Thirst for Knowledge Propels Girl to Join Village Development Group
Thirst for Knowledge Propels Girl to Join Village Development Group

Aye Palay Moe was devastated when she had to drop out of school at the age of 16. She had high hopes of studying at a university and bringing knowledge back to her village known as Aung, located in Myanmar’s Ayeyarwaddy Region.

Rural Women Get Tech Savvy

More than a hundred rural women in Myanmar divided across two locations - Mindat, Chin State and Myitkyina, Kachin State - learnt about mobile phone technology today using role plays on the internet and lively question and answer sessions.

Preparing for Recovery and Building Resilience in ASEAN

After a two-day simulation exercise for Preparedness for Recovery, representatives from the Government of Myanmar and other ASEAN countries are taking steps to assess their disaster recovery readiness by using the ASEAN Disaster Recovery Reference Guide.

Japan Provides Funding for Rule of Law Centres

The Country Director of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Mr. Toily Kurbanov, and the Ambassador of Japan to Myanmar Mr. Tateshi Higuchi, signed a ¥113m (US$1m) funding agreement to support UNDP’s work in Myanmar in the area of rule of law.

Exploring Access to Justice and Informal Justice Systems in Myanmar

Seventy-four year old Myitkyina resident Ban Li Hawng Day has a lifetime of experience with Kachin traditions and customary practices. While the quiet man claims that he is not well-educated, he is highly respected by his peers and his community, and has been elected to the central committee of the Kachin...

Old Friends: How Villagers Are Rediscovering Common Bonds in Rakhine State
Old Friends: How Villagers Are Rediscovering Common Bonds in Rakhine State

When the opportunity came to participate in a vocational training workshop for tailoring, Daw Ar Ci Mar Khar Tu and Daw Hla Shwe saw a chance to learn a new skill and launch a business to provide for themselves and their families.

Female Community Leaders Meet Swedish Development Head

[Yangon – March 15] A local level female leader was very proud to share her experience of being a ward administrator with a visiting head of a foreign development agency. Daw Thidar Win showed Ms Charlotte Petri Gornitzka, the Director General of the Swedish International Development Agency (Sida), around her...

Finland Provides 4M Euros to UNDP

[Yangon – March 11] The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) has received 4 million Euros (approximately USD 4.4 M) from the Government of Finland to support the agency’s work in Myanmar in the areas of democratic governance, local development and environmental sustainability. "We look forward to...

May Doe Kabar and UNDP Launch iWomen app

[Nay Pyi Taw- March 8] May Doe Kabar, Myanmar Rural Women’s Network today made its entry into the technology world, with the launch of a mobile phone application that connects rural Myanmar women to knowledge, inspiration and resources. The new mobile app, a joint initiative of the United Nations Development...