Federal Politics

Coalition not spooked by latest rise of Pauline Hanson's One Nation: minister Darren Chester

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The Coalition's latest hardline immigration push and a renewed focus on Queensland isn't a response to strong One Nation polling, according to Transport Minister Darren Chester. 

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull toured the state last week ahead of the government announcing plans to permanently ban refugees and asylum seekers arriving in Australia by boat from ever returning to the country, a move praised by Senator Pauline Hanson who claimed her party was calling the shots for the Coalition. 

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Labor leader in the Senate Penny Wong believes One Nation leader Pauline Hanson’s views will “never build a community, they will only tear one apart”.

Senator Hanson on Monday offered approval for the proposal.

"Good to see that it looks like the government is now taking its cues from One Nation. Just like last time," she said, a reference to claims the Howard government adopted the party's policies in the late 1990s. 

Not scared: Minister for Infrastructure and Transport Darren Chester.
Not scared: Minister for Infrastructure and Transport Darren Chester. Photo: Jamila Toderas

Speaking on ABC radio on Tuesday, Mr Chester denied the Liberal-National Coalition was spooked by One Nation's strong polling in the state. 

"We're not taking our marching orders from One Nation," he said. 


"I understand the commentariat would like to speculate on that and I am sure that Pauline Hanson and One Nation will try and take credit for good government policies when they agree with them. That's not unusual in the political world." 

Mr Chester said all the easy decisions about immigration laws had been made and Mr Turnbull had taken a hardline. 

One Nation Senator Pauline Hanson giving her first speech in the Senate.
One Nation Senator Pauline Hanson giving her first speech in the Senate. Photo: Alex Ellinghausen

He said One Nation's popularity should be kept in perspective. 

"In the last federal election there's no question there was a significant vote of support for One Nation.

"I think half a million people voted for that party but in the context of the support for the Coalition and the major parties, the numbers are relatively small. There's a cohort of people out there looking for something different in their political choices and they're entitled to make those decisions, that's how a democratic system works." 

Backbench senator Cory Bernardi has previously argued the Coalition should adopt One Nation polices, but "with a bit more nuance and maybe a little bit more delicacy."

Foreign Minister Julie Bishop also denied the proposed laws, announced on Sunday, were designed to appeal to One Nation's supporters.

"This is the last piece of the work that we have to do to clean up the chaos after Labor's border protection policies, which I suggest would be one of the worst policy failures in living memory," she said. 

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