Truth about China’s new hi-tech fighter jet

Truth about China’s new hi-tech fighter jet

CHINA has given the world a glimpse of its new generation stealth fighter jet, the J-20. It looks impressive enough. But looks can be deceiving.

Shark filmed swimming under surfers

Shark filmed swimming under surfers

AN AMERICAN traveller has captured a close encounter between a shark and a surfer on film in Byron Bay yesterday.

Sydney set for blast of summer with 37C

Sydney set for blast of summer with 37C

Temperatures in Sydney’s CBD have been in the low twenties this week, but that is set to change as the week progresses, while next week it’s going to heat up big style.

Turtle surfers could face $20K fine

Turtle surfers could face $20K fine

A man who posted a photo of himself and a friend “surfing” on a turtle at Fraser Island has come under social media fire.

Genius way pirates are beating the system

Genius way pirates are beating the system

GOOGLE might try to beat them down with fancy algorithms but illegal pirates always find a way. The war on piracy is far from over.

Woman tricks her boyfriends for deposit

Woman tricks her boyfriends for deposit

SAVING the money for a home deposit can be hard, unless you trick your 20 boyfriends into helping you out like one woman recently did.

10-year-old catches world’s biggest marlin

10-year-old catches world’s biggest marlin

A TEN-YEAR-OLD girl has become a world record breaker after reeling in a massive 11-foot-long 147kg marlin all by herself.

South Australian Museum Honorary Research Associate Giles Hamm in the Flinders Ranges . Picture: Supplied

Shelter rewrites history of first Australians

ARTEFACTS including bones and tools found in a shelter in the Flinders Ranges have reshaped the early history of indigenous Australians.


Two people arrested in Sydney counter-terror raids

Two people arrested in Sydney counter-terror raids

Two people arrested in counter-terror raids conducted in Western Sydney. Courtesy: Channel Nine News

Man delivers 'racist' tirade to driver in Brisbane

Man delivers 'racist' tirade to driver in Brisbane

A man has been caught on film delivering what's believe to be a 'racist' tirade on a driver in a main street of Brisbane. Courtesy: Benjamin Nermati/Youtube