Solid Cement

As seen in “Big Top Bunny” (1951)

It’s been pretty quiet here at Strange Harvest for a while – other stuff has been getting in the way.

I’ve had a drawing in Max Frasers ‘Joy of Living’ show at Somerset House – a benefit for Maggies Centre’s (which closes tomorrow, so get down there and snap something up, if there’s anything left).

Meanwhile, I have a piece with the excellent title of ‘Ground Xerox’ (thanks Will) on architecture and copying in this months Icon. And forthcoming in the next issue I write about Barbara Streisands ‘passion for design’. In Art Review, I’ve been columising on the design of Money and for the next issue of Domus I’ve written a real live building review on Stephen Holls museum in Nanjing. There’s also a review I wrote of Metahavens Uncorporate Identity for Mute here.

Other texts in the pipeline – though when they might see the light of day is another story – for Perspecta on radio and broadcast space (revisiting this very old essay), something for Log and something for Block. And with Charles and Sean at FAT we’re finalising our issue of AD – guest edited with Charles Jencks – which should be out in the autumn.

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