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The unlikely rise of Jeremy Corbyn: an interview with Alex Nunns, the author of ‘The Candidate’

Andrew Dolan interviews Alex Nunns about his new book on Jeremy Corbyn's successful campaign to become leader of the Labour Party


What is Momentum?
James Schneider, Emma Rees and Adam Klug explain what Momentum is and how it is organising collectively to transform society

Back to basics
Barb Jacobson on the campaign for an unconditional basic income

Now is the time for a progressive alliance
Kenny MacAskill of the Scottish National Party says that only a progressive alliance can deliver us from Tory rule

Black Lives Matter: crisis shutdown
Kojo Kyerewaa introduces Black Lives Matter UK

Increasing anti-semitism or disappearing Palestine?
The left’s Jewish problem, Jeremy Corbyn, Israel and anti-semitism by Dave Rich, reviewed by Paul Kelemen

A world without work: an interview with Nick Srnicek, co-author of Inventing the Future
The World Transformed organiser Joseph Todd speaks to Nick Srnicek about his recent book making the case for a post-work society

Putting the people back in politics
The new politics is about much more than protest, writes Hilary Wainwright. But it’s about much more than parliamentarism too

Momentum needs a strategy to win power in local elections
A radical democratic politics requires focus at the local as well as national level, write Gabriel Bristow and Simon Thorpe

‘Brexit red lines’ - the most progressive terms possible for the UK’s exit from the EU
Labour is now opposing toxic trade deals, but what sort of trade do we want? Asks Nick Dearden.

Donate to build socialist media
Right now, with the rise of Jeremy Corbyn, there is a real possibility of a resurgence of the left in Britain. With mainstream media showing clear bias against Corbyn, this new left movement urgently needs its own strong voices.


Essay: Labouring through birth and death

Jenny Nelson says that if we get the beginning and ending of life right, we might have a better chance of getting the bit in the middle right too

From common sense to power: municipal politics in Madrid

Ana Méndez de Andés describes how a new kind of electoral alliance is taking back power—one city at a time—in Spain

How to win a rent strike

Social networks are stronger than management hierarchies. David Dahlborn describes how the UCL rent strike won

How the left can win

Jeremy Gilbert says that no single party can defeat neoliberalism. A broader social movement is needed

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Cartooning capitalism - a look back at American radicalism
Michael Mark Cohen revives political art of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, that remains equally relevant today

Event: the Art of Trade Unions
A free arts and culture event event in Bedford, hosted by The General Federation of Trade Unions on 6 December.

Nowhere to go: Sisters Uncut demand homes free from violence
South East London Sisters Uncut stormed Southwark Council’s quarterly cabinet to highlight the council’s failure to support domestic violence survivors. Emma Snaith reports

Return to Drax
Frances Howe challenges the validity of 'renewable energy' subsidies for biomass and introduces a new wave of action against Drax power station

Vacancy: new section editor
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