Generic pic of a father and baby.

Unfair on dads Loving fathers should never be demonised

IT’S unfair for fathers to be seen as potential perverts when they’re doing activities with their children that mothers do all the time, writes Susie O’Brien.

School formals aren’t what they used to be

School formals aren’t what they used to be
SCHOOL formals once were for a bunch of spotty kids in homemade outfits dancing badly in a local hall. But now it’s all designer, darling, writes Susie O’Brien.

Trump’s not giving up. Just ask him

Trump’s not giving up. Just ask him
FOR months people have been waiting for the Trump campaign to implode, but he’s weathered scandal after scandal. And today shows he’s not giving up, writes Susie O’Brien.

No praise for Day while his clients do it tough

No praise for Day while his clients do it tough
BOB Day has been praised for resigning from Parliament after his building company collapsed. But it’s unlikely his clients will join the applause, writes Susie O’Brien.

No fairy tale ending in latest Cousins chapter

No fairy tale ending in latest Cousins chapter
SORRY Ben, we’re running out of sympathy for you, because this week we have had yet another reminder of your sad life and dangerous addictions, writes Susie O’Brien.

Roll a dice and you can chair the board

Roll a dice and you can chair the board
KIDS might think it’s impossible to be entertained without a screen, but there is still plenty of fun to be had with good old board games, writes Susie O’Brien.

Should new mums dare to bare online?

Should new mums dare to bare online?
FLAUNTING your post-baby body on social media attracts the good, bad and ugly, writes Susie O’Brien.

Parliament, just vote on same-sex

Parliament, just vote on same-sex
HOORAY, the same-sex plebiscite is gone. This disgraceful piece of political ratbaggery is dead in the water thanks to the Labor Party’s decision to vote against it today, writes Susie O’Brien.

Trump video a smoking gun for flawed Hillary

Trump video a smoking gun for flawed Hillary
DONALD Trump’s video is damaging but Hillary Clinton’s own hands are more than a little muddy, writes Susie O’Brien.

Shonky shopping so hard to avoid

Shonky shopping so hard to avoid
CHOICE’S Shonky Awards are a reminder that shopping can be a hazard, even for those of us who think we’re pretty savvy, writes Susie O’Brien.

What consequences for Rockliff’s sexism?

What consequences for Rockliff’s sexism?
ANOTHER day, another AFL footballer enters the Misogynist Hall of Shame. So will Brisbane sanction Tom Rockliff for his sexist comment about a woman, asks Susie O’Brien.