Following IICPSD’s successful mission trip to Manila in August 2016, the partnership was formally launched on October 7, 2016 through the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding
After Turkey, Business+ is launched in Philippines

UNDP IICPSD, The Philippine Board of Investments, and UNDP Philippines have joined efforts to conduct Business+ Philippines, a nationwide baseline survey developed by IICPSD to analyze Philippine businesses in terms of the inclusiveness of their core business operations and their awareness on Inclusive Business models.

Islamic finance instruments can be a transformative force for unlocking resources to finance the Sustainable Development Goals  given the immense needs for financing the implementation of this ambitious agenda”— voiced the panelists at Islamic Finance and Impact Investing for the Sustainable Development Goals: The Way Forward, a side event jointly organized by the Islamic Development Bank and UNDP’s Istanbul International Center for Private Sector in Development (IICPSD)—a partnership with the Turkish Government.
Development financiers review new partnership opportunities to tap the true potential of Islamic finance to implement the SDGs

"Islamic finance instruments can be a transformative force for unlocking resources to finance the Sustainable Development Goals given the immense needs for financing the implementation of this ambitious agenda”— voiced the panelists at Islamic Finance and Impact Investing for the Sustainable Development Goals: The Way Forward, a side event jointly organized by the Islamic Development Bank and UNDP’s Istanbul International Center for Private Sector in Development (IICPSD)—a partnership with the Turkish Government.

Leaders at the G20 Summit in Hangzhou, China emphasized the need for sustainable and inclusive growth, and welcomed the launch of the G20 Global Platform on Inclusive Business. The platform is a global partnership that seeks to accelerate the adoption of inclusive business policies and programs.
G20 Leaders welcome launch of Inclusive Business Platform

Leaders at the G20 Summit in Hangzhou, China emphasized the need for sustainable and inclusive growth, and welcomed the launch of the G20 Global Platform on Inclusive Business. The platform is a global partnership that seeks to accelerate the adoption of inclusive business policies and programs.

IICPSD‘s tool “Business+” on inclusive business models will be replicated in Philippines in cooperation with the Government of Philippines and UNDP Manila. The Business+ is an online survey developed by IICPSD out of a pilot implementation in Turkey in 2015. It is a baseline survey to measure the inclusiveness of core business operations along with companies’ awareness on inclusive business (IB) models.
IICPSD continues to analyse inclusiveness of business operations with Business+ in Philippines

IICPSD‘s tool “Business+” on inclusive business models will be replicated in Philippines in cooperation with the Government of Philippines and UNDP Manila. The Business+ is an online survey developed by IICPSD out of a pilot implementation in Turkey in 2015. It is a baseline survey to measure the inclusiveness of core business operations along with companies’ awareness on inclusive business(IB) models.

UNDP IICPSD, Board of Investments of Philippine Department of Trade and Industry and UNDP Manila agreed to replicate Business+ baseline survey to measure the inclusiveness of Filipino companies’ core operations along with their awareness on inclusive business models.
IICPSD kickstarts Business+ in Philippines with a mission to Manila

UNDP IICPSD, Board of Investments of Philippine Department of Trade and Industry and UNDP Manila agreed to replicate Business+ baseline survey to measure the inclusiveness of Filipino companies’ core operations along with their awareness on inclusive business models.

UNDP’s Private Sector and Foundations Strategy for the Sustainable Development Goals 2016-2020
UNDP releases its new private sector and foundations strategy

The updated strategy reflects our desire to expand engagement with the private sector and foundations as true partners in the search for innovative solutions to solve the world’s most intractable problems.

IICPSD shares its research and policy advisory experience on skills development, including know-how on field-tested modalities from various countries and regions.
Investing in today’s youth to become tomorrow’s economic drivers– new practical skills for 160 students from Srebrenica and Bratunac

160 elementary school students from Bratunac and Srebrenica provinces of Bosnia and Herzegovina have the opportunity to take courses in robotics, wire modeling, woodworking, and origami-kirigami through a new, one-month summer program at N-TIM Academy. IICPSD’s role in N-TIM is to support the transfer of knowledge and expertise through facilitating South-South collaboration and engaging the private sector in skills design and delivery.

A major global network launches today at the World Humanitarian Summit in Istanbul to facilitate business engagement in crisis situations through pre-positioning supplies, meeting humanitarian needs and providing resources, knowledge and expertise to disaster prevention.
UN and businesses team up to prevent and respond to crises

A major global network launches today at the World Humanitarian Summit in Istanbul to facilitate business engagement in crisis situations through pre-positioning supplies, meeting humanitarian needs and providing resources, knowledge and expertise to disaster prevention.

Philanthropy groups must be a part of the global shift towards ending humanitarian need by investing significantly more in disaster prevention, a new report finds
Philanthropy must shift to invest more in disaster prevention

Philanthropy groups must be a part of the global shift towards ending humanitarian need by investing significantly more in disaster prevention, a new report finds.

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the Islamic Development Bank Group (IDBG) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) today, to strengthen the collaboration between the two leading development institutions, to support the effective implementation and achievement of the SDGs.
UNDP and Islamic Development Bank sign partnership to support the Sustainable Development Goals

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the Islamic Development Bank Group (IDBG) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) today, to strengthen the collaboration between the two leading development institutions, to support the effective implementation and achievement of the SDGs.

The Platform is a global partnership that will provide support to policymakers and accelerate the adoption of inclusive business policies and programs globally.
G20 leaders launch global partnership and website to help advance inclusive business

The G20 officially launched the Global Platform on Inclusive Business (GPIB) today in Nanjing, China. The Platform is a global partnership that will provide support to policymakers and accelerate the adoption of inclusive business policies and programs globally.

“Mobiles for health” a forum co-hosted by the UNDP-based Business Call to Action (BCtA) and the DFID-funded, Private Sector Innovation Programme for Health (PSP4H) will be held on Tuesday, 5th April 2016 in Nairobi.
Upcoming event: Mobiles for health, Nairobi, Kenya

“Mobiles for health” a forum co-hosted by the UNDP-based Business Call to Action (BCtA) and the DFID-funded, Private Sector Innovation Programme for Health (PSP4H) will be held on Tuesday, 5th April 2016 in Nairobi.

Sanofi joins the Business Call to Action with a patient-focused programme for Colombians at the base of the economic pyramid (BoP)
Improved diabetes care for healthier lives in Colombia

Sanofi joins the Business Call to Action with a patient-focused programme for Colombians at the base of the economic pyramid (BoP)

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Istanbul International Center for Private Sector in Development (IICPSD) and UNDP Seoul Policy Center (USPC) have partnered with the Merry Year Social Company (MYSC), who hosted the “1st Roundtable: Building Business Partnerships for Sustainable Development Goals” today in Seoul, Republic of Korea.
UNDP partners with MYSC on building business partnerships to advance the sustainable development goals

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Istanbul International Center for Private Sector in Development (IICPSD) and UNDP Seoul Policy Center (USPC) have partnered with the Merry Year Social Company (MYSC), who hosted the “1st Roundtable: Building Business Partnerships for Sustainable Development Goals” today in Seoul, Republic of Korea.

Governments, companies and UN delegates in Istanbul to propose roadmap for private sector engagement in global sustainable agenda
Without major private sector involvement, Global Goals will be out of reach: UN

Governments, companies and UN delegates in Istanbul to propose roadmap for private sector engagement in global sustainable agenda

The first Advisory Board of UNDP Istanbul International Center for Private Sector in Development (UNDP IICPSD) was held last week in order to provide guidance for the coming year.
Global experts provide guidance on private sector transformation

The first Advisory Board of UNDP Istanbul International Center for Private Sector in Development (UNDP IICPSD) was held last week in order to provide guidance for the coming year.

Leaders at the G20 Leaders Summit in Antalya, Turkey issued a call to action to public and private sector representatives, international organizations and civil society to advance the ability of businesses around the world to integrate low-income people into their value chains
G20 Leaders: Call to Action on Inclusive Business

Leaders at the G20 Leaders Summit in Antalya, Turkey issued a call to action to public and private sector representatives, international organizations and civil society to advance the ability of businesses around the world to integrate low-income people into their value chains

Bursa Chamber of Commerce and Industry, BUTGEM leads vocational skills courses in various sectors like textile, mechatronics, and computer software and hardware.
Skills training is a pathway to economic growth for all

Bursa Chamber of Commerce and Industry, BUTGEM leads vocational skills courses in various sectors like textile, mechatronics, and computer software and hardware.

UNDP Kosovo will execute and implement the project, building on IICPSD’s know-how, experience and network with the financial support from the Turkey-UNDP Partnerships in Development Program.
IICSPD mobilized the diaspora, civil society and the private sector for skills development in Kosovo

To address the high rate of unemployment in Kosovo amongst youth, representatives of IICPSD, UNDP Kosovo, UNDP Istanbul Regional Hub and TIKA Headquarters met on August 10 with the project partners in Bursa, namely the Honorary Council of Kosovo to Bursa, BUTGEM of Bursa Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BCCI), and the Solidarity Association of Turkish Citizens from Kosovo and Skopje in Bursa to discuss the roadmap for the establishment of a training center in Kosovo