NSSN 313: Support NUJ Newsquest South London strike & Unite Crossrail campaign

October 25, 2016 in Bulletins

Support NUJ Newsquest South London strike NUJ members working for Newsquest in South London are out on strike again this week after voting to extend their strike by another 5 days. It is over a newsroom restructure that will result in 12 reporters covering news, sport and leisure across 11 newspapers and eight websites under a single content editor. Seven reporters have resigned over the plans. The striking journalists outside the company’s Sutton HQ told the NSSN, “We aren’t out here for more pay or better perks but because we have been cut to the extent that it’s impossible to do […]

NSSN 312: Support RMT Southern Rail strike!

October 18, 2016 in Bulletins

The NSSN calls on all our supporters and affiliates to support the Southern Rail workers on strike again this week Tuesday-Thursday. Please send messages of support and donations to the RMT – info@rmt.org.uk RMT Unity House 39 Chalton Street London NW1 1JD Southern strike “absolutely solid” again this morning despite company lies and dirty tricks (18 October) RAIL UNION RMT said today that strike action by guards on Southern Rail in the dispute over safety and access remains absolutely solid this morning despite a vicious campaign of company lies and dirty tricks. Mick Cash, RMT General Secretary, said: “Despite a […]

NSSN 311: Butterfields tenants victory shows Housing Act can be defeated!

October 12, 2016 in Bulletins

The NSSN is delighted to hail the fantastic victory of the Butterfields tenants in East London. This will give huge confidence to working-class people generally and especially the fight against the new Tory Housing Act. NSSN national secretary Linda Taaffe, who is also secretary of Waltham Forest Trade Union Council, has played a leading role in the campaign:- “On Saturday we got the fantastic news that all 49 flats with tenants in them are being bought by Dolphin Living Trust. This means that tenants on the estate will be able to stay in their homes and court procedures will be […]

308: VIDEO – TUC Rally ‘Call demo to support Junior Doctors!’

September 14, 2016 in Bulletins, Video

Sunday’s NSSN rally before the start of TUC Congress in Brighton was a fantastic success. Militant trade unionists from both the leadership of some of the most fighting unions and the rank and file spoke to 250 Congress delegates and union and anti-cuts campaigners. Everyone sent their best wishes to PCS General Secretary Mark Serwotka who was admitted to hospital last week. There were barnstorming speeches from PCS President Janice Godrich, RMT General Secretary Mick Cash, BFAWU General Secretary Ronnie Draper (suspended and now reinstated by Labour) and POA General Secretary Steve Gillan alongside those off junior doctors and workers from Greenwich […]

NSSN 304: Deliveroo workers strike against #Slaveroo pay cuts!

August 16, 2016 in Bulletins

Hundreds of drivers working for takeaway food courier company Deliveroo protested outside their head office on 15 August, the beginning of a strike over changes to their pay. At the moment drivers get £7 an hour plus £1 extra for each delivery, Deliveroo want to cut the hourly rate and move to a zero-hour contract which would mean drivers earning only £3.75 for each delivery. Deliveroo boss William Shu came out to talk to workers but tried to pull the wool over their eyes and request ‘one on one’ discussions with the workers which was met with boos. The drivers, […]

NSSN 310: Defend RMT! Support the TAs! Read NSSN NHS bulletin!

October 5, 2016 in Bulletins

  NSSN NHS bulletin The NSSN has produced at short notice a NHS bulletin. We hope that our supporters will find it useful in campaigning against the threatened £20billion health cuts. We call on the TUC and the health unions to organise an emergency national demonstration to defend the NHS, which can give confidence for co-ordinated industrial action. We’d like to thanks Unite Notts NHS EM/NG32 branch for donating towards the production of the bulletin. Email us via info@shopstewards.net to get copies Model motion:- In an attempt to drive spending on the NHS back to pre-2000 spending levels (which would […]

NSSN 309: ‘Blacklisted’: watch the film & read the book!

September 21, 2016 in Bulletins

The NSSN is delighted to devote this week’s bulletin to the struggle of the blacklisted workers. The film by Tom Wood from Reel News ‘Blacklisted – a film about power, the organisations that wield it and the people who fought back’ was premiered at the ‘Blacklisting, Bullying & Blowing the Whistle’ conference that took place in the University of Greenwich last weekend, where speakers included Shadow Chancellor John McDonnell alongside blacklisted workers and other campaigners, academics and representatives from the legal profession such as John Hendy QC. It follows on form the book co-authored by Dave Smith and investigative journalist […]

NSSN 307: Come to NSSN TUC Rally Sunday – Tories Out! Keep Corbyn!

September 7, 2016 in Bulletins

This year’s TUC Congress comes at a critical moment for the trade union movement. It will be the last before the new Tory (anti) Trade Union Act comes into force. However, even before then, we have seen the Tory Press whip up a storm against two important disputes – the BMA Junior Doctors and the RMT on Southern Rail. It is crucial that Congress sends a signal that these struggles aren’t left isolated, particularly as there have been threats made that Junior Doctors could face disciplinary action if they strike again. There should be emergency motions for the TUC to […]

NSSN 306: Junior Doctors, UberEats & Southern Rail strikes

August 31, 2016 in Bulletins

BMA Junior Doctors re-start strikes September 12-16 The BMA has today confirmed that junior doctors will take further industrial action. The first 5 days will be September 12-16. We know that trade unionists and the majority of ordinary people everywhere will support this action as they did earlier in the year.   These dates happen to be the week of TUC Congress, taking place this year in Brighton. The NSSN calls on the TUC to invite the BMA to send a speaker to address Congress and to go further. This is happening at the same time that draft plans from […]

305: John McDonnell to speak at NSSN TUC rally 11 Sept

August 23, 2016 in Bulletins

The National Shop Stewards Network (NSSN) is delighted to announce that Labour Shadow Chancellor John McDonnell has agreed to speak at our rally on Sunday 11 September, before the start of TUC Congress in Brighton. The NSSN gives full support to Jeremy and John McDonnell. Like tens of thousands of working class people who have joined solidarity #KeepCorbyn protests and meetings over the summer, we see Owen Smith’s challenge as an attempt by the Blairites to turn the political clock back to when Labour was a reliable tool of the establishment. We hope that the NSSN rally, with John McDonnell […]