World News


  1. American voter ideology

    What happens when Republicans and Democrats share a meal together? Zoe Daniel visits a family in Ohio to find out how Americans are voting this election.

  2. Europe divided by walls

    As asylum seekers leave the burned-out Calais "Jungle", they face a Europe divided in an eerily familiar manner.

  3. Clinton's scandal explained

    Anthony Weiner, the disgraced former US congressman, has emerged as an unexpected figure in Hillary Clinton email inquiry.

  4. Meet Syria's White Helmets

    Before the war they were teachers, shoe makers, and engineers. Now they are often the first on the scene after an air strike in war-torn Syria.

  5. The story of two Americas

    Imagine you once had a good job, perhaps in a steel plant, and then the economy tanked. The slogan Make America Great Again would resonate.

  6. Calais: Law of the 'Jungle'

    The final moments before 8,000 desperate asylum seekers set off from Calais into yet more uncertainty in France.

  7. Cyanide coffee: What now?

    Australian permanent resident Jessica Wongso has been found guilty of murdering her friend with "cyanide coffee" at a Jakarta cafe.

  8. Iraqi family returns home

    Homesick but happy, an Iraqi family makes the difficult and dangerous journey home to the village they fled a year earlier.

  9. Trump's 'economic disasters'

    If Donald Trump does get elected there may be severe economic and financial consequences, Saule Eslake writes.

  10. Importance of Pacific aid

    Minister Concetta Fierravanti-Wells discusses why it is critical that Australians understand the strategic importance of Pacific foreign aid.

  11. Wildlife populations plunge

    Worldwide animal populations have plunged by almost 60 per cent since 1970 as humans overwhelm the environment.

  12. Indonesia domestic violence

    In Indonesia, one Australian takes it on herself to begin counting the number of women violently killed across the archipelago each year.

  13. Farmers for Trump in Ohio

    Trump's promise to wind back globalisation resonates particularly strongly in north-eastern Ohio, where many blame free trade deals for sending jobs offshore.

  14. NATO seeks Russia backing

    NATO is to seek financial and political backing for its biggest military build-up on Russia's border since the Cold War.

  15. Opinion: Clinton election

    Donald Trump has distracted us from scrutinising Hillary Clinton's global policies if she becomes president, and the signs are not good, Joseph Camilleri writes.

  1. Zika: Vietnam reports first microcephaly case

    Vietnamese authorities report a microcephaly case that it says is likely to be the country's first linked to the Zika virus.

    Vietnam so far has reported a total of nine cases of Zika infection, with more cases expected to be confirmed in the next few days.

    If the microcephaly case is confirmed to be linked to Zika, Vietnam would become the second South-East Asian country after Thailand to report such a case.

  1. Protests in South Korea

    Thousands of South Koreans are calling for President Park Geun-hye to step down.

  2. Manus Island, Nauru ban

    The Government will move to ban refugees on Manus Island and Nauru from coming to Australia.

  3. Scarborough Shoal retreat

    Chinese ships are no longer at the disputed Scarborough Shoal in the South China Sea, officials say.

  4. Asylum seekers 'broken'

    Asylum seekers in PNG say they are devastated by the dismissal of a court application for compensation.