Novated leasing market criticised for withholding true costs from customers

Hundreds of thousands of Australians who have leased a car through their work to pay less tax may not be getting all the savings they've been hoping for.

Under a novated lease, an individual can get a new car by diverting some of their salary via their employer towards the repayments, thereby reducing their taxable income.

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Add-on insurance

Paul Quinn was sold "add-on" car insurance when he bought his Toyota four years ago. He joined a Consumer Action campaign to get his money back and won.

The car can be for personal use. It is an increasingly popular, but unregulated, product.

One novated lease provider, Stratton Finance, says a lack of rules has led to major players withholding from customers basic information such as the interest rate, true vehicle cost and the total financed amount.

A novated lease allows users to easliy switch to a new car every three to five years.
A novated lease allows users to easliy switch to a new car every three to five years. Photo: Supplied

It wants to "disrupt" the "extremely opaque" industry by being transparent and offering these details in easy-to-read quotes.

"We'll also be passing on 100 per cent of the discounts we receive and only charging a 1 per cent fee on the vehicle's price," says chief executive Rob Chaloner.


"Some providers are getting a fleet discount of 10 per cent and not passing it on. So for a $40,000 car, they're getting 10 per cent off but packaging it using the full price, so there's the first $4000 profit."

The Australian Salary Packaging Industry Association offered no clear rebuttals. But one member, LeasePlan, says it has been delivering that level of transparency for a long time.

A novated lease can save the average user thousands of dollars.
A novated lease can save the average user thousands of dollars. 

And Stratton - not an ASPIA member - is no "disrupter", having been in the industry for a few years.

"Is the approach by Stratton seen as a disrupter? That question I will let you and others decide," says ASPIA's chairman Leigh Penberthy.

"It is [for] the individual novated leasing organisation to determine what is in fact their own value proposition to ensure that at all times it is both compelling and competitive."

After a tax reform scare in 2013, the novated lease market is thriving. A fringe benefit tax loophole allows the car to be exclusively for private use.

The market has been enjoying a growth rate of 6 to 8 per cent each year, according to ASPIA, with many users being public servants and charity workers, not high-flying executives, as commonly thought.

LeasePlan, which manages 15,000 novated leases, decried Stratton's disruption plans, saying it has been disclosing details such as the interest rate, discounts and true vehicle cost since day one.

But it admits there is a lack of transparency in the industry.

"We've seen examples in the industry of interest rates changing over time, so the rate agreed to by the HR or decision-maker may creep up without their knowledge," said LeasePlan's Paul Scully.

"It's the lack of disclosure that makes it hard, because some people put indicative rates, comparison rates, not necessarily the exact rate and margin that's applied to the novated lease."

Despite the problems, a novated lease can be a good option for someone looking to buy a new car. A user can avoid paying GST, can wrap ownership costs, such as registration and fuel, into the payments, and switch cars every few years.

A person earning $65,000 a year who packages a $35,000 car with typical running expenses of $13,200 a year would be about $2500 a year better off by packaging, according to KPMG tax partner David Sofra.

But Fairfax Media economics writer Michael Pascoe says while the novated lease can be good for the individual, it's bad for the country.

In 2013, the Labor government's plans to close the tax loophole were scrapped by the incoming Coalition government, which was honouring a pre-election promise.

Ahead of the election, ASPIA gave the Liberal Party one of the largest donations - $250,000.

"It's bad policy, a rort. Effectively a minority of Australians who want a new car are getting a tax break and are being subsidised by the rest of the country," says Mr Pascoe.

"Why should the government provide a tax subsidy to people buying a new car? Why not provide a tax subsidy to people buying a new washing machine or a new TV?"

Attaching "junk" insurance products to novated leases is another concerning practice in the industry.

In a supplementary product disclosure statement that came with a novated lease, Toyota admitted the attached gap insurance and extended warranty policies "[were] often more expensive then similar cover purchased through other methods" and "may not be appropriate for you".

The market is dominated by McMillan Shakespeare, SmartGroup and SG Fleet.

McMillan Shakespeare, which owns the brand Maxxia, directed all questions to ASPIA.