Parenting Superdads are taking charge

Superdads are taking charge

More Australian fathers are embracing the opportunity to be their children’s main carer

Meningococcal outbreak Killer disease couldn’t rob tiny Riley of his fight

Killer disease couldn’t rob tiny Riley of his fight

AFTER a six-month battle with meningococcal disease and now a four-limb amputee, two-year-old Riley Nixon is a remarkable tale of survival.

Parenting Gisele’s smug comments about her kids

Gisele’s smug comments about her kids

MOST parents spend Halloween trying to pry kilos of sugary treats away from their children. But not Gisele Bündchen, because her children are perfect, healthy angels who hate sugar, so she says.

Amazing story Mum had ‘three-week orgasm’ after birth

Mum had ‘three-week orgasm’ after birth

THIS woman says she had four pain-free labours using hypnotherapy and breathing exercises, before enjoying a three-week orgasm. As you do.

Parenting ‘Octomom’ reveals her biggest regret

‘Octomom’ reveals her biggest regret

EIGHT years after giving birth to octuplets, and posing nude on the cover of a magazine — Nadya Suleman is looking to shed her “Octomom” persona.

Real life Adele: ‘I felt very inadequate’

Adele: ‘I felt very inadequate’

ADELE has always been a straight-shooter when talking about her personal life. But this is one topic no-one could see coming.

Pregnancy ‘They struggled to rip my baby out’

‘They struggled to rip my baby out’

GRAPHIC: Fitness guru Chontel Duncan rocked a six-pack during pregnancy, and now she’s revealed it caused serious complications during birth.

Gender Why can’t my girl play with her friends?

Why can’t my girl play with her friends?

TENNIS coach Roger Rasheed is demanding a review of a rule that is threatening to force his young daughter to quit the game — ­because of her gender.

Halloween This costume is raunchier than you think

This costume is raunchier than you think

CAN YOU figure out the pun in this couple’s subtle but brilliant Halloween costume? Hint: It helps if you have a dirty mind.

portrait of woman taking donut from fridge

How to avoid overeating when you’ve had no sleep

Does another terrible night’s sleep leave you craving junk food all day? Nutritionist Susie Burrell has some excellent advice.

Supplied News Why you should get to know their friend's parents

Why you should get to know their friend’s parents

How do parents find out what they need to know about other people’s homes in order to know whether they should send their children there for a play-date?

Supplied News What to eat in your third trimester, according to a nutritionist

What to eat in your third trimester, according to a nutritionist

You’re almost at your due date but there’s never been a more important time to fuel your with the right foods.

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