Category: ACAB

Solidarity with the #NoDAPL Resistance

The Workers Solidarity Alliance would like to express our solidarity with the indigenous-led struggle against the ecologically destructive Dakota Access Pipeline during the Global Weeks of Solidarity (Sept 3rd – 17th).  Further, we condemn the repression of the resistance …

International Women’s Day 2013

Black Flag Lady

Workers Solidarity Alliance

2013 International Women’s Day Statement

On March 8, 1908, thousands of women left their jobs in the sweatshops of New York City’s Lower East Side and took to the streets to demand their rights as women and …

Bring Alex Home for Christmas!

On November 14th, Alejandro Torres was arrested along with five others in Pasadena at a Zapatista solidarity action outside of a speech by Vicente Fox, the ex-president of Mexico. Now more than a month after his arrest he is still …

Free Julio!

Julio Rodriguez, a stalwart comrade of ours from Los Angeles, has been held in prison since Saturday under threat of immediate deportation. We will not let another one of our brothers be kidnapped from us by the racist state!

Julio …