HIV cure? Brisbane researcher may have found 'the holy grail'

HIV cure? Brisbane researcher may have found 'the holy grail'

A functional cure for HIV may have been found in a Queensland laboratory, but it could still be years before the "holy grail" of viral research was freely available to those living with the disease.

QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute scientist David Harrich has made an antiviral protein – the "Nullbasic" protein – by mutating an existing HIV protein.

The result, the head of the institute's HIV molecular virology laboratory said, appeared to be an effecting "off" switch for the virus, which was an exciting prospect for all HIV researchers.

"It's been investigated now for 30 years and it's time that we basically put ourselves out of a job by curing this disease," Associate Professor Harrich said.

Brisbane-based HIV researcher David Harrich may have found the key to curing the disease.

Brisbane-based HIV researcher David Harrich may have found the key to curing the disease.Credit:Tony Phillips

"I've been at this for a while now and I'd like to see this happen.

"It's the holy grail."

The breakthrough peer-reviewed research has just been published in the American Society for Microbiology journal mBio.

Associate Professor Harrich said, if harnessed, Nullbasic could be a functional cure for HIV, but that harnessing would prove to be difficult.

"It's early days," he said.

"You want to be cautious about these kind of things because the application of proteins as a therapy is extremely difficult, so it's not something that's going to pop out of a lab and become an instant remedy for HIV infection.

"It's going to be a very useful research tool that can be learnt how to trigger these off switches, so that's what we have in mind."

Turning the Nullbasic research into a functional treatment through gene therapy would be a difficult process that Associate Professor Harrich said could take about a decade to see through.

"There are two ways to an HIV cure. One way is a sterilising cure, so you eliminate all cells infected with HIV and therefore you're no longer infected at all," he said.

"The other is a functional cure and a functional cure simply says that you have HIV in your cells, but it does not cause any trouble.

"It is unable to make any more virus particles, so essentially it's a dormant virus."

QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute's research gave the Brisbane scientists a good starting point – the hematopoietic cells found in bone marrow.

"(Hematopoietic cells) are pluripotent stem cells that produce all of the blood cells in the body and one way that you could deliver this protein by gene therapy is by treating hematopoietic cells to express this antiviral protein," Associate Professor Harrich said.

"That's certainly a long task and something we're working on in the lab, but it's going to take quite a bit of time to develop."

Associate Professor Harrich said such an approach to finding a cure for HIV had not been tried before.

"There are some gene therapy trials happening in the world, but to my knowledge there isn't one happening where they're delivering a gene that makes a protein, so this would be entirely new," he said.

"How long it would take could be quite a while, so we're currently testing this in an animal model and that still has many years to run.

"... It's probably more than 10 years away."

Associate Professor Harrich and his colleagues had been testing the Nullbasic protein since 2009 and it was hoped it could be developed into a treatment for the disease that would only require a one-off application.

"What's exciting about this is that it demonstrates the concept that there are mechanisms by which you can completely shut down the virus in a cell without harming the cell," he said.

"That's what's interesting about this.

"Right now, with the current drugs on the market, that's not possible. That's not what they do.

"So this is a new concept in antiretroviral therapy; to treat cells in a way that turns the virus off but otherwise leaves the cell alone."

The World Health Organisation estimated about 1.2 million people died from HIV-related causes in 2014, with about 37 million infected worldwide.

By mid-2015, according to the WHO, nearly 16 million people living with HIV were receiving antiretroviral drugs.