating system’ that will power an experimental network. In the coming spring of 2016, 1,500 sensor-equipped lampposts are being launched around the city; the vast majority of Bristol will be covered in a Radio Frequency (RF) mesh. This is predicted to revolutionise the way that emergency response, traffic management and other municipal services are handled, and track certain vehicle locations, with eventual alleged trickle-down ‘benefits’ such as informing residents of parking spaces and air pollution (ahem, from those parking spaces) in an increasingly mechanised and technified environment. (more…)

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Posted in Social Control

PDFs: 4 new releases from green anarchist zine Return Fire (UK)

Sunday, June 5th, 2016

Return Fire #3 : Contents (Winter 2015-2016)

Colonisation (Glossary, Return Fire #3)

Smarter Prison A5 imposed

RF #3 Colour Cover

RF #3 B&W Cover

Just now we’ve sent out the PDF versions of our recent releases, for downloading and printing. (For past issues, see here). To summarise, there’s the full length edition of Return Fire vol.3 (Winter 2015-2016), full of news, theory, poetry and antagonism; a companion piece consisting of our ‘glossary’ entry for the issue, on Colonisation; an imposed and print-ready version of ‘Smarter Prison?‘ as a supplement to vol.3, which we received from ‘Radical Interference’ and released for December of 2015; and lastly, we’ve uploaded one of the feature texts from vol.3, ‘The Veil Drops‘, to theanarchistlibrary.org as a separate file for reading and reproduction.

Return Fire vol.3

A continuation of our project to bring incisive anarchic content from around to world to an anglophone readership. New editorial content, reprints of things we’ve found useful, artwork, action listings, foraging information, the usual.

There’s a few previously-untranslated articles in this issue. For example, one is an extract from the latest cover story of Italy’s eco-insurrectionary periodical Terra Selvaggia, on ‘The Advance of Urbanisation’ and, simultaneously, cracks opening in the concrete which we could utilise… Annie Archet meanwhile tells a life-story of evading identity, in Portrait of the Invisible Woman in Front of Her Mirror. To name
some out of the texts we’ve assembled from selections of pre-existing ones, David King looks at the reductionist and patriarchal implications of modern reproductive technologies in “Into Her Inner Chambers”, and Nicola Gai speaks to acting within ‘The Maximum That Our Abilities Allow’ (from his contribution to the founding issue of the Croce Nera Anarchica).

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Posted in Library

“A discussion from the future”… or, “imprisoned anarchists and intermediate claims (university studies with electronic surveillance, licenses, suspensions)’ by Christos Tsakalos of CCF/FAI-IRF

Thursday, May 12th, 2016

They say, in prison, that the most insidious drug is hope…

Hope for a good transfer, a convenient cell, a good court-decision, a sentence reduction on appeal, a semi-free status with electronic surveillance, for license approval, a suspension, an early release.

Hope is prison’s (and democracy’s) velvet bat. The prisoner now suppresses them-self in exchange for any of the above…

The price for the common prisoners in order to keep their hope alive is to become prison snitches, to be quiet, not to participate in demonstrations, to be a part of the anonymous statistics of the prison population and generally to invisibly serve their sentences with their head down.

The price for political prisoners is to renounce the armed struggle or even to capitulate with their silence…

In the “Years of Lead” in Italy, that usually happened by public declarations renouncing the armed struggle, often followed by telltale testimonies that led to fighters’ arrests. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

“I attack, therefore I am” by imprisoned anarchist comrade Nikos Romanos (Greece)

Wednesday, April 27th, 2016

“The proposal unfolded, the rebellion was generalized, some people undertook to respond to the call, fighters were active and the clock started to move: with different activities ranging from roadblocks, blockades, marches, closing of schools, explosive attacks everywhere, arsons, and other acts. All was called forth by this insurrectionary project, a coupling of theory and practice in action, a convergence between thought, analysis, action and proposals for destruction.”
From a responsibility claim of anonymous comrades in Mexico for three bomb attacks against targets of authority, in the framework of Black June

For us, the month that passed was a testing ground for the informal coordination of anarchist action, at the same time being an experimental attempt for a political coexistence of comrades from different political origins and outlooks, who while maintaining their political autonomy would contribute to the realization of a subversive plan oriented around four key political directions: direct action, diversity of tactics and theories, the desire for a common coordination, and informal organization.

The campaign of Black December was a gathering point for the strategic direction of informal organization and to restart the continuous anarchist uprising in our own territory and internationally. This is why I think it was worthwhile, both for the prospects of enlarging anarchist attack and to look for paths where anarchist practices will meet, so that everyone who participated in this subversive undertaking will not just stay where they are, but will look for the right means to ensure the continuing informal coordination of anarchist action, defining our own coordinates within the social war and thus shaping those conditions that will allow us to strengthen and empower a polymorphic front to diffuse the seed of continuous anarchist insurrection in the metropolises of the world. (more…)

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Posted in Autonomy

Presentation of Nikos Maziotis: “Armed Struggle, Revolutionary Movement, and Social Revolution” – Athens Polytechnic, 2014 (Greece)

Wednesday, April 27th, 2016

Presentation of Nikos Maziotis:
“Armed Struggle, Revolutionary Movement, and Social Revolution”
Athens Polytechnic, November 2014

[The talk began with various brief greetings to comrades attending the presentation, those of the squat KVOX for organizing the event, a reference by Maziotis to the government preventing him from speaking by phone to a prior meeting, etc. After this presentation, there were also some questions and responses which are not yet translated]…

This presentation deals with the theme, “Armed Struggle, Revolutionary Movement and Social Revolution” and has as its goal to show the clear and undeniable connection of armed struggle with the creation of a revolutionary movement that is a necessary precondition for social revolution, for the overturn of State and Capital.

I also believe that such a discussion is a good opportunity to begin political work that will aim at the creation of a certain form of political structure, that is to say a revolutionary movement that will try to overturn the rule of state and capital in the present-day Greek territory. Our goal as Revolutionary Struggle is the creation of such a revolutionary movement, and we have pursued this with our acts and our words. I believe with these words and acts we have brought political armaments and analysis into the anti-authoritarian space which can be used to build the base of a revolutionary movement. I would underline that a similar presentation in Thessaloniki at Terra Incognita squat at which I spoke, also fueled conversations and efforts to begin political work to form a revolutionary movement. (more…)

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Posted in Autonomy

‘Chaotic Variables – A Theoretical Contribution In Proposal for an Informal Anarchist Platform’ by CCF – Metropolitan Violence Cell (Greece)

Sunday, April 10th, 2016

Chaotic Variables

A Theoretical Contribution In Proposal for an Informal Anarchist Platform

1) Disobedience is a virtue

You are obliged to pretend to respect people and institutions that you consider irrational. You live by fashion in a cowardly era, attached to ethical and social conventions you despise, that you condemn and you know they lack of any background. It is this constant contradiction between your ideas and desires and all the dead formalities and conceited spearheads of a culture that makes you sad, disoriented and unbalanced. In this unbearable struggle you lose every dance for life, all sense of your personality as every moment they oppress, they limit and control the freedom of your strength. This is a poisonous and deadly blow caused by the civilized world.”

Octave Mirbeau

We have long since opposed the world of authority and its countless projections and impositions on our lives. We have toed the line with the world of anarchy seeking to find accomplices in the “crime” of anarchist insurrection as a living stance towards the barbarism of modern times.

So far we have attempted to realize smaller and bigger mutinies, always on the principles of self-organization, anti-hierarchy and horizontal structures. Seeking through collective processes to achieve our personal self-education in order to acquire experiences, becoming familiar with anarchist procedures while making our “possessions” more and more forms of struggle, we came to meet each other based on common objectives and aspirations so as to continue wandering on the paths of anarchist action, walked or not up to now. (more…)

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Posted in Autonomy

Algunas palabras sobre posicionamientos y demas… de parte uno del blog ‘Por la Anarquia’ (Chile, Argentina, Mexico)

Thursday, March 3rd, 2016

En rigor de la verdad, en principio este texto iba a ser una respuesta al “debate amoral” planteado hace ya algún tiempo. Y ciertamente la idea nos desagradaba. Pues siempre hemos preferido vías de comunicación mas intimas, sabiendo por supuesto que no están exentas a la execrable mirada del enemigo, pero para nada nos seducía la idea de convertirnos en la nueva novela cibernética, y viendo que la cosa se iba desarrollando en ese sentido, preferimos guardar silencio, sin permitir que nadie nos imponga sus tiempos ni sus ritmos. Así, durante los últimos meses, fuimos compartiendo (tanto yo como otros compas) y debatiendo con compañeros, de blogs, de revistas, con alguno de los mismos grupúsculos eco extremistas o con alguno de sus medios de difusión, o con compañeros sin ningún proyecto publico que demostrar, tanto de esta como de otra región, tanto via mail como en persona.

Hoy, quisiera compartir algo que se acerca mas a un posicionamiento que como individuo tengo a la hora no solo de administrar este blog, si no en lo cotidiano. (more…)

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Posted in Cognitive Liberty

Sobre el Diciembre Negro en Chile y las tácticas policiales para "intoxicarnos" con dudas y desconfianzas (Chile)

Thursday, February 4th, 2016

Como Sin Banderas Ni Fronteras, grupo de propaganda antiautoritaria,
informamos lo siguiente:

Bajo los nombres de correos electrónicos de Gmail “Libre observador” y
“Rodrigo Opazo” desde hace casi un año han estado llegando textos,
“avisos” y “reflexiones” a nuestro correo y al de otros proyectos de
propaganda y contrainformación.

Desde tales correos se ha persistido en difundir las siguientes ideas:

– Advenimiento de supuestas detenciones en contextos previo a jornadas
de agitaciòn: “Rodrigo Opazo” difundiendo supuesta informaciòn obtenida,
según él, desde fuentes policiales.
– Textos a modo de reportes y arengas acompañados de imágenes de centros
sociales y espacios políticos, junto a fotografías en primer plano de
compañerxs participando de actividades públicas.
– Supuesta información avisando que estarían identificadas las personas
del entorno anárquico insurreccional implicadas en disturbios callejeros
y atentados explosivos/incendiarios. (“Rodrigo Opazo”)
– Avisos sobre la identificación previa por parte de la policía de
personas detenidas en acciones incendiarias/explosivas.(“Rodrigo Opazo”)
– La idea de que quienes durante 2015 han realizado acciones sin ser
detenidxs (Grupos Kapibara, Fuego y Conciencia y otros) deben ser motivo
de sospecha (“Libre observador”) (more…)

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Posted in Social Control