‘Social Control’ Archives

Report about Operation Fenix (Czech Republic)

Friday, May 29th, 2015

Police crackdown on anarchist movement in Czech Republic

Arrests, home searches, interrogations, intimidation, confiscation of servers and other persecutions are results of recent wave of repressions against anarchist movement in the Czech Republic. Early on Tuesday of the 28th April, 2015 the Counter Organised Crime Unit of the Czech police (UOOZ) commenced operation Fenix targeting various individuals and organisations connected with anarchist movement across the country. Police operation was aimed on anarchist and left wing radicals who were supposed to commit series of arson attacks. Based on the information provided by the police, local news source Lidovky.cz has speculated that Network of Revolutionary Cells is responsible for the attacks.

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Contra el Narcotrafico y el Estado Policial ($hile)

Wednesday, May 27th, 2015

Contra el narcotráfico y el Estado Policial
La droga y la policía son la misma porquería: Que la autodefensa y
venganza se extienda
A no cederles ni un milímetro a los traficantes colaboradores y
cómplices con la represión.

El 14 de Mayo del 2015, distintas protestas estudiantiles se realizan a
lo largo de Chile. En Valparaíso un altercado por rayar una muralla,
hace que el miserable Giuseppe Briganti decida disparar una pistola 9
milímetros contra la multitud, dos jóvenes que participaban en la
protesta son muertos al ser alcanzados por las balas del bastardo.
Una sociedad enferma que avala la defensa de la propiedad privada, la
mantención del orden como un valor fundamental y justifica las
ejecuciones a quienes perturben la paz del cementerio, se alegra de las
balas de Giuseppe. La actitud matonesca, la necesidad de controlar el
territorio y mercado de drogas así como mantener la “tranquilidad”
defender la propiedad privada hacen que Giussepe dispare hacia el grupo,
sin apuntar a nadie en especifico… Simplemente Giussepe dispara, dispara
una y otra vez contra “la protesta”, cualquiera que se encontraba ahí
podría haber muerto, pero esta vez le toco a dos jóvenes.

Todo nuestro odio para Giuseppe y el poderío de los narcotraficantes
-contra quienes los sustentan, los defienden, financian y avalan-.
¡Ataca al Dominio en todas sus formas!

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Police operation "Phoenix" against anarchists continues (Czech Republic)

Wednesday, May 6th, 2015

Police have just announced that 3 people being held in custody were accused of terrorism. According to Czech law the minimum penalty for this crime is 12 years and it is one of the very few crimes with possible life sentence. Two other people are accused of not reporting this crime and the last two of illegal arms (police reported they found an explosive timed device made of a steel tube). The case is apparently very serious. Terrorism charge gives the police some extra power and rights.

Other people arrested are being investigated for “supporting the movement seeking to violate human rights and freedom”, which is a crime designated for use against hate movements [racist/far-right].

Police released this story to the public: those accused planned an attack with Molotovs on a train transporting Hyundai cars. Two of them should have obtained
the “explosives”, two others should actually attack the train, the last three should work as scouts. The attack should have taken place last November but never happened for an unknown reason, it is possible it was just delayed.

The police say that all of them belong to “Conspiracy of Cells Of Fire”. All people were under surveillance at least since last September.

From ABC.

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Prague: Squatted centre Cibulka is raided and evicted by police (Czech Republic)

Wednesday, May 6th, 2015

Today police evicted the only squatted place in Prague, Cibulka. In a massive raid 200 cops with water-cannon and even a helicopter arrested at least 12 people, at least 4 people were injured. There were around 50 people present in the place when the police came, most of them left the premises voluntarily. Four people occupied the roof but were forcibly removed. It is still unclear what exactly happened as police closed off the whole surrounding area. At least four people are in hospital now. At least 12 people are being held.

Cibulka was occupied by squatters two years ago. Soon they managed to sign an agreement with the owner, semi-public company Autoklub. For two years it was used legally, but that did not prevent police from raiding the place several times. Last month the contract was recalled by the owner. Yesterday evening the owner made a formal complain to police, today the place was evicted. It is an unprecedent speed of police work in the country where it is usual to wait 8 or more years for a court verdict and generally the justice system is very slow and ineffective…

From ABC.

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Massive police operation against anarchists left three people in custody (Czech Republic)

Saturday, May 2nd, 2015

Following massive raid on anarchists on Tuesday night, three people were
charged with terrorism and taken into custody. Whole operation police
called “Phoenix” started in early morning with house search in dozens of
private flats and social center “Ateneo” in the town of Most. Around 20
people were arrested, part of them only questioned and immediately

Three people were charged of attempted terrorism (12-20 years of
prison), some others are officially investigated of the same crime but
were released. Even others were charged of not reporting this serious
crime. Three people were taken into custody. As some servers were
confiscated most of Czech anarchists websites are down.

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European Economic Congress in Katowice: Anti-Terrorist Unit brutally raids the 'Alternative Economical Forum' (Poland)

Tuesday, April 21st, 2015

Monday 20 April: Last night in the early morning hours, police raided a house squatted by activists in Mariacka street, Katowice. The police used rubber bullets, smoke, and stun grenades. 21 people were beaten up and arrested. (At least 3 people were taken to hospital) The people imminently stated that they are starting a hunger strike against their detention. According to the police, the people are accused of breaching domestic peace (in an empty building!). Solidarity picket took place at 13:00 in front of the cop station at Lompy 19, Katowice. In Poznan at 14:00 solidarity picket in front of the Regional Police station, Kochanowskiego 2a.

Solidarity communique:

European Economic Congress in Katowice: full hotels, empty houses – Antiterrorists fighting social change

Katowice. Another day of meetings for the European elites. The subject is TTIP and hundreds of other anti-social programs, forced on people against their will. A group of anarchists and trade unionists who organize Anticongress, together with the people that need a roof above their head, have squatted one of the thousands of empty buildings, which after being ‘cleaned’ of the tenants awaits its demolition and transformation into an office building. On the front wall, a huge banner is hung, saying ‘human capital resists!’. In the newly opened space, the ‘Alternative Economical Forum’ took place. The debates started on a different kind of economic politics, the kind that could reverse the trend of radical accumulation of wealth into the hands of the elites in Europe and the world. (more…)

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CCF Escape Case: Update on repression in Greece and UK

Wednesday, April 15th, 2015

Inter Arma received and translated:

With new reports by snitching cop journalists, an effort is being made to target comrades who come occasionally in contact with the imprisoned members of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire. In this case, they try to locate comrades from the UK who, as reported by the cops, publish an insurrectionary anarchist magazine there. They want to investigate what comrades from abroad traveled to Greece on specific dates. Also, they take into account the importance of the presence of FAI cells in the country and report that a group of Greek cops will travel there to inform their colleagues. This is a witch hunt which now targets comrades abroad as well. The case of the escape of the members of CCF becomes the perfect alibi, after several months of media propaganda, for cleaning up and hunting comrades which the cops already have in target.


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Santiago: Two comrades arrested for arson attack on a bus ($hile)

Sunday, April 12th, 2015

[Translated by Sin Banderas Ni Fronteras from Refractario]

On April 7, 2015, a bus was set on fire. Near the action, the bastards of police arrested comrades Natalia Collao (24) and Javier Pino (22).

When the journalistic carrion arrived to police station, both Natalia and Javier walked with head up. Javier shouted out loud: Down with the patriarchal and anthropocentric society!

On Friday 10, the judge decreed three months of preventive detention on charges of incendiary device installation in a public transport bus. Outside the Tribunal, comrades in solidarity stayed with banners and slogans.

Javier is now detained in Santiago 1 prison, and Natalia is in San Miguel prison.

All our solidarity with the comrades!

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"Hallucination, intimidation and control" : Letter from Chilean comrade Francisco Solar about 'Operation Pandora' (Spain)

Sunday, April 12th, 2015

From Pubblicacion Refractario:

‘Are we persecuted? Well, it’s logical that we are persecuted because we are a constant threat for who represents the system. In order not to be prosecuted we would have to adapt to their laws, comply with them, integrate into the system, let bureaucracy penetrate our spinal cord and become perfect traitors… but is that what we want? No. So our everyday actions have to be nourished with our creative imagination. Our strength is our ability to resist. We can fail but must never bow down to anyone.’ Buenaventura Durruti.

There can be many and varied explanations for the repressive blow of December 16th, just as the general and specific causes that intertwined to create a delirious net of power leading to the arrest of our friends and comrades are many.

Perhaps one of the general causes could be the introduction of the Law on Citizens Security, known as the ‘Gag law’; this, along with the exacerbation of the penal code, which has re-introduced life sentences, creates a pattern whereby the control exercised by power is more efficient and strengthened by constant paranoia. Sentences for attacks on authorities, public disorder and disobedience have been exacerbated; at the same time social protests like those of 15M [blockade of parliament] and of PAH (a group against housing taxes) are being punished. Progressives and social-democrats say that the State is ‘leaving less space for freedom’ and that ‘the struggle for rights is being criminalized’. As you can see, the turn of the screw by the repressive-judicial apparatus is striking citizens, that is to say those who struggle for more and better laws, more and better democracy, for more participation in the management of misery. Freedom and law is inconsistent with one another. As anarchists we are aware that the more rights are granted the stronger the State becomes and as a consequence our submission grows. Not because it will cease to be such with a subtle, more democratic oppression, but quite the opposite it becomes more natural and firm in its being invisible. (more…)

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Barcelona/Granada/Madrid/Palencia: Operation Piñata raids (Spain & Catalunya)

Monday, March 30th, 2015

UPDATE: Operation Piñata – Five comrades imprisoned, ten conditionally bailed, address for three of the prisoners

Via squat.net:

This morning in Operation Piñata (following Pandora in December) cops have raided social centres and arrested people (at least 26) in Barcelona, Madrid, Palencia and Granada.

La 13-14 in Madrid announced it was being raided this morning.

CSOA La Redonda in Granada released a communique condemning the raids, which they said occurred without a warrant.

Centro Social (re)Okupado La Quimera in Lavapies, Madrid was evicted. It also stated no warrant was shown after its doors were smashed at 06:30 and added:

“This is just another attack on the anarchist movement with intent to criminalize and victimize our struggle.”

Other raided social centres were la Magdalena and La Enredadera de Tetuán.

In solidarity!

On squat.net:
Estado español: Zarpazo represivo, al menos 26 detenciones. Desalojan el CSOA La Quimera

La policia espanyola deté 27 persones en una operació contra col·lectius anarquistes

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Support Shilan Ozcelik – Defend the struggle against ISIS/Daesh (UK)

Monday, March 16th, 2015

From RabbleLDN:

Shilan (Silhan) Ozcelik, an 18 year-old Kurdish comrade from London, has been held on remand in Holloway prison charged with preparing to commit acts of terrorism. Her charge relates to allegedly trying to join the fight against Daesh (ISIS) in Syria.

Shilan was arrested at Stansted airport in January after returning from a trip to mainland Europe, but appeared in court only last week charged with the offence under section 5 (1)(a) of the Terrorism Act 2006. She is accused of trying to join fighters from the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), which is banned as a terrorist organisation in the UK. It’s the first known prosecution in relation to people in the UK joining the fight against Daesh.

An emergency demo was held outside Holloway on Friday to support her. Shilhan is due to appear at the Old Bailey on 1st April – updates will be shared here if further demos are called.

Write to Shilan at:

Silan Ozcelik
Prison No: A8733DK
HMP Holloway
Parkhurst Road
London N7 0NU

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Protest: Undercover is no excuse for abuse – Demo at Cardiff Police Station (Wales, UK)

Thursday, March 12th, 2015

6pm @Cardiff Central Police Station on the 24th of March 2015

It has been over five years since we learned that Mark “Marco” Jacobs was not just another anarchist in the south Wales activist scene, but was actually an undercover police officer.

Since then a number of people who were directly effected by his use of sexual relations as an infiltration tactic have taken legal action to attempt to hold the system to account.

Sickeningly South Wales Police and the Metropolitan Police have maintained a “Neither Confirm Nor Deny” defence of all aspects of Officer Jacobs deployment. (more…)

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Comrade Spiros Mandylas re-arrested and held in Thessaloniki – Now on hunger strike (Greece)

Thursday, March 12th, 2015

UPDATE: Text by anarchist prisoner Spiros Mandylas about his new arrest and his hunger strike

Inter Arma received and translated:

Comrade Spiros Mandylas was arrested today [10 March] in the afternoon and he will be presented tomorrow before the persecutor, who will decide whether he will be detained or not. He is held in the General Police Agency of Thessaloniki and he refused to be subjected to body control, something that infuriated the cops. He is strong and in high spirits.

The reason for his arrest is the fact that he didn’t pay the 5.000 fine he was sentenced to by the trial that ended last Thursday 05/03, a trial that took place without the presence of the comrade and his lawyer, while his co-defendants, except one, legitimized the trial, thus his sentence, with their presence there.

A text written by the comrade will be published in the following days.

A previous text written by the comrade about this case

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“About the new government of national salvation” communique by Anarchist Group 'Chaos Symphony' (Greece)

Saturday, February 28th, 2015

Inter Arma received and translated:

In the ongoing reality, the global economic crisis, having eroded the political and economic stability of states, reshapes the political map, where new correletions are created, in an effort to find the policies to address and manage the crisis and to restore stability. In Greece, the change of the political correlations were reflected with the election of SY.RIZ.A. in the government office. This political fluidity and mobility fits into the general European level, where countries most affected by the crisis, such as the European south, are in the process of changing governments. In response to the general frustration of the masses, as they have lost their privileges because of the harsh neo-liberal policies, social-democrats promise to restore these privileges through an interventionist policy in support of the people. This obviously is not possible within the European context, especially when the financial liquidity of the economy of a state depends on funding programs whose terms and conditions are determined by third capitalist institutions. In this case, there are no more than two options: The continuation of the previous policy, with some ostensible relief measures in order for the government to maintain its profile as long as it can or a potential bankruptcy. (more…)

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Brief notes on the criminalization of popular struggles in Brazil (CNA-Rio)

Friday, February 27th, 2015

From CNA Rio:

* Rio de Janeiro *

– The collective trial of the 23 indicted are entering it’s final stages, the judges decision should be known in the next month or so. Three of these activists Elisa Quadros (Tinkerbell), Karlayne Moraes (Moa) and Igor Mendes were accused of not complying with the court order and Igor got arrested while Tinkerbell and Moa went underground.

– Besides that, another two of the 23 are still arrested: Caio Silva and Fábio Fox. Accused of murdering a journalist for using fireworks to defends themselves and the protesters from police brutality. (more…)

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