Federal Politics

Q&A;: Sussan Ley contradicts Peter Dutton on new asylum seeker policy

Health Minister Sussan Ley has denied the government's new hardline asylum seeker policy will apply to people currently living in Australia, a statement contradicted by Immigration Minister Peter Dutton.

On the ABC's Q&A; on Monday night, Ms Ley - who is a member of cabinet - was questioned about a permanent ban on asylum seekers ever entering Australia if they arrive by boat.

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It was a mixed bag of gotcha moments and colourful metaphors as the panel debated immigration, taxation and feminism. Vision: ABC TV

The ban would apply even if asylum seekers settle in another country and seek to arrive in Australia as tourists decades later.

When asked if there were people on bridging visas in Australia who will be affected by the legislation, Ms Ley responded, "no".

"Because the people who are affected by this are those who are in Manus and Nauru now," she said.

She was interrupted by host Tony Jones, who said he had put the same question to Peter Dutton's office and been told the opposite.


"Their answer came back to us late this afternoon, it's yes, the answer is yes," Jones said, adding he was told "a relatively small number" would be affected.

The ban would apply to all adults detained at the Manus Island or Nauru detention centres from July 19, 2013 - including those who have chosen to return home.

Those under the age of 18 when they were processed are exempt.

Ms Ley clarified that "few" people currently in Australia would be affected.

"There are very few people who have been processed in Manus and Nauru who are now in Australia," she said. "I know the number is few."

Labor MP Joel Fitzgibbon, the shadow minister for agriculture, said Ms Ley's initial answer was "the beginning of the unravelling of this policy".

"I think this is very sad," Mr Fitzgibbon said. "Possibly the worst aspect of this is it's in response to nothing. There's no build-up here. There was not a problem to fix.

"What they are now saying is if you have the audacity to flee persecution and make your way after paying people smugglers on to a boat, you will get a life sentence."

However, despite his condemnation, Mr Fitzgibbon would not say if he or the Labor party would vote against the legislation when it is introduced.

On Monday, Labor leader Bill Shorten said he would "look closely" at the legislation but also did not say he would vote against it.

Farmer and mental health advocate Katrina Myers, who was also on the panel, said Australia's focus on mental health shouldn't stop at its borders.

"Where has the empathy gone? I put myself in the shoes of these people and it just makes me sad," Ms Myers said.

"This new announcement, to me, it just seems like we've lost perspective again."