Albania presents the third National Communication to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change

Albania presented today the finding of the Third National Communication to UNFCCC- a process which took three years and involved stakeholders from several national institutions, experts of  climate related issues, academia, civil society organizations etc. To ensure country-wide ownership, during the design of the...

Government of Italy and UNDP embark on a new partnership to support higher education reform in Albania

Albania’s Ministry of Education and Sports, UNDP and the Government of Italy signed today in a ceremony a new project in support for the Higher Education Reform. The project financed by the Government of Italy. The ceremony was attended by Albania’s Minister of Education and Sports Ms. Lindita Nikolla, Italy’s...

Italian Government furthers its support to the Territorial and Administrative Reform: New agreement signed with UNDP

A new agreement worth USD 1.361 million was signed today between Government of Italy and UNDP to support consolidation of the Territorial and Administrative Reform in Albania. This intervention will work to strengthen institutional and administrative capacities of municipal administration to implement the reform as well...

One third of the workforce in Eastern Europe and Central Asia in precarious jobs: UN report

Brussels, 12 October, 2016 – With 37 million people in informal or vulnerable jobs – the equivalent of a third of the working population -- social safety nets in Eastern Europe, Turkey and Central Asia are increasingly coming under threat. A new report by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) covering...

Connecting Today. Creating Tomorrow. Albania holds its Social Good Summit

Connecting Today. Creating tomorrow was  the theme of the Social Good Summit held today in Albania.The event brought together around 170 students from the Information Technology Vocational School in Tirana to talk about the role of technology and social media as powerful forces for change and for the...

Helping rebuild lives in Albania with a long term sight

  In less than one hour, the water “stole” all that belonged to 75-year-old Qani Shehu. All that remained were the walls of his house standing 3 meters deep in water. Qani still remembers that day as one of the worst in his life. He refused to leave his place, instead finding refuge on his roof where he felt safer....

Albania has come a long way, should redouble efforts on development goals

Wrapping up her three-day visit to Albania, Cihan Sultanoğlu, UNDP’s Regional Director for Europe and the CIS, called on the country and its partners to multiply the number of innovative partnerships aimed at achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Albania has adopted “bold targets to boost good...

Albania presents its Human Development Report 2016: Functionality

The 2016 National Human Development Report was presented in Tirana. Traditionally, this report addresses relevant issues of public interest which are scrutinized from a human development lens. The theme of this year's  report is "Functionality". Albania has noted significant progress with regard to the economic...

Children to benefit from the first crowdfunding campaign in Albania

Following Tirana Smart City Conference, UNDP and Municipality of Tirana are boosting their partnership by embarking on a series of joint initiatives to benefit Tirana citizens. One of the new interventions presented today, is a campaign to rally support through innovative financing mechanism of crowd funding for a...

Albania embarks on the second phase of Territorial and Administrative Reform

Albania embarked on the second phase of the Support to Territorial and Administrative Reform project (STAR2). The project document was signed between Minister of State on Local Issues Mr. Bledi Çuçi and UNDP Resident Representative Mr. Brian Williams. STAR2 is the next generation of joint donor assistance to the...

New techologies improve municipal services through Albanian "One Stops Shops"

Qazim Sejdini, the mayor of Elbasan, Albania, stood in-front of his computer.  Ten kilometers away, in the village of Bradashesh, Fatmir Balla stood waiting at a one-stop shop service center. Balla, the owner of small hardware store, was applying for a permit to use a small parcel of land in front of his shop. Mayor...

Egyptian Community in Albania marks their national day

Members of Egyptian Community in Albania marked their national day for the very first time. A national Conference and an Artisan Fair was organized on this occasion which brought together members of the Egyptian Community in Albania, government representatives, international organizations, media etc. This Day came...

New agreement signed aims to better manage Dajti National Park

The Albanian National Agency for Protected Areas and the Agency of Parks and Recreation at the Municipality of Tirana signed an agreement which outlines steps to co-manage Dajti National Park. The agreement details priority management actions needed to be taken, as well as the respective tasks of the two...

Shkodra, part of the EU funded programme: “Economic and Social Empowerment for Roma and Egyptians- a booster for social inclusion”

Shkodra is the beneficiary of a new programme “Economic and Social Empowerment for Roma and Egyptians- a booster for social inclusion” funded by the European Union and implemented by UNDP in partnership with the Municipality of Shkoder and the Ministry of Social Welfare and Youth. The Programme was presented in...

UNDP tops global index for international aid transparency for second consecutive year

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) remains the most transparent aid organisation in the world, according to a leading global ranking released today. The 2016 Aid Transparency Index today recognized UNDP as the leading aid organisation among 46 international agencies, representing 98 per cent of...

Free legal aid helps women forge ahead in Albania

Anila, a married woman with three children, had lived in the neighboring Greece for around ten years.  After the heavy financial crisis, her family no longer had a stable job. When they returned home, Anila discovered their hard-earned savings from Greece had been lost to her husband’s gambling habits.By the time...

A new Development Centre in Lushnja Municipality to boost the potential of children with special needs

A new Development Centre for children with special needs was inaugurated in Lushnja. The Centre  offers child-friendly refurbished premises accessible for children with disabilities. Children  can also benefit from  education materails designed for both didactic and leisure purposes.The center  offers an enabling...

In Parliament today: Roma Youth discuss challenges in education, housing and political participation

The Speaker of Parliament of Albania hosted  a dialogue session with Roma Youth and Members of Parliament to discuss challenges they face when it comes to education, employment, housing and political participation. Discussions focused on how Parliament’s role can be strengthened to oversee legislation that affects...

Educating boys and girls since early ages for equal attitudes towards men and women- is key

Study shows that efforts should be intensified to educate boys and girls since early ages for equal attitudes towards men and women TIRANA – The findings of the study:  “Public perceptions and attitudes toward gender equality in Albania”, were presented today in Tirana during a forum which brought together...

A new National Action Plan for Integration of Roma and Egyptians presented in Tirana

The National Action Plan for Integration of Roma and Egyptians was presented today in Tirana to an audience of central and local government authorities, Roma and Egyptian activists, Civil Society Organizations, development partners and other stakeholders working towards advancing the social inclusion of Roma and...

Helping Albania recover from the worst floods in living memory

Ali is a shepherd from Suhe Village in Gjirokaster, in southern Albania. Each day he rises at dawn to care for his grass-fed sheep. He makes a living by selling the milk he gets from the sheep to a local processor. In February 2015, Drinos river water overflow washed away the protective embankment of Suhe Village...

On International Women’s Day students launch an innovative campaign to end violence against women and girls

On International Women’s Day, students  of Tirana University, academia, civil society,  came together to launch the winning prototype of a youth competition dedicated to gender based violence. In November, UNDP Albania brought together 50 young people to design a product to raise awareness among youth and public...

Strengthening vocational skills – cornerstones for social inclusion

The renovated classrooms of vocational education workshops such as carpentry, tailoring and shoemaking were inaugurated today at the Deaf Students Institute. Fifty six deaf students from the 6th to the 9th grade, out of whom twenty five girls, learn a profession in these workshops. "Acquiring vocational skills...

Stakeholders discuss UNDP’s contribution to development in Albania

UNDP national and international partners came together to assess UNDP’s development results. The Assessment of Development Results is an independent country evaluation that aims to demonstrate the evaluative evidence of UNDP’s contributions to development results and its strategic positioning in the country.  ...

UNDP at 50: World must step up to beat poverty by 2030

Meeting the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is only possible with a broad coalition of leaders from government, civil society, multilaterals and the private sector, said Helen Clark, Administrator of the United Nations Development Programme, (UNDP) on the eve of a major Ministerial Meeting to mark the...

Women and girls speak out against domestic violence

Maria and her children are the new comers in the sole state-run National Shelter for Domestic Violence Victims in Tirana which houses around 40 survivals. Maria escaped her abusive home and violent husband after 10 years of marriage. Her children 6 and 8 are still traumatized by the endless scenes of terror and...

Middle class in Eastern Europe and Central Asia tripled in size since 2001

  But oil shocks, joblessness and environmental degradation threatening to reverse gains, says U.N. development programme   Istanbul, Turkey, 9 February -- The middle class in the countries of Eastern Europe and Central Asia swelled from about 33 million people in 2001 to 90 million in 2013, a new study from the U.N....

Tirana Smart City Conference: 112 projects presented to make Tirana a smarter city

The Tirana Smart City Conference brought together representatives of the Municipality of Tirana, international organizations, the private sector, domestic and foreign investors, donors, civil society organizations and Tirana residents. During the event, the Mayor of Tirana introduced the vision of the municipality...

Strengthening partnerships for the management of the Drin Basin

Management of Drini Basin is the focus of a new project funded by the Global Environmental Facility (GEF) “Enabling Transboundary Cooperation and Integrated Water Resources Management in the extended Drin River Basin’. The project inception brought together a number of stakeholders of Drini Riparian’s...

EU provides EUR 15 million to help Albania improve flood management and risk prevention

Representatives of the European Union (EU) and Government of Albania travelled to the region of Vlora today to visit the infrastructure works along the Vjosa river undertaken by the EU Floods Recovery Programmme. With a fund of EUR 15 million, the EU is assisting the Government of Albania to recover from the...