Category: News Short

Grassroots of the Class War

Short updates on three victories at the grassroots in the class war.


“We won the Meniz wage-theft fight!! After months of making trouble for the Meniz Company (and their client, CWD) in every way we could think …

India Tops World in Number Living in Slavery (14 million)

According to a report on global slavery just released by the Walk Free Foundation, there are now 35 million people living in modern slavery. The 2013 general estimate using the same methodology was 30 million, meaning 5 million new slaves …

The Final Indian War in America is About to Begin

“As an example of the national media’s apathy, the Lakota, Nakota and Dakota have turned their backs on the $1.5 billion dollars offered to them for settling the Black Hills Claim and although they are among the poorest of all …

Science Says Your Baby is a Socialist

“I think all babies are created equal in that all normal babies—all babies without brain damage—possess some basic foundational understanding of morality and some foundational moral impulses…”

Further support for the idea of egalitarianism as an evolutionary advance based on …