No happy endings on ‘Uber of massage’

No happy endings on ‘Uber of massage’

A NEW start-up describing itself as the “Uber of massage” wants to give massage therapists a happy ending — by tidying up a “dodgy” industry.

College in court over $360m ‘scam’

College in court over $360m ‘scam’
A TRAINING college shut down over allegations it ripped off students could be forced to repay hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars.

Should bosses pay for work drinks?

Should bosses pay for work drinks?
STINGY bean counters are putting end-of-year shenanigans at risk by refusing to fork out for work drinks. But experts say it could be their loss.

‘I turned $5k into $3.3 million’

‘I turned $5k into $3.3 million’
IT’S HARD not to hate Iyia Liu. The 23-year-old is set for life after making herself rich selling an obscure product.

From living in this castle to totally broke

From living in this castle to totally broke
BETH lived in a castle, and had staff on call at all hours. That all changed when she lost her business, but she says it’s the best thing that ever happened.

Fake cheese maker ‘got death threats’

Fake cheese maker ‘got death threats’
THIS cheese maker ripped off customers with fake Parmesan, and the people wanted blood. She got a $6600 fine and probation.

From dead end job to $7 million a year

From dead end job to $7 million a year
ELI Censor hated her job so much that she quit. A few years later, she is running a business empire that turns over $7 million a year.

AFL parade is a business rip-off

AFL parade is a business rip-off
SMALL business owners dread the AFL grand final parade public day off, a day they have started calling “a nothing day off”.

Business owners can’t afford retirement

Business owners can’t afford retirement
OPTIMISM and confidence are positive traits of many small business owners, but may be damaging their chances of retiring comfortably.

How to make money in your spare time

How to make money in your spare time
FORGET the excuse that you’re too busy, there is an easy way to make money in your spare time. Here is how to pursue your passions.

Men-only barber ignites furore

Men-only barber ignites furore
FEMINISTS have declared war on hipsters. A male-only barber shop in trendy inner Sydney has come under fire.

Instagram ‘bug’ worth $3 million

Instagram ‘bug’ worth $3 million
WHIZ kid Hugh Stephens has made $3 million off one strange Instagram feature. He’s amazed the gravy train has lasted this long.

Cheapskate diners driving eatery to ruin

Cheapskate diners driving eatery to ruin
IT WAS a nice idea — give customers the power to pay what they think the meal they’ve eaten was worth. Here’s how that turned out.

Syrian refugees invent helpful app

Syrian refugees invent helpful app
A GROUP of Syrian refugees have created an app to help other refugees navigate Germany’s welfare system.

Why I quit my $500,000-a-year job

Why I quit my $500,000-a-year job
AT THE age of 30, Susie Moore was making more money than most. Then she quit to start a side business. She thinks we should try it too.

How to make cash from Pokemon Go

How to make cash from Pokemon Go
POKEMON Go isn’t just doing big business for Nintendo. There are four simple ways you can make money from it, too.

ATO crackdown on sharing economy

ATO crackdown on sharing economy
A STERN warning has been issued to hundreds of thousands of Australians earning extra income from the sharing economy — you will get caught if you don’t declare it in your tax return.

Aussie invention breaking records

Aussie invention breaking records
THIS Aussie company has created what some are calling a “game changer”. It’s already broken records — and it hasn’t even launched yet.

ATO cracks down on hidden cash

ATO cracks down on hidden cash
HUNDREDS of thousands of Australians are using this to earn extra cash. If they’re not careful they’ll be punished.

The question leaders must answer

The question leaders must answer
AS MALCOLM Turnbull and Bill Shorten prepare to go head-to-head in the debate, Trent Innes has one burning question.

Turnbull’s Grant Denyer moment

Turnbull’s Grant Denyer moment
WELCOME to the Malcolm Turnbull Show! In the strangest election event yet, the PM has hosted a stage-managed forum that came across like a talk show.

Lib brothel-owner quits party

Lib brothel-owner quits party
VICTORIAN Liberal candidate John Hsu quit on Saturday after it was revealed that he owned a Melbourne brothel and didn’t tell the party.

Cafe worker paid $1.35 an hour

Cafe worker paid $1.35 an hour
A BUSINESS owner “lured young backpackers to a remote area” with dodgy Gumtree ads and paid them as little as $1.35 an hour.

Mini mogul turns down $41m

Mini mogul turns down $41m
DON’T be fooled by his braces. Baby-faced Taylor Rosenthal is a budding Bill Gates. The teen has turned down a $41m offer.

Shop fined for ‘sexist’ hours

Shop fined for ‘sexist’ hours
A SHOPKEEPER has been fined $730 for ordering different opening hours for men and women at his store.

Tax deductions for cars rev up

Tax deductions for cars rev up
TAXPAYERS are claiming larger work-related car expenses - but rule changes to be introduced this year are set to slow down many motorists.

‘It was all smoke and mirrors’

‘It was all smoke and mirrors’
HUNDREDS of Australians have lost their life savings in the collapse of a “cashback shopping” scheme. It’s been called a “f***ing mess”.

Start-ups strangled by visa red tape

Start-ups strangled by visa red tape
A HIGH-FLYING entrepreneur who was deported from Australia has thrown a spotlight on how the immigration system is failing start-ups.

Meet fashion’s hottest new trend

Meet fashion’s hottest new trend
IT TOOK a session in a teddy workshop that gave Mon Purse fashion entrepreneur Lana Hopkins her business ‘light bulb’ moment.

Is this the most ridiculous rule ever?

Is this the most ridiculous rule ever?
THE food truck fad has taken over. But inconsistent laws are making it difficult to get their wares in front of hungry people who want them.