The Fairfax Mobile Rich Media Ad Unit is a full screen ad experience with sight, sound, motion, and interaction capabilities. It is designed to responsively fit across mobile devices with consistent behaviour that keeps the viewer firmly in control.


Basic Concept

  • Full page is full page. The ad format should take full advantage of the entire available screen.
  • Design once, run anywhere. Screen size variations should be accommodated primarily with responsive implementation – made possible by judicious design input.
  • Sight, sound, motion, plus interaction. The ad unit should allow the creative to take advantage of native device capabilities that can be exposed via html and/or javascript.
  • Respect bandwidth. The ads should make the minimal demands possible on the device and data connection.
  • Viewer control. The user must always be fully in control with an easy to understand and use interface from open to close.
  • A mobile device is defined here as a smartphone (although the same concept will apply to tablet devices in the future). The ad unit will be contained in a web browser and we will predominantly be focusing on iOS and Android devices.


The core components of any full page mobile rich media ad execution are:

  1. Entry point: standard mobile banner 300×50
  2. Full page Overlay
  3. Exit

Entry Point
standard mobile banner
File TypeSee standard mobile banner
NotesStrong call to action for expansion is advised
Full PageFile TypeHTML, CSS, JS, PNG, JPG, GIF
File SizePhase 1: polite download: 100KB
Phase 2: subsequent user initiated additional download: 1933 KB1
Dimensions & OrientationCurrently only supported in Portrait orientation.

320(w) X 444(h)pixels effective creative area2

100(w) X 100(h)% effective full screen overlay
Animation & ControlsCompulsory controls:standard Fairfax close button. For video content, minimum HTML5 native video controls are required (play/stop, mute, volume) as per
Notes1combined total file size = 2.2MB = std. banner (15 KB) + polite loading (100 KB) + user initiated (1933 KB)
Audio / VideoFile TypeVarious file formats and encodings, typically platform dependent / See video
File Sizeuser initiated, streamed or dynamic download, max: 1.2 MB
Dimensions & OrientationMust fit within effective creative area2 and may be expanded to full page, using native video player capabilities
Animation & ControlsMust work harmoniously with native player implementation and satisfy expected user experience.
TerminationFairfax standard mobile close button

Where can this run?

View the “Fairfax Ad Product Site Matrix” to see what sites this product can run.

Lead Times

Tier 1 Custom executions, bespoke solutions and where advised: 10 days lead time or longer.

Your Fairfax Account Manager will advise you about creative lead times at the time of signing your booking.

Revision: 7.14*

Fairfax reserves the right to change the specifications without notice at any time!