
Avocado economics for first-home buyers

Internet culture is a funny thing.

Last week a Toronto ad agency made a video of Canadians telling the United States all the reasons it's already great, in a counter point to Donald Trump's "Make America Great Again" slogan.

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Tips for first-home buyers

That home may seem out of reach but here's some advice if you're on the property hunt for the first time.

The hashtags #TellAmericaItsGreat and #TellCanadaThankYou went viral on social media, providing welcome relief during the long and toxic US election campaign.

Given Canadians' reputation for being so gosh-darn nice, this episode was labelled by the internet as "Peak Canada".

Avocado or housing? You choose.
Avocado or housing? You choose. 

Meanwhile, in Australia we seemed to spend the week obsessed with avocado brunches and property prices.

#SmashedAvo has been trending all week, and Greens Senator Peter Whish-Wilson even turned up in the Senate with an avocado as a prop to decry housing unaffordability.


This, I'm pretty sure, was Peak Australia.

It was all started by social commenter Bernard Salt's column decrying the evils of the hipster cafe in the Weekend Australian last week.

How much do you need to save to build a 10 per cent deposit within 10 years, if property prices keep going up at the ...
How much do you need to save to build a 10 per cent deposit within 10 years, if property prices keep going up at the same rate? 

"I have seen young people order smashed avocado with crumbled feta on five-grain toasted bread at $22 a pop and more," Salt wrote. "I can afford to eat this for lunch because I am middle-aged and have raised my family.

"But how can young people afford to eat like this? Shouldn't they be economising by eating at home? How often are they eating out? Twenty-two dollars several times a week could go towards a deposit on a house."

I saw the furore erupt online even before I read the original column. Salt has been called "silly", an "arrogant prick" and worse. Cyberspace has been awash with reams of verbiage earnestly explaining why he is wrong.

I thought the same, until I actually went and read his column and realised it was a humour piece. The offending lines come after more than 400 words of jokes, mostly aimed at himself and his fellow middle-aged Aussies.

His bewilderment at the youth of today paying $22 a pop for avocado toast sits alongside his self-deprecating complaints about milk crates for seats, illegible menus, loud music, and ambiguous signage on the loos.

It was a gentle roast replete with self-mockery. And yet, I'm not surprised it struck a nerve.

For young people locked out of the housing market, it's no joke. If Millennials could save a deposit by forgoing brunch, many of them would be delighted.

Comparison site Mozo crunched some numbers, and it's pretty confronting especially if you live in Sydney and Melbourne.

Let's say property prices continue to rise at the same rate. If you save $66 a week by forgoing a $22 cafe brunch several times a week, how long would take you to save a 10 per cent deposit for a bog-standard home in your city?

If you live in Sydney and Melbourne? The answer is literally never.

In Sydney you'd need to save $1121 a month for 10 years to scrape together a 10 per cent deposit on the median-priced dwelling. That's 22 per cent of the average earner's take-home pay.

If you want a 20 per cent deposit to avoid costly mortgage insurance, you'd need to save 45 per cent of the average pay packet.

It's a similar story in Melbourne – 21 per cent of the average income for 10 years for a 10 per cent deposit, or 42 per cent for a 20 per cent deposit.

It's a shame you have to, you know, eat and pay rent.

You might want to think about moving to Hobart. Even though average incomes are lower, it takes just five years and three months to save a 10 per cent deposit on the city's median dwelling, or 10 and a half years to save 20 per cent.

It takes more than eight years to save a 10 per cent deposit in Canberra, Darwin, Brisbane, Perth and Adelaide. But forget about the 20 per cent deposit – it takes about two decades in all those cities, except in Darwin where capital growth is so high you'll be nearing retirement before you get there.

That's a lot of time to go without avocado toast.

The median dwelling price in Sydney is $1.03 million and the average income after tax is $5078 a month. In Melbourne it's $843,200 for the property and $4833 in monthly income.

You're probably thinking that first-home buyers can save up for a cheaper home. The median price means by definition that half the properties are cheaper and half are more expensive.

And that's true. But don't forget that average earnings are not typical either – there are many people who only dream of an income that high.

The median income is lower than the average income, so by definition there are more people with a below-average income than an above-average one.

If it takes a high-income earner to buy a mid-range property in Sydney and Melbourne, and an average earner to buy an entry-level home, where does that leave everyone else?

But don't despair. A problem shared is a problem halved, and most people buy property with a partner. Some people come into an inheritance, or have family who can afford to kick in.

There are also people who rent long-term but buy investment properties in other cities, or invest in a share portfolio.

It's also highly unlikely that property prices will continue growing at the same rate for all that time.

I'm not willing to say that housing is a bubble because that implies a hard crash. But it seems likely we've passed Peak Housing Boom.

Caitlin Fitzsimmons is the editor of Money for the Sydney Morning Herald and The Age. Follow her on Facebook or Twitter.
