

Critics lash beaten Golden State Warriors after defence exposed without Andrew Bogut

The Golden State Warriors have faced a chorus of criticism for shipping Australian centre Andrew Bogut to the Dallas Mavericks in the off-season to secure All-Star Kevin Durant.

The Warriors were crushed 129-100 on their home court in Wednesday's NBA regular-season debut against Patty Mills' San Antonio Spurs.

The game was a disaster for the Warriors, who boasted four All-Stars in their starting five - Durant, Steph Curry, Draymond Green and Klay Thompson - and were expected to dominate the Spurs.

Former NBA stars turned analysts pointed to Bogut's absence.

"Bogut was a guy who was just constantly in the way," former Warriors player turned ESPN basketball analyst Tim Legler said on San Francisco radio station KNBR.

"He just knows how to clog the lane, he just knows how to be an irritant. In addition to that, he's a phenomenal last line of defence rim protector and he's also got a role in the offence because he's such a good passer."


Warriors centres Anderson Varajao and Zaza Pachulia attempted to fill the hole left by the 213cm Bogut, who plays his first game for the Mavericks against the Indiana Pacers on Thursday (AEDT).

"Anderson Varajao and Zaza are great defenders, but as far as protecting that rim, they are not Bogut, and I think now they are kind of realising that," said another former Warriors player, Antawn Jamison.

"I think they miss his dynamic as far as controlling the paint and just being satisfied with 'that's my job - I make sure it's difficult for guys in the paint'.

"You see last night San Antonio was getting backdoor cuts, lay-ups, things of that nature."

Canberra's Mills was one of the benefactors, with a reverse lay-up up the middle of the key a highlight in his 11 points.