Close up mid section view of a mother changing her baby's nappy.

Cafe nappy change incident turns nasty

IS IT OK to change a baby’s nappy at a cafe among other diners? According to responses to a review from a nappy-changing customer, absolutely not.

Parents won home, ‘kicked out kids’

Parents won home, ‘kicked out kids’
A US COUPLE who were gifted a house on TV for them and their adopted kids have been accused of keeping the house and giving up the children.

Presenter’s water breaks on live TV

Presenter’s water breaks on live TV
THIS is British host Victoria Fritz, just moments before she went into labour while reading the news on live television.

Helpless parents: Brat kids are sacking us

Helpless parents: Brat kids are sacking us
INCREASING numbers of frazzled and worried parents are seeking help from parenting experts to deal with their anti-authoritarian, digitally-advanced pre-teen children.

Meet brave and inspiring Riley

Meet brave and inspiring Riley
EXCLUSIVE: RILEY Nixon’s tale of survival is remarkable and heartwarming. Meet the two-year-old who has defied the odds and beaten deadly meningococcal.

Baby’s hair often mistaken for a wig

Baby’s hair often mistaken for a wig
THIS adorable baby can’t go anywhere without being stopped for selfies, or having people take sly photos. It’s hard to believe she’s not wearing a wig.

Woman falls pregnant twice in 10 days

Woman falls pregnant twice in 10 days
THESE little girls were born on the same day, but conceived 10 days apart. So how on earth can that happen? We asked the experts to explain.

End misery of stillbirths

End misery of stillbirths
BREE Amer-Wilkes knows the pain of a silent baby born into heartbroken arms, but she hopes a new app will help mothers understand their baby’s movements to determine what’s normal and what’s not.

Mum wants to breastfeed until son is 8

Mum wants to breastfeed until son is 8
THIS image of a mother breastfeeding her four-year-old child is confronting, but she is on a mission to make breastfeeding of older children normal.

The statistic that breaks Aussie hearts

The statistic that breaks Aussie hearts
STATE and federal ministers this week will meet to discuss ways of changing a worrying statistic about a cause championed by the likes of Hugh Jackman.

Couple adopt four children in 24 hours

Couple adopt four children in 24 hours
A COUPLE in Utah finally realised their dream of adoption in a big way when a series of coincidences led to them taking on four children in just one day.

Superdads are taking charge

Superdads are taking charge
More Australian fathers are embracing the opportunity to be their children’s main carer

Brave Riley’s remarkable tale of survival

Brave Riley’s remarkable tale of survival
AFTER a six-month battle with meningococcal disease and now a four-limb amputee, two-year-old Riley Nixon is a remarkable tale of survival.

Gisele’s smug comments about her kids

Gisele’s smug comments about her kids
MOST parents spend Halloween trying to pry kilos of sugary treats away from their children. But not Gisele Bündchen, because her children are perfect, healthy angels who hate sugar, so she says.

Mum had ‘three-week orgasm’ after birth

Mum had ‘three-week orgasm’ after birth
THIS woman says she had four pain-free labours using hypnotherapy and breathing exercises, before enjoying a three-week orgasm. As you do.

‘Octomom’ reveals her biggest regret

‘Octomom’ reveals her biggest regret
EIGHT years after giving birth to octuplets, and posing nude on the cover of a magazine — Nadya Suleman is looking to shed her “Octomom” persona.

Adele: ‘I felt very inadequate’

Adele: ‘I felt very inadequate’
ADELE has always been a straight-shooter when talking about her personal life. But this is one topic no-one could see coming.

‘They struggled to rip my baby out’

‘They struggled to rip my baby out’
GRAPHIC: Fitness guru Chontel Duncan rocked a six-pack during pregnancy, and now she’s revealed it caused serious complications during birth.

Why can’t my girl play with her friends?

Why can’t my girl play with her friends?
TENNIS coach Roger Rasheed is demanding a review of a rule that is threatening to force his young daughter to quit the game — ­because of her gender.

This costume is raunchier than you think

This costume is raunchier than you think
CAN YOU figure out the pun in this couple’s subtle but brilliant Halloween costume? Hint: It helps if you have a dirty mind.

PM: New PPL start date still looms

PM: New PPL start date still looms
CHANGES to the Paid Parental Leave scheme designed to stop mothers from “double dipping” could come into effect as soon as New Year’s Day.

Why I’ll still take my kids to Dreamworld

Why I’ll still take my kids to Dreamworld
DESPITE the horrific tragedy at Dreamworld Renee Golland, her husband Matthew and three kids will still be flying to the Gold Coast for a family holiday. This is why.

‘A new norm for drug users’

‘A new norm for drug users’
A MUM has been found overdosed — with the needle in her hand — as her baby cried in the car’s back seat. US police wanted to release these pics.

How a comedian deals with cancer

How a comedian deals with cancer
STAND-UP comedian Andrew Barnett had to deal with the very unfunny situation of having his son diagnosed with cancer just days before his fourth birthday.

Do this with kids before they’re 7

Do this with kids before they’re 7
AS A parent, it’s scary to realise that your child’s adult brain and coping ability is pretty much set by age seven. Here’s what you need to do before then.

Mummy bloggers at war with each other

Mummy bloggers at war with each other
AUSSIE mummy blogger The Notorious M.U.M. has dared to criticise “queen” Constance Hall. The fallout is turning vicious fast.

Kinder kids are too busy, top teacher says

Kinder kids are too busy, top teacher says
PRESCHOOLERS are too busy and need more old-fashioned play and communication, says Victoria’s top kindergarten teacher.

The baby who was born twice

The baby who was born twice
A BABY girl was born twice after doctors removed her from her mum’s womb to perform life saving surgery before putting her back inside.

Crackdown on paid parental leave

Crackdown on paid parental leave
THOUSANDS of pregnant mothers will lose money under a government crackdown on paid parental leave that could start as early as January.

Teacher says student seduced her

Teacher says student seduced her
A TEACHER-turned-stripper claims she’s the real victim of a nine-month affair she had with a teen student.