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Toys, statues missing from Perth memorial: mother's plea for respect

A Perth mother is calling for greater surveillance in her local cemetery after several small ornaments placed at her baby son's memorial site went missing.

Rachel Lee Frayzer noticed a toy truck and a heavy white angel statue had gone missing from her son Tyla's Pinnaroo Valley plot last week, and took to social media to ask the cemetery for more vigilance in the area.

"It started happening within weeks of having him buried, and has seemed to continue ever since," Ms Frayzer said.

"At first, I was told not much could be done, so since then I just copped it all on the chin.

"What Pinnaroo really needs is cameras and signs deterring people from touching others belongings," she said. 

Laura Shields' son's grave is directly opposite Tyla's, and she said she had experienced the same issue.


"The day we laid him to rest, I took my necklace and placed it where the plaque would go... when I returned days later, it was gone.

"Then I put all these solar lights around the square- four on each corner and brand new- and half of them were gone by the next week.

"Every time I go there I take a picture so I can see what has been taken the next time," Ms Shields said.

CCTV is available at key points of the Pinnaroo Valley cemetery, but the section where Tyler and Ms Shield's son is buried offers more privacy for grieving families.

Metropolitan Cemetery Board spokesperson Andrew Fox said while it was unusual to see objects disappear from gravesites, the presence of kangaroos and crows in the area could mean objects would be displaced.

"There is an area designed specifically for families, and there are more relaxed ornamentation guidelines," he said.

"What can often happen is wildlife may knock over or take the objects, and even small children may play with toys from the sites- this may be the case here," Mr Fox said.

"We still encourage everyone to respect each other's space."

Ms Shields said while she didn't know what was causing her objects to disappear, she urged people to be respectful of the Memorial Park.

"I don't blame little kids- seeing all these toys and getting excited or wanting to play with them- I totally get that and understand.

"If the parents could just understand how it makes us feel- [it's] heartbreaking for us to go to our loved ones graves and see it's empty."