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Hiring a 24/7 Emergency Plumber

Last Updated May 16, 2016 · Written by


There are times when you simply don't have time to get quotes for plumbing. At those times, you have to use a 24/7 emergency plumber. You know you will have to pay more for their services, but if it's an emergency, the cost has to take a back seat to getting the job done. However, if you prepare for the worst before it happens, you can get the fast service you need at a competitive rate. Here's what you need to know about using 24/7 emergency plumbers.

What Do 24/7 Emergency Plumbers Do?

24/7 emergency plumbers do a lot more than you may imagine. A good service will:
  • Use state-of-the-art camera equipment to locate and assess damage and/or blockage in pipes and drains.
  • Clean drains using the appropriate equipment for the job.
  • Locate and repair sections of burst water pipes.
  • Detect and repair gas leaks.
  • Locate and repair broken sewerage pipes.
  • And much more!
Depending on the problem, the plumber may either carry out a complete repair or undertake a "quick fix" to tide you over until they can come back and finish the job properly. If necessary, they may have to temporarily shut off the water or gas supply for your safety until they can return with the necessary parts and equipment to carry out permanent repairs. Because it is impossible for them to make an assessment or give you a quote until they have had an opportunity to inspect the damage, a 24/7 emergency plumber will always charge a fee for their services. Finding out what that fee may be is the tricky part and if it's an emergency, you don't have time to shop around.

Using 24/7 Emergency Plumbers

Some 24/7 emergency plumbers offer the service because it is a good way to introduce their business to new customers or maintain the loyalty of existing customers. Others see an emergency service as a good way to make a lot of money in a short period of time. How do you know which type of service you are contacting? 24/7 emergency plumbers' rates start at around $65 per hour and are more typically in the range of $95 an hour. That can add up to a lot of wasted money if you happen to contact the wrong service. The solution is to get quotes before a problem arises and keep their emergency phone number handy for when you need them. Use our Get Quotes service and 3 quotes from local plumbers will arrive in your inbox, cost and obligation free.

When asking for quotes from emergency plumbers:
  • Ask them if they have a set rate or an hourly rate for coming to your home to assess your damage.
  • If they charge by the hour, does it include travel time?
  • Do they charge a higher rate if they have to make an emergency call on Christmas or other holidays?
  • Are they qualified and licensed to do gas fitting as well as plumbing?
  • Do they have a fully equipped van or can they only offer limited service?
While one plumber may quote as low as $65 an hour and another $95 or more, it's better to choose a full service 24/7 emergency plumber than a second rate service. For one thing, a fully equipped, professional service will be able to assess and repair damage in half the time. For another, they are more likely to arrive promptly and do a better job.

On occasion, you may be able to simply shut off the water supply and wait until you can contact a plumber during normal working hours. However, if you are in doubt, it's better to leave the job to the experts. The cost of an emergency repair is far less than the cost of damage to your property if the problem is left unattended to.

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