
Investment: the reason traders lose money

If you read some of the books on trading, such as Way of the Turtle, Profiting in Bull and Bear Markets, or The New Market Wizards, the suggestion is that 60-90 per cent of traders lose money, depending on their level of leverage and the product they are trading. Trading foreign exchange with a leveraged product is the biggest killer – a bit like opening an online betting account. Trading equities without leverage is one of the best odds activities.

Why do traders lose at trading? The answer is that they are humans not machines. You need to be clinical. But faced with losses, gains and luck, it's hard not to be emotional and irrational; it's human, and that's the problem. Humans are not wired to invest successfully and to overcome that weakness you have to systemise and employ a process that constantly develops because you'll never consistently win trading by the seat of your pants. Having a mechanism to trigger an action without debate adds value and certainty but more importantly allows you as a trader or investor to be impassioned and also sleep at night.  

People who are prone to be bulls or bears are displaying cognitive bias.
People who are prone to be bulls or bears are displaying cognitive bias. Photo: Bloomberg

Recognising your emotional weaknesses is what behavioural finance is all about. Some of the more common trading mindsets are well known, they are called "cognitive biases", erroneous rules of thumb or common errors of judgment. Two of the most obvious ones are emotional bias and expectation bias.

If anyone ever says "I love this stock" or "I hate this stock", that's an emotional bias that includes the tendency to believe the things that make you feel good and to disregard things that make you feel bad. It's called losing objectivity. In investment terms this is a pretty important mental weakness. It means that if you hold a stock, often unknowingly, you have been conditioned to optimism, to keep holding it, even when it's going down.

Although bias may seem to be a short-term phenomenon, long-term collective bias can and does exist. It happens when the whole market believes the same thing. Examples of collective bias that may not have paid off in the last few years include beliefs that the banks are safe investments; Woolworths is a long-term core stock; and the resources boom will go on for decades.

And in the last few months: interest rates and inflation are going to zero and staying there for a decade and the resources boom is over forever. The latter cost you a 60 per cent rally in BHP this year.


Cognitive bias does have some value in that it smooths prices and extends momentum. When the whole market is biased to the same theme that theme is unlikely to reverse quickly. But when it does, as they always do, the most money is made by being objective enough to expect, look for and react to that change in bias and exploit the lemmings that stay faithful.

Easy to suggest, hard to do. So how do you do spot change or turning points in a bias? Keep your distance, be "cold", have the software to alert you to a change in the trend and be prepared to exploit it when it comes. That chart is not just a line on the paper, it's momentum.  These days the momentum and sentiment element to a share price can be more important in the short term than the fundamentals.   

If you are prone to say "I love XYZ stock" then you need to stop, unplug and reconfigure. Systemise. Professional fund managers know this. They have process. They are cold. They are not emotional about stocks and they do not sit on their pride and prejudice. They act. That's why you pay them – to be better than you. Though being better than most private investors isn't hard.

Marcus Padley is a director of financial services company MTIS Pty Ltd and the author of stockmarket newsletter Marcus Today. For a free trial please go to
