
'Stop weeping about World Vision': Labor MP objects to Tim Costello speech

A Jewish Labor MP has slammed an imminent appearance in his electorate by World Vision boss Tim Costello amid allegations the aid group's director in Gaza has siphoned millions of dollars to the militant group Hamas.

But Mr Costello confirmed he would still be speaking at Hadassah Australia's annual oration at Glen Eira Town Hall on Wednesday night, labelling the furore over his appearance a "storm in a teacup".

Labor MP for Melbourne Ports Michael Danby in Parliament.
Labor MP for Melbourne Ports Michael Danby in Parliament. Photo: Andrew Meares

He told Fairfax Media he had agreed to speak at the Caulfield event at the request of the Jewish humanitarian organisation earlier this year, and that he would not be backing out, despite the campaign waged by Michael Danby, the federal member for Melbourne Ports

"I accepted this oration back in February," Mr Costello said.

"We're a partner of Hadassah's, we do great work with them in Israel."

Mr Danby has criticised Hadassah Australia for giving the Christian charity a platform ahead of the trial of a senior World Vision official, who is accused of diverting millions of dollars in aid money to the military wing of Hamas.


The MP said it was time for people to "stop weeping about World Vision" and focus on how "Australian taxpayers' money" ended up in Hamas coffers.

In August, Israel charged World Vision's Gaza manager, Mohammed El Halabi, with a number of offences, including funding terrorism. His trial is scheduled to begin this month.

Reverend Tim Costello is chief executive of World Vision.
Reverend Tim Costello is chief executive of World Vision. Photo: Josh Robenstone

Shin Bet, the Israeli intelligence agency, claims Mr El Halabi was recruited by Hamas a decade a ago.

It alleges he controlled a budget worth tens of millions of dollars from which he funnelled money to the terrorist organisation to dig military tunnels, buy weapons and pay the salaries of Hamas members.

Mohammed Al Halabi, right, is seen talking to children in his work as Gaza program manager for World Vision.
Mohammed Al Halabi, right, is seen talking to children in his work as Gaza program manager for World Vision. Photo: World Vision International

In a recent newspaper opinion piece, Mr Danby wrote that the charges "should surprise no one".

"World Vision, a Christian charity 'doing good' amongst the heathen Palestinian Muslims, is in fact not an aid organisation, it is constituted as a church," he said.

Hadassah Australia president Ron Finkel.
Hadassah Australia president Ron Finkel. Photo: Supplied

"Irony of irony that a church would unwittingly support a Jihadist organisation like Hamas."

World Vision has denied the allegations against its worker but said it would take "swift and decisive action" if any of the claims were proven.

The aid organisation suspended its operations in Gaza after being told about the charges.

Australia has since suspended all aid to World Vision in the Palestinian territories, with the Department of Foreign Affairs saying it was troubled by the allegations.

Mr Danby, who recently took out an advertisement in The Australian Jewish News highlighting the charges and who has also written to his constituents objecting to Wednesday night's event, denied calling for a boycott.

"I don't support boycotts," he said.

"But people should stop weeping about World Vision. The real issue is the involvement of World Vision's Gaza director in using Australian taxpayers' money to fund Hamas.

"Hamas is one of the dozen organisation[s] prescribed as terrorists by the Australian Parliament and for which there are criminal sanctions against Australians who support them."

Hadassah Australia, which raises money for a hospital in Jerusalem that treats people of all faiths, said the "tasteless" campaign had had an impact on the number of people attending the event.

"I am the recipient of number emails from people who say specifically because of Michael's campaign they're not coming to the event," said president Ron Finkel.

Mr Finkel said that 200 people were now expected to attend the event, despite earlier projections for more than 400.

"Michael has somewhat twisted things to suggest that this is a World Vision event," Mr Finkel said.

"It's just designed to pour oil onto the fire."

Mr Costello said his speech, Charity in a Time of Terror – from Gaza to Nauru: My World Vision, would not be addressing the upcoming trial.

He said he had seen no evidence of the allegations against Mr El Halabi, who he said only had authority to sign off on payments of up to $15,000.

"There is exaggerated claims of up to $50 million diverted," he said on Wednesday.

"Our total program in Gaza over the last 10 years has been $22.3 million so that's why we're puzzled," Mr Costello said.

"It doesn't make any sense to us.

"We want to see the evidence. And we'll act very, very quickly if there's evidence. We absolutely condemn terrorism or diversion of any funds."
