Justice for a young trans girl that has been taken from her mum & forced to live as a boy

A recent court case has ruled a young trans girl to be removed from her mother and forced to live in her assigned gender. The mother has done nothing but provide support her child in being who she really is and has given her all the love and care in the world to allow her to live out as her true and authentic self. 

It is saddening and horrendous that a judge would therefore rule against the mother and her daughter, who wished to remain with her mother. In an article that appeared on the Guardian, the judge used arguments such as that the kid now liked Spongebob and the Power Rangers and was liking certain traits associated with men or boys. From a judge, such arguments are completely unacceptable, outdated and based upon old fashioned ideas about gender roles and behaviour. The fact a judge would even use such examples to support their case shows clear lack of understanding towards gender and views based upon outdated views and ideologies. 

Trans kids and trans people in general have a lack of support all around the globe and this case is a sad example of how trans people and their families are treated for allowing their kids to express in accordance with their gender identity. Families and loved ones of trans kids should not have to live in fear of having their kid removed from their care if they show them support and allow them to live out their identities. 

We believe that this case is a clear case of abuse on behalf of the judge towards the trans kid and their mother. This ruling is unjust and should be revoked or overruled by a higher authority. 

This petition will be delivered to:
  • uk court
  • Policy Makers
  • a judge

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