Gender gap costs sub-Sahara Africa $US95 billion a year: New UNDP report

Nairobi, Kenya, 28 August 2016 – Gender inequality is costing sub-Saharan Africa on average $US95 billion a year, peaking at US$105 billion in 2014– or six percent of the region’s GDP – jeopardising the continent’s efforts for inclusive human development and economic growth, according to the Africa Human Development Report 2016: Advancing Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment in Africa, published today by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).

UN Secretary General's opening remarks at breakfast meeting with civil society leaders co-hosted by the RSA, UNDP and the International Aids Society

Thirty years ago, HIV was a terrifying death sentence. Ignorance and fear led to stigma and even more new infections. Thanks to the civil society, the world learned to embrace people living with HIV, draw on their experience, and wage a global drive to end AIDS.

Coalition of actors and coordination needed to realise SDGs and Agenda 2063, say East and Southern African countries

Political leadership, prioritization amongst goals and an all-hands-on deck approach are needed if African countries are to succeed in implementing the universal Agenda 2030 and the continental Agenda 2063, aimed at inclusive prosperity for all, while securing the environment.

Opening Remarks by the UN Resident Coordinator of the United Nations Development System and the UNDP Resident Representative, South Africa – Mr. Gana Fofang SDG and Agenda 2063 Roll Out Workshops Johannesburg, South Africa

On behalf of the UNDP Regional Director for Africa – Abdoulaye Mar Dieye, and on my own behalf, it is my pleasure and privilege to welcome you all to South Africa to this regional workshop on integrating Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development (SDGs) and Agenda 2063 into National Development Plans and Strategies.

Energy efficiency labelling campaign launched at the utility week conference

With South Africa’s on-going electricity crisis and in a bid to reduce the daily energy consumption per household, the Department of Energy (DoE) officially launched the Energy efficiency labelling campaign at the 16th Africa Utility Week Conference held at the Cape Town International Convention Centre. This initiative is part of the USD$13 million project to promote energy efficiency in South Africa, supported by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Global Environmental Facility (GEF) and implemented in collaboration with the Department of Trade and Industry (the dti).

UNPAN Workshop Theme: Positioning SADC UNPAN by Aligning SDGs and AU Agenda 2063 with Innovation as an Anchor

UNDP’s interest in supporting this event is to promote South-South learning on innovative public administration practices. South-South cooperation is one of our priorities as expressed the Country Programme Document (CPD) for South Africa. In all our programme priorities, which include governance and public service delivery, inclusive growth, energy and environment, South-South Cooperation is an important component.

Leaving no one behind: Integrating the Sustainable Development Goals and Agenda 2063 for inclusive growth in Africa

What: Workshop on Integrating the Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development and Africa’s Agenda 2063 into National Development Plans and Strategies in Sub- Saharan Africa. When: Wednesday 15 - Thursday 16 June, 2016 Where: The Capital West Hotel, Morningside, Johannesburg, South Africa Who: Mr Jeff Radebe, Minister in the Presidency, South Africa Dr Anthony Maruping, Commissioner for Economic Affairs, African Union Commission H.E. Mr. Talgat Kaliyev, Ambassador of Kazakhstan to South Africa Mr Gana Fofang, UN Resident Coordinator & UNDP Resident Representative, South Africa

OR Tambo Debate Series - the new dynamic to support the National Development Plan

Since the adoption of the National Development Plan (NDP), the government has shifted its focus towards achieving the goals set out in the plan. In an attempt to contribute and assist government to effectively implement priorities outlined in the plan, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in South Africa in partnership with the Department of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation (DPME); the Tambo Foundation (TF), and the Wits School of Governance (WSG) agreed to collaborate on an ambitious programme to support this new focus.

Malawi Parliamentary women caucus members visit South Africa

Members of Parliament (MPs) from Malawi and South Africa recently met to exchange experiences on good practices in gender transformation. The interaction took place during a four-day visit by the Malawian Parliamentary delegation to South Africa which was hosted by UNWOMEN.

Limpopo women preserve, revive cultural diversity, food sovereignty in South Africa

Limpopo is well known for its rich indigenous culture and environment. However, due to modernization, industrialization and population growth, most of the indigenous plants and fresh waters are being lost and heavily polluted, respectively.

UNDP South Africa participates in the Africa Regional Health, Gender and Capital Projects Initiative.

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in South Africa is among 19 countries in Africa that are participating in the Health, Gender and Capital Projects initiative started by Regional Service Centre and the African Development Bank (AfDB).

Helen Clark: Keynote Speech at the Publish What You Fund Aid Transparency Index Launch

I am delighted to join this launch of the 2016 Publish What You Fund Aid Transparency Index. UNDP places the utmost importance on making information about its activities freely available and accessible. I am delighted that UNDP is ranked number one for the second year running in this year’s index.

UNDP Administrator Helen Clark Statement on the Adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals

I welcome this momentous decision by Member States to adopt the Sustainable Development Goals which will guide development for the next fifteen years, offering a chance to meet the global citizenry's aspirations for a more peaceful and prosperous, and sustainable future.