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Credit: 'Nino" Eugene La Pia.

North Carolina, come on and raise up

Meet the new bellwether state: North Carolina, where a strong progressive movement rallies faith, environmental, and minority groups together for Moral Mondays, but the state legislature is solidly gerrymandered red. According to the New York Times, "There aren’t many states more important this November than North Carolina, a rapidly changing state crucial to Donald J. Trump’s hopes of winning the White House and to Democrats’ hopes of winning the Senate."

With the stakes extra high, the state NAACP just sued local election boards, alleging that thousands of voters were expunged from eligible lists. Clinton leads early voting, but fewer African-Americans have turned out so far than expected based on 2012 numbers.


To reach their goal, experts agree that New Zealand will need a massive technological breakthrough—one that could involve never-before-used techniques like using gene-editing technologies to target animals’ fertility or creating animal detectors that can “sniff out” rats just like a dog can. 

We're not playing, possum: New Zealanders have agreed to an initiative to exterminate invasive small mammals like rats, stoats, and possums, but no one knows how to do it.

The American teenager is (figuratively) dead

"Adolescence was a term that fit the times." For much of the world, 20th century America was defined by its adolescents, those carefree teens with the privilege not to work. But it was never natural, and now its influence recedes.

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The creepiest part of the whole thing was that Jane realized that the “ghost” had stopped appearing to her around the time that Jim went missing.

Ten real-life scary stories for your Halloween coffee break. See also: a short, moving story by Johanna Gohmann about connecting with her dad through slasher movies.
↩︎ Jezebel

Political hot air got you down? Markets in air

Why not purchase some lovely air from the Rockies, provided in "a convenient can" ($23.99 for "80 breaths of fresh air"). Or perhaps you'd prefer a jar of Welsh air, with "a morning dew feel to it, but enriched with vibrant and flavoursome undertones." A 12-pack of Australia's finest bottled air gets you Bondi Beach and Tasmania. All to service a growing market of people who live in polluted cities.


Some great covers from Action comics, the UK series from the '70s that killed itself with ultraviolence.

Shark attacks don't swing elections

You've heard that shark attacks swing elections? Fortunately—or, unfortunately, depending on how cynical we're feeling in the morning—it's not true.


Instability mostly comes from the interface between the fact that the banks (or shadow banks) can create credit, money, and purchasing power in infinite quantities if we don’t constrain them, and the fact that credit is primarily created to fund the purchase of urban real estate and land, which is somewhat fixed in supply.

A plea for radical economic policies so we don't find ourselves doomed to repeat 2008.
↩︎ Evonomics

The Bronx loses its only bookstore

"The Bronx is home to 1.5 million people, two hundred thousand public-school students, eleven colleges and universities," and no more bookstore.

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